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All About Deer

Deer Hunting Tips & Techniques

Spring Scouting - by T.R. Michels

While many hunters begin to pattern a buck in the fall, when it starts to shed velvet and make fresh rubs, it is actually easier to pattern a buck in the spring. Although the less used buck trails may not be as visible in the spring the rubs and scrapes are clearly evident. Even if the buck that initially made the rubs and scrapes has been shot other bucks will often use the same rub route. The trails used by bucks are chosen because they offer security. They are usually the safest means of travel from the buck's bedding area, through adjacent doe use areas, to nighttime food sources. more...

Featured Deer Products
Pak-It Deer Guide
The PAK-IT Guide™ to Field Dressing a Deer supplies practical step by step assistance in proper field dressing.
Wildlife Art
Large assortment of quality prints by well known artists at great prices. Check them out

Videos and DVDs
Wide selection of deer hunting and instructional videos and dvd's, all at great prices
This patented recognition feedback program lets you compare your deer and elk calls to the pros. Contains over one hour of tips, techniques and calling secrets

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