Site updated: April 2005
Hi! My name is Traian and I'll be presenting you my puzzles web site.
Since I like completing jigsaw puzzles and I'm skilled in computer programming, it makes sense for me to write some jigsaw puzzle games!
Look around and you will find on my site two versions of a jigsaw puzzle game plus some other projects still on the drawing board (crossword and slide puzzles).
I'll shut up now and leave you to do some reading...
Play jigsaw puzzles at the 'Pro' level!
Download the demo version and try it yourself!
Buy Now the game for $29.95 $19.95 and get Pro-puzzling!
I wrote this jigsaw puzzle game to bring you the most complete game of this genre ever created. Also, I designed the gameplay so that you can complete the puzzles with a lot of ease, focusing your attention on the puzzle itself, not on the game!
Some unique features: a 400 jigsaw puzzle database (free), three-state pins, a very useful scroll system, static/dynamic loupe, etc....!
Providing addiction without any side-effects!
Download the demo version and try it yourself!
Buy Now the game for $19.95 $14.95 and get 400 electronic jigsaw puzzles at the cost of just one ordinary puzzle!
The 'Lite' version is the baby brother of the heavy-weight 'Pro' version. I made this version because of the numerous requests of a simpler, less crowded interface.
The game will bring you tons of fun completing the 400 jigsaw puzzles I gathered for you! It's designed so you can start puzzling in just one minute, with a very intuitive interface.
Swap your brains around!
These puzzle games have more than one name: Slide/Slider/Sliding Puzzles.
The game goes like this: the initial image is cut in square-like pieces; the bottom right piece is removed and the pieces scrambled.
Now swap the pieces around until you reconstructed the initial image!
Puzzle games coming soon: crossword puzzles (online!, desktop crossword maker, desktop crossword player), and the desktop game: X-plosive Slide Puzzles.
Participate in my Beta Test of the Online Crossword Puzzles! Go here, try this online puzzle game and mail me your suggestions. In about a week the X-plosive Crossword Puzzles Online will be completed and running.
For your convenience here are some shortcuts to my online jigsaw puzzles:
Creative JigSaw Puzzles
To see all my newsletters go here. I have them specialized, one for each of the puzzle games.
Online Puzzles
The Flash Online Puzzles are online demonstrations of the desktop games. They are free and don't require registration.
Online JigSaw Puzzles
Online Slide Puzzles
Online CrossWord Puzzles
Demo Puzzles
The demo downloads of my games are time-limited versions. You can try all my puzzle games before you buy them. Download now the demo version of each game and try it!
Download JigSaw Puzzles Lite
Download JigSaw Puzzles Pro
Puzzles 4 Webmasters
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