The Wayback Machine -

Fisherman's Express location


Our Location

Holiday Hours
(8AM - 8PM Mon - Sat, 10 - 6 Sun)

Our downtown store offers high-quality Alaska king crab, a premium selection of fresh-frozen Alaskan seafood, and a variety of smoked salmon gifts. We also offer airline-safe travel packs, overnight shipping services, and much more! Stop by and visit us.

Heading out of town or flying to the lower 48?
Don't forget to take some delicious Alaska seafood with you
to share with your friends and family.

We package airline-safe seafood travel packs in minutes.

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During the summer you can also find us at the Alaska State Fair serving scrumptious goodies from Alaska's waters. In the past years we have featured bacon-wrapped scallops, king crab bisque, sidestripe shrimp fritters, our famous Alaska crab cakes, and fried Alaskan razor clams.

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