Creatine Monohydrate Micronized Powder
Creatine Monohydrate has been used for years by millions of athletes as a safe and effective method of increasing endurance while diminishing the time it takes the body to recover. The body produces certain levels of creatine naturally. As these stores are used up, fatigue and lactic acid buildup sets in. By augmenting the body's own production with a creatine supplement, additional creatine becomes available to muscle cells helping to increase power, endurance and muscle size by means of cell volumizing. Athletic potential
is determined in part by two very significant factors, power and endurance.
By increasing these two factors, an athlete can look forward to greater
ability and achievement. While many supplements have been introduced
with the promise of delivering increased athletic performance, actual
results were never realized. In 1922, research
published in the British medical journal "Clinical Science"
cited remarkable benefits obtained from a new supplement administered
to athletes. The supplement was Creatine Monohydrate and the results
from the research would create a new path for athletes to follow to
attain greater physical conditioning. What is Creatine
Monohydrate? Using only American
made raw material, Vitalabs Creatine Monohydrate is guaranteed to be
of the highest quality possible. Every batch is certified by independent
laboratory analysis and must meet the following specifications:
The Strength
Supplement that Improves Brain Power For those interested in maintaining a sharp mind and a supple figure, creatine is a must-take supplement. Many know creatine only as a popular supplement used by athletes, bodybuilders, and other fitness enthusiasts to maintain muscle mass and improve exercise performance. But exciting new scientific evidence shows that creatine not only can help people with degenerative neurological disorders, but also may help just about everyone maintain a healthy, clear-thinking mind. Keeping
Muscles Strong and Healthy Essential
for Maintaining Energy The Brains
Thirst for Energy The surprising answer is none of the above. The part of the human body that needs the most energy is the small, three-pound mass of gray matter residing in the skullthe brain. While the human brain makes up only 1-3% of a persons total body weight, its billions of neurons (the brains active nerve cells) use 15-20% of the bodys total ATP-derived energy. Energy derived from ATP is used by the brain for neuronal repair, to produce, package, and secrete neurotransmitters, and to power the bioelectrical discharges that occur when neurons communicate with one another. This bioelectrical process, which is active every second of every day, occurs via the rapid, continuous exchange of sodium and potassium ions across neuronal membranes, a process that depends on biochemical pumps inside the membrane to move the sodium and potassium ions back and forth. It has been estimated that as much as 45% of a neurons ATP may be used to power these all-important sodium-potassium pumps. Creatine
and Neurodegenerative Disorders GMAT deficiency is an autosomal recessive disorder in which creatine levels in the brain are almost undetectable. This genetic deficiency manifests early in life as developmental delay, mental retardation, speech disabilities, and muscular weakness. Studies have shown that oral creatine supplementation by patients with this disorder can help slow or even reverse some of its most debilitating symptoms. AGAT (arginine: glycine amidinotransferase) deficiency is another autosomal genetic disorder in which minimal or no creatine metabolism in the brain results in mental retardation, language disorders, and poor fine motor skills.3 In a study of two sisters aged four and six years with AGAT deficiency, creatine supplementation caused rapid progress in fine motor skills and an increase in general cognitive development. Three Deadly
Neurological Diseases While scientists continue to search for the cause of Park-insons, some medical researchers are postulating that impairment of the ATP energy-generated system and oxidative damage to neurons may play key roles in the pathogenesis of this disease affecting 1.5 million Americans.5 Supplements such as creatine, which can help boost ATP levels and work as antioxidants, are being examined as possibly safe and effective fighters of Parkinsons disease. Recent animal studies are quite promising and show that creatine supplementation can protect against both the dopamine depletion and neuronal loss seen in Parkinsons.5,6 While no human studies have been published, it makes sense to think that supplements such as creatine, which can act as a potent brain antioxidant and boost ATP function, may prove to be valuable tools in combating Parkinsons. Creatine supplementation
also may prove to be a valuable weapon in the fight against Huntingtons
disease. This devastating, irreversible neurological and genetic disorder
affects a quarter of a million Americans and robs them of the ability
to walk, think, talk and reason. At present, no effective cure exists
for Huntingtons disease. Yet here again, creatine supplementation
may prove to be useful in ameliorating some of the diseases most
debilitating effects. A 1998 study found creatine supplementation offered
significant protection against Huntingtons-like brain damage in
rats.7 The studys authors concluded, oral administration
