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Description:  The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a  loving dog, they are good natured and loves children. They make a good companion for the young and old alike.  A fearless, lively little dog with a cheerful disposition, They are sociable and friendly with both people and other dogs.

Height:   12 - 13 inches
Weight:  10 - 18 lbs.

Colors:  Recognised colours are:
Black and Tan: raven black with tan markings above the eyes, on cheeks, inside ears, on chest and legs and underside of tail. Tan should be bright. White marks undesirable.
Ruby: whole coloured rich red. White markings undesirable.
Blenheim: rich chestnut markings well broken up, on pearly white ground. Markings evenly divided on head, leaving room between ears for much valued lozenge mark or spot (a unique characteristic of the breed).
Tricolour: black and white well spaced, broken up, with tan markings over eyes, cheeks, inside ears, inside legs, and on underside of tail.
Any other colour or combination of colours highly undesirable.

Coat:  Long, silky, free from curl and plenty of feathering

Eyes: Large, dark, round but prominent, spaced well apart

Temperament:   Friendly, obedient, sensible

With Children:  Yes, children should be older if just a puppy. 

With Pets:  Good

Special Skills: Family pet.

Watch-dog:  Moderate

Guard-dog:  Low

Care and Training:   Weekly grooming with a firm bristle brush with special attention to the ears. Bathe only when necessary.  Minimal exercise is needed, but he does enjoy a romp in the park or a backyard with a playmate.  

Learning Rate:  High intelligence.

Activity:  Moderate

Living Environment: Indoor dog. Best with fenced yard and walks on leash.

Life Span:  9 - 11 Years

Litter Size:  2 - 6

Country of Origin:  Great Britain

A proud mum

Where's the food

It's been a big day


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