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MARKETPLACE:  Auto | Jobs | People Search | Personals | Travel | Yellow Pages  April 20, 2006
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The Bay Area's News Station
Losing the Weight Gain of Pregnancy
Researchers help women lose weight gained during pregnancy in an effort to prevent future heart problems, diabetes, and some cancers.
UCSF Research Helps Aneurysm Patients
Researchers at the University of California - San Francisco are developing unique new three dimensional imaging technology which could help patients suffering from potentially deadly aneurysms.
Cancer Killing Fewer Americans
The rate of cancer cases diagnosed in the United States has stabilized, but the cancer death rate continues to decline.
Maker of Blood-sugar Monitors Warned by FDA
The FDA has warned a Milpitas company over problems with its blood-sugar monitors, used by million of diabetics around the world.
Complications from Implants After Mastectomy
Breast implants in women who have undergone mastectomies often result in complications that require more surgery, a study in Denmark found.
CDC Reports West Nile Cases Up
West Nile virus cases in the U.S. rose more than 16 percent this year, with a marked increase, as feared, along the hurricane-ravaged Gulf Coast, the government reported Thursday.
CA Sees Rise in Whooping Cough Cases
About three times as many whooping cough cases have been reported in California this year as in 2004, according to the state Department of Health Services.
NIH to Create Map of Cancer's Genetic Makeup
If all the ways genes run amok to cause cancer were laid out in a dictionary, scientists would be able to decipher only a small part of the first page.
Mice Grow Human Brain Cells
Scientists announced Monday that they had created mice with small amounts of human brain cells in an effort to make realistic models of neurological disorders such as Parkinson's disease.
Oral HIV Test Turns up False Positives in SF
A promising new oral HIV test that uses fluid swabbed from the mouth to quickly and easily detect the virus that causes AIDS incorrectly diagnosed a quarter of the people who tested positive in San Francisco, city health officials found.
Study: Pacifiers Seem to Reduce SIDS Risk
There's more evidence suggesting that a pacifier can dramatically reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome.
Smallpox Vaccine May Trigger Heart Problem
Smallpox shots may have triggered a painful heart inflammation in a very small number of emergency workers vaccinated after Sept. 11, researchers say.
Study Links School Bake Sales with Obesity
Schools that run bake sales and let teachers reward students with candy risk having more overweight pupils, a study in Minneapolis suggests.
FDA Advisers Say ADHD Patch Is Safe
A federal advisory panel determined Friday that the first skin patch to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children is safe, bringing the patch a step closer to regulatory approval.
California HIV Infections Near 1980s Levels
A new study shows the number of people infected with HIV in California now tops out at 150,000 -- an infection rate not seen since the 1980s.
French Doctors Perform Face Transplant
Doctors have performed the world's first partial face transplant, grafting a nose, lips and chin onto a 38-year-old woman disfigured by a dog bite, hospital officials said Wednesday.

Post Your Resume to Find a Job
Looking for a new job? Post your resume and increase your chances!
2006 Tax Guide
Where's my refund?
Minimally Invasive Surgery for GERD
If you have severe reflux disease, you may be interested in the minimally invasive solutions.

Lullaby Lane Baby Photos
Click above to e-mail your photos or send them to:
KRON 4 Lullaby Lane Photo
P.O. Box 3412
San Francisco, CA 94119
Winners chosen every Friday on the KRON 4 Morning News to receive $100 Lullaby Lane Gift Certificate. 

Brand Your Business
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CA Lottery Results
Check winning numbers now.

Avon Walk for Breast Cancer
Learn how to participate and support the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer set for San Francisco July 8-9, 2006
The California Mille
Learn more about the California Mille classic automobile event. KRON 4 will broadcast the preview show on Sunday, April 30th at 12:00 noon.

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