|  | Whatcom | Cable Median Barriers | |
| | Clark | Columbia River Crossing - Vancouver | |
 | | Snohomish | Everett - East Everett Avenue Crossing | |
 | | Skagit | Ferry System - Anacortes Multimodal Terminal |  |
 | | Snohomish | Ferry System - Edmonds Multimodal Terminal |  |
 | | Snohomish | Ferry System - Mukilteo Multimodal Terminal |  |
 | | | Ferry System - Terminal Preservation | |
| | | Ferry System - Vessel Preservation | |
| | Benton | I-182 - Queensgate / Thayer I/C Improvements | |
 | | Clark | I-205 - Mill Plain Exit - 112th Connector |  |
|  | Clark | I-205 - Mill Plain Interchange to NE 28th Street | |
|  | Clark | I-205 - Mill Plain SB Off Ramp Improvements | |
| | | I-405 - Bothell/Canyon Park Freeway Station | |
|  | King | I-405 - Renton To Bellevue Project SR 169 to I-90 | |
 | | King | I-405 - SE 8th to I-90 (South Bellevue) |  |
| | King | I-405 - SR 167 Grade Separation Ramp | |
 | | King | I-405 - SR 520 to SR 522 |  |
 | | King | I-405 - Totem Lake Freeway Station | |
 | | King | I-405 - West Valley Highway to Maple Valley Highway |  |
|  | | I-5 - 116th St. Interchange | |
| | Snohomish | I-5 - 124th St. Bicycle/Pedestrian Overpass | |
|  | Snohomish | I-5 - 196th (SR 524) Interchange Project | |
|  | Snohomish | I-5 - 196th Street Braided Ramp | |
 | | Skagit | I-5 - 2nd Street Bridge Replacement |  |
|  | Whatcom | I-5 - 36th Street Vicinity to SR 542 Vicinity | |
|  | Snohomish | I-5 - 41st Street Interchange Improvements | |
 | | Snohomish | I-5 - 52nd Ave W. to SR 526 - SB Safety |  |
|  | King | I-5 - 5th Ave. NE to NE 92nd Street Noise Wall | |
| | Snohomish | I-5 - Ash Way Transit Direct Access | |
|  | Whatcom | I-5 - Bakerview Road to Nooksack River Bridge |  |
| | Whatcom | I-5 - Bellingham | |
|  | Lewis | I-5 - Blakeslee Junction to Grand Mound | |
 | | Lewis | I-5 - Chehalis River Basin Flood Reduction |  |
|  | Skagit | I-5 - Chuckanut Park and Ride | |
| | Clark | I-5 - Corridor, NE 78th Street in Hazel Dell to Burnt Bridge Creek in Vancouver | |
|  | Whatcom | I-5 - Downtown Bellingham On/Off Ramps - Ramp Reconstruction | |
 | | Snohomish | I-5 - Everett, SR 526 to US 2 HOV Lanes |  |
 | | Thurston | I-5 - Grand Mound to Maytown Widening Project |  |
 | | Pierce | I-5 - HOV Improvements - Port of Tacoma Rd to the King-Pierce County Line |  |
 | | Pierce | I-5 - HOV Improvements - South 48th Street to Pacific Avenue |  |
 | | Pierce | I-5 - HOV Pierce to Tukwila: Stage 4 | |
| | Clark | I-5 - I-205 to N. Fork Lewis River Bridge - Concrete Rehab | |
| | King | I-5 - James to Olive Pavement Rehab | |
| | Whatcom | I-5 - Lakeway Drive Interchange, Noise wall and Safety Improvements | |
| | Snohomish | I-5 - Lynnwood Park & Ride Access Improvement | |
|  | Lewis | I-5 - Mellen Street Interchange | |
|  | Lewis | I-5 - Mellen Street to Blakeslee Junction | |
|  | Lewis | I-5 - Mellen Street to Grand Mound | |
 | | King | I-5 - NE 175th St. to NE 205th St. - NB Auxiliary Lanes |  |
 | | Cowlitz | I-5 - New Bridge between I-5 and SR 411 |  |
| | King | I-5 - North Seattle Bridges - Seismic Retrofit | |
| | King | I-5 - Pavement Reconstruction and Bottleneck Improvement Projects |  |
 | | King | I-5 - Pierce County Line to Tukwila HOV Lanes |  |
| | King | I-5 - Ramps at Michigan, Corson and Swift-Albro | |
 | | Clark | I-5 - Reconstruct Interchange at NE 134th |  |
 | | King | I-5 - Roanoke Vicinity Noise Wall Project |  |
 | | Lewis | I-5 - Rush Road to 13th Street |  |
| | Whatcom | I-5 - Samish Way to Sunset Drive | |
| | King | I-5 - Seattle Construction Projects | |
|  | King | I-5 - Ship Canal Bridge Noise Study | |
|  | Snohomish | I-5 - Smokey Point: 172nd St. NE (SR 531) Interchange Modifications & SR 531 Safety Improvements | |
| | King | I-5 - South 317th Street HOV Direct Access | |
