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Submission Policy

Submission Guidelines

We care a great deal about the quality of our directory. In order to ensure the smooth running of the directory, we may have to delete submissions that violate these policies or that we believe otherwise disrupt the operation of the directory.


Unacceptable Sites & Content
Prior Submission Check
How To Submit
Reasons Why Submissions Are Not Approved - Important
The Decision For Inclusion
Can I Resubmit My Web Site?
Editing An Existing Link

Unacceptable Sites & Content

Examples of unacceptable web sites include, but are not limited to:

  1. No adult sites or adult related content.
  2. No sites under construction or with broken links & missing images.
  3. No illegal sites containing copyright infringement, plagiarism, violence, fraud, child pornography, racism, vulgarity or warez.
  4. Do not submit mirror sites with the same or similar content, but different URL's - this will result in the deletion and permanent banning of both sites.
  5. Do not submit subdomains - use the top-level domain.
  6. Do not disguise your web site address - for example: & - this will result in the deletion of both URL's.
  7. Only sites with English content will be accepted into the directory. All submissions must be in English.
  8. A site submitted to an inappropriate category shall not be added.
  9. Sites with popups / pop unders will not be listed.

Prior Submission Check

Before submitting to the directory check to see if your site is already listed.

Checking For A Web Site Listing

  1. The best way of doing this is to use our URL checking tool below.
    If you're checking for
    Type the web site domain name into the search box, for example:
  2. URL Checker:
    (new window)

How To Submit

To submit a site to the directory select the correct category where you would like your site listed. If your category is not listed in the directory select the closest category describing your web site. On the site submission page suggest a new category & subcategory if necessary. Fill in all the required details in the form & click the "Submit" button.

Note: Submissions via email are not accepted. Submitting your listing directly to the correct category is the fastest way to be entered into the directory.


Reasons Why Submissions Are Not Approved

  1. The description and or detailed entry consists mainly of keywords. 99% of unsuccessful submissions are because of keyword listing. A carefully written description is of utmost importance.
  2. Only submit top level domains - sub domains are not accepted.
  3. Only submit your homepage - do not submit sub-folders.
  4. Inappropriate CAPITALIZATI0N of words.
  5. Including product pricing and special offers. These are subject to change and are therefore not accepted.
  6. Excessive or incorrect punctuation.
  7. Exclamation marks in the title.
  8. Repeated & excessive use of exclamation marks!
  9. These punctuation rules apply to all other punctuation if used inappropriately or incorrectly.
  10. Words such as "cool, hottest, best (best in the world), unbeatable, ultimate, top, largest, your only source" & other such terms of similar meaning.
  11. Use of pop-ups and pop-unders.
  12. Excessive opening of new windows when browsing.
  13. Submissions via email are not accepted.

The Decision For Inclusion

Ultimately the decision for inclusion or exclusion lies with the submissions editor at - who has been known to be fair - occasionally! Our aim is to provide our visitors with a resource of useful sites, therefore we do not include such sites that are under construction or of little content value for that reason.

Can I Resubmit My Web Site?

  1. In short, Yes.
  2. If your new submission meets these guidelines we will by all means reconsider your listing.
  3. This does not guarantee inclusion.

Note: Submissions with missing data (this can occur when copying & pasting) cannot be edited in the directory as they do not exist. Please ensure your details are 100% correct as omissions cannot be corrected without resubmitting your details over again. This also applies to submissions which do not meet our guidelines above. Once a listing has been approved & is visible in the directory it can be edited at any time.


Submit A Site

Note: These guidelines have be created to help you submit successfully. Notes have been provided on the submission form to further aid in successful submission. receives many entry requests per day. It is important you put a little thought into your submission. We will match your effort in reviewing your website as you have in creating it.

A quality website requires a quality description. Descriptions are reviewed before a visit is made. This solely determines whether a website review is required.

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