of either creatine or cyclocreatine can buffer cellular ATP concentrations
and can attenuate cell death in animal models that mimic the neuropathological
and clinical phenotype of Huntingtons disease. More good
news emerged from a study published in July 2003 that examined the effects
of 10 grams a day of creatine on patients with Huntingtons disease.8
After one year, patients who took supplemental creatine showed no measurable
change in their mental condition, a sign that creatine was able to stop
the neurological degeneration associated with Huntingtons disease. Keeping
Mind and Memory Strong Several well-researched studies have conclusively demonstrated that brain creatine levels are tied to optimal memory ability and retention. One study published in 2000 examined working memory abilitydefined as the brains capacity to hold information for future use without the use of external cuesin children using magnetic resonance spectroscopy to measure various brain neurochemicals.10 The researchers found that children with the highest levels of creatine had the most robust working memory, and concluded: we speculate that higher resting creatine levels may allow for greater in-task activation [and] facilitate processing. Brain creatine levels also have been found to correlate with memory ability in older adults. A study published in February 2003 examined via magnetic resonance spectroscopy changes in the brain in 20 older adults (average age of 70) during memory training tasks.11 The researchers found that brain creatine levels rose during memory training. Another article published recently in Neuroscience Research examined the effects of supplemental creatine on mental fatigue in 24 adult men and women.12 In this double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, subjects who took 8 grams of creatine daily over a five-day period showed significantly less mental fatigue while performing simple mathematical calculations compared to the subjects who did not take creatine. The authors noted that while they did not know the specific mechanism of action, creatine appeared to help increase oxygen utilization in the brain. As in earlier studies, subjects who took creatine scored significantly higher on tests for both memory and analytical skills compared to those who took placebo. The studys authors concluded: creatine supplementation had a significant positive effect on both working memory and intelligence, both tasks that require [mental] speed of processing. These findings underline a dynamic and significant role of brain energy capacity [and creatine] in influencing brain performance. However begrudgingly and slow, mainstream medicine appears to be coming to the acceptance that the brain and body are one. Many have long held the notion that one has to forsake the brain to develop the body, and vice versa. Creatine, however, has been shown in multiple studies to be a safe, effective supplement that nourishes both the mind and body, helping each to achieve greater levels of functioning. Creatine Tri-Phase, Creatine-Whey-Glutamine Powder, Creatine Pills 1000mg, Creatine NGH (Natural Growth hormone), Creatine Monohydrate Micronized Powder
2. Kreider RB. Effects of creatine supplemen- tation on performance and training adapta- tions. Mol Cell Biochem. 2003 Feb;244(1-2): 89-94. 3. Wyss M, Schulze A. Health implications of creatine: can oral creatine supplementation protect against neurological and atheroscle- rotic disease? Neuroscience. 2002;112(2):243-60. 4. Lawler JM, Barnes WS, Wu G, Song W, Demaree S. Direct antioxidant properties of creatine. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2002 Jan;290(1):47-52. 5. Beal MF. Mitochondria, oxidative damage, and inflammation in Parkinsons disease. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2003 Jun;991:120-31. 6. Tarnopolsky MA, Beal MF. Potential for cre- atine and other therapies targeting cellular energy dysfunction in neurological disorders. Ann Neurol. 2001 May;49(5):561-74. 7. Matthews RT, Yang L, Jenkins BG, et al. Neuroprotective effects of creatine and cyclocreatine in animal models of Huntingtons disease. J Neurosci. 1998 Jan 1;18(1):156-63. 8. Tabrizi SJ, Blamire AM, Manners DN, et al. Creatine therapy for Huntingtons disease: Clinical and MRS findings in a 1-year pilot study. Neurology. 2003 Jul 8;61(1):141-2. 9. Laakso MP, Hiltunen Y, Kononen M, et al. Decreased brain creatine levels in elderly apolipoprotein E epsilon 4 carriers. J Neural Transm. 2003 Mar;110(3):267-75. 10. Yeo RA, Hill D, Campbell R, Vigil J, Brooks WM. Developmental instability and working memory ability in children: a mag- netic resonance spectroscopy investigation. Dev Neuropsychol. 2000;17(2):143-59. 11. Valenzuela MJ, Jones M, Wen W, et al. Memory training alters hippocampal neuro- chemistry in healthy elderly. Neuroreport. 2003 Jul 18;14(10):1333-7. 12. Watanabe A,
Kato N, Kato T. Effects of cre- atine on mental fatigue and cerebral
hemoglobin oxygenation. Neurosci Res. 13. Rae C, Digney AL, McEwan SR, Bates TC. Oral creatine monohydrate supplementation improves brain performance: a double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over trial. Proc R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2003 Oct 22;270(1529):2147-50.
Creatine Tri-Phase, Creatine-Whey-Glutamine Powder, Creatine Pills 1000mg, Creatine NGH (Natural Growth hormone), Creatine Monohydrate Micronized Powder
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