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Explore Tryon Palace Historic Sites & Gardens and you’ll discover a world of people, places and objects from the past waiting to serve, challenge and entertain you.

Our historic homes are as varied as were their inhabitants. Each offers intriguing glimpses into changing lifestyles from the last days of colonialism through the early decades of our nation. Our gardens offer lots of variety, as well, and include contemporary, as well as historic plants and interpretations.

Click on other collections for a curator’s eye view of our holdings.
The majority of our collection pieces - like our 18th-century English furniture, for example - can be seen in our historic houses. But there are hidden treasures, too. You’ll uncover them here. While you’re browsing, check out the Carraway Library, a wonderful resource for researchers and others interested in learning more about colonial and early American history and lifestyles.

The North Carolina History Education Center is our newest undertaking. Scheduled to open in 2009, it promises to make history accessible, relevant and fun for 21st-century audiences.

The Features section offers a variety of stories that take you behind the scenes at Tryon Palace Historic Sites & Gardens.

Links invites you to drop in on other web sites that share our interests.

Wheelchairs are available in the Visitor Center.  The following areas are accessible:
Palace (first floor), Kitchen (first floor), Stable, Crafts and Garden Shop and Gardens.  With advance notice, we will arrange special tours for the hearing or visually impaired.

Tryon Palace Historic Sites & Gardens is a part of the Division of State Historic Sites
within the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources.