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35# Rogue River Fall King Salmon
Rogue River Guide Service
Gold Beach Oregon

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Oregon King Salmon Fishing photos

Rogue River Salmon Fishing

Salmon Fishing

The Rogue River provides the best Spring Chinook Salmon fishing and Fall King Salmon fishing in Oregon. Famous Salmon Fishing rivers of Southern Oregon include Wild and Scenic rivers like the Rogue River, Chetco River, Elk River and Sixes River; all featuring fabulous Fall King Salmon fishing.

The Rogue River offers some of the worlds best Spring Chinook Salmon fishing.  The Rogue River is located on the Southern Oregon Coast where the Rogue River meets the Pacific Ocean at Gold Beach Oregon.

Fish Oregon and Rogue River Guide Service with 30 years of experience Oregon Spring Chinook Salmon fishing and Oregon Fall King Salmon fishing will give you and your salmon fishing party a pleasant salmon fishing experience on Southern Oregon rivers, famous for Fall King Salmon fishing and Spring Chinook Salmon fishing trips.

Check out our other site Rogue River Country


Rogue River Spring Chinook Salmon Fishing

Oregon Spring Chinook Salmon

The best Spring Chinook Salmon fishing in the world is found on the famous Rogue River at Gold Beach Oregon. The Rogue River Spring Chinook salmon won the Worlds Fair for eating quality every year entered. A fabulous quality Chinook Salmon for both fighting and eating, Spring Chinook Salmon run 15 to 40 pounds each, with a limit of two Spring Chinook Salmon per angler per day. Spring Chinook salmon fishing is a great fishery on the Rogue River for all skill levels. We use our 22 ft. Rogue Power Boat for accessing the lower 37 miles of the Wild and Scenic Rogue River when Spring Chinook Salmon fishing. Methods for Rogue River Spring Chinook fishing is to place our Rogue powerboat in narrow migration paths by anchoring on an inside corner in 3 to 6 ft. of water to intercept fast moving Spring Chinook Salmon. The Spring Chinook Salmon is intent on moving very fast upriver 150 miles to the Upper Rogue River spawning beds. Rogue River Spring Chinook fishing is entirely a conventional style of fishing with no fly fishing opportunities. Best baits are anchovies and spinners on the Lower Rogue River near Gold Beach Oregon and bounced roe and plugs on Upper Rogue near Medford Oregon. Seasons for Spring Chinook Salmon fishing are the middle of March to early June at Gold Beach Oregon and the Lower Rogue River; late May to late July on Upper Rogue River near Medford Oregon.

      Book Your Guided Spring Chinook Salmon Fishing Trip online!                                      Click Here

Trip Cost: $150.00 to $175.00 per person, $200.00 single
4 people $600.00 for boat.
Dad and son with nice Rogue River Spring Chinook Salmon
Rogue River Fall Chinook Salmon at Gold Beach, Oregon with Fish Oregon Guide Serve. Don Larmoth
Don Larmouth with nice
Rogue River Fall King Salmon
Rogue River Fall Chinook Salmon Fishing

King Salmon Fishing

The Rogue River Fall King Salmon fishing begins ahead of all other rivers on the Oregon and California coast. Oregon Fall King Salmon will stack in the lower 3 miles of the Rogue River in cool tidal waters giving the angler lots of fresh Oregon Fall King Salmon milling in the estuary. We troll for these Ocean bright King Salmon brutes with anchovies and spinners. This is an easily learned Fall King Salmon fishing and anyone can participate. King Salmon run 18 to 50 # with most in low to mid 20's. Success is high with a two King Salmon limit. By mid Sept we are able to move upriver and fish the moving Fall King Salmon as they head to spawning area still in great condition.
This allows us to fish roe and back troll plugs.

     Book Your Guided Oregon Fall King Salmon Salmon fishing Trip online!       Click Here

Trip Cost: $150.00 to $175.00 per person, $200.00 single
full boat (4 people) $600.00

43# and 44# Rogue River
Fall King Salmon August 2001
Rogue River Late Fall and Winter Salmon Fishing

Chetco ~ Elk ~ Sixes Rivers Fall King Salmon fishing

The Oregon Fall King Salmon fishing in these rivers will test the best King Salmon angler. They are stronger King Salmon than any other. We will often set our drags on maximum stun to handle these King Salmon brutes. They are not the eating quality of earlier Spring Chinook runs but the make up for it in action. Running in size from 25 to 60 pounds with most fish 25 to 38 pounds. These Oregon Fall King Salmon are in small streams, only about 50 miles long and brushy. Powerful and aggressive it is not uncommon to hook 10 to 15 Fall King Salmon fish daily. We use drift boats for two anglers fishing roe and plugs. These are trips to dream about.
October to December limit two fish.

   Book Your Guided Fall King Salmon Fishing Trip online!                                      Click Here

Trip Cost: $175.00 per person $225.00 single

Hann Lee with 42#
Sixes River Oregon Fall King Salmon

Rick and Julie Tolar of Idaho have been
fishing with us for 15 years

35# Rogue River Fall King Salmon
Aug. 2001

17 & 35# Rogue River
Oregon King Salmon Fishing

Dad and son with Sping Chinook Salmon 

38# , 24#, 41#, 45# Kent Kopke Family
Boise Idaho Fall King Salmon Fishing

4 over 30# 3 over 40# Kent Kopke Family
day 2 Boise Idaho
Oregon Fall King Salmon Fishing

24# Rogue River
Oregon Fall King Salmon Fishing
Aug. 2001

Team Work on a over 30#
Oregon Fall King Salmon Fishing
Sept. 2001

2 over 40# Kent Kopke Family day 3
Rogue River Fall King Salmon Fishing

or 541-247-4138
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Fish Oregon
Steve and Eva Beyerlin
94575 Chandler Road ~ Gold Beach Oregon 97444

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