| | Snohomish | I-5 - South Everett Freeway Station | |
 | | Whatcom | I-5 - Southbound Ramps at SR 11, Old Fairhaven Parkway |  |
|  | King | I-5 - Spokane Street to I-90 Bridge Repair | |
|  | Skagit | I-5 - SR 11 Interchange and Josh Wilson Road Realignment | |
 |  | King | I-5 - SR 161/SR 18 Triangle Improvements |  |
|  | Cowlitz | I-5 - SR 432 Talley Way Interchange | |
|  | Clark | I-5 - SR 501 Ridgefield Interchange | |
|  | Clark | I-5 - SR 502 - Interchange |  |
 | | King | I-5 - SR 509 - Freight and Congestion Relief Project |  |
|  | Snohomish | I-5 - SR 525 Interchange - New Ramp Phase 1 | |
 | | Snohomish | I-5 - SR 532 Interchange Improvements |  |
|  | Skagit | I-5 - SR 534 - Access Point Decision Report | |
| | Snohomish | I-5 - Steamboat Slough Bridges Scour Repair | |
|  | Whatcom | I-5 - Whatcom County Drainage and Water Quality Improvement | |
 | | Clark | I-5 - Widen I-5 Each Direction From Salmon Creek to I-205 |  |
| | Yakima | I-82 - South Union Gap Interchange Improvements | |
| | Kittitas | I-82 - Thrall Road to Manastash | |
|  | Yakima | I-82 - Valley Mall Boulevard Interchange Improvements | |
| | Benton | I-82 to SR 397 Intertie | |
 | | Spokane | I-90 - Argonne to Sullivan |  |
| | Spokane | I-90 - Downtown Spokane Viaduct Bridge Deck | |
 | | King | I-90 - Eastbound Ramp to SR 202 | |
 | | King | I-90 - Eastbound Ramps to SR 18 |  |
| | King | I-90 - Eastgate Direct Access Ramps | |
| | | I-90 - Franklin Falls - Emergency Rock Slide Repair | |
 | | Spokane | I-90 - Geiger Road to US 2 Median Barrier |  |
 | | Kittitas | I-90 - Highline Canal to Elk Heights |  |
 | | Kittitas | I-90 - Increase Vertical Clearance on Cle Elum River Bridge |  |
| | Spokane | I-90 - Medical Lake to US 195 ITS | |
| | Kittitas | I-90 - Midway Curves at Easton Hill - Slope Stabilization | |
| | Spokane | I-90 - Pines Rd. to Sullivan Rd. Roadside Restoration | |
 |  | Grant | I-90 - Replaces Potato Hill Bridge |  |
 | | Kittitas | I-90 - Ryegrass Summit to Vantage |  |
|  | Kittitas | I-90 - Snoqualmie Pass East | |
|  | Kittitas | I-90 - Snoqualmie Pass East - Hyak to Keechelus Dam | |
| | Kittitas | I-90 - Snowshed Vicinity - Emergency Rock Slide Repair Project | |
 | | Spokane | I-90 - Spokane to Idaho St Line | |
 | | Spokane | I-90 - Sullivan-State Line Median Barrier |  |
| | King | I-90 - Sunset Interchange | |
 | | Kittitas | I-90 - Truck Climbing/Passing Lanes - Cle Elum to Vantage | |
 |  | King | I-90 - Two-Way Transit Lanes & HOV |  |
| | King | I-90 - West Lake Sammamish Parkway Roundabout Reconstruction | |
| | King | I-90 - West Lake Sammamish Parkway to 436th St | |
 |  | Pierce | Pierce County HOV | |
|  | Whatcom | Rail - Bellingham Waterfront Restoration Project | |
 | | Whatcom | Rail - Bellingham-GP Area Upgrades |  |
| | Skagit | Rail - BNSF Skagit River Bridge Replacement Study |  |
 | | Chelan, Okanogan | Rail - Cascade and Columbia River Rail Upgrade |  |
|  | | Rail - Cascades Trainsets Overhaul | |
|  | Lewis | Rail - Centralia Steam Plant Loop |  |
|  | Lewis | Rail - Chehalis Jct High-Speed Crossovers | |
|  | Lewis | Rail - Chehalis Jct. to Blakeslee Jct. Via Centralia |  |
 | | Grant | Rail - Columbia Basin Railroad Wheeler-Warden 286k Upgrades | |
 | | Franklin | Rail - Connell Feedlot Loop Track | |
|  | Grays Harbor | Rail - Cosmopolis Bypass - Port of Grays Harbor | |
 | | Columbia | Rail - Dayton Yard Rehabilitation - Port of Columbia County |  |
| | Skagit | Rail - Eastern Skagit Rail Study |  |
 |  | Spokane | Rail - Geiger Spur Connection |  |
 | | Thurston | Rail - High-speed Crossovers - Centennial |  |
 | | Pierce | Rail - High-speed Crossovers - Ketron | |
|  | Lewis | Rail - High-Speed Crossovers - Newaukum | |
 | | Thurston | Rail - High-speed Crossovers - Tenino | |
| | Pierce | Rail - High-speed Crossovers - Titlow |  |
|  | Lewis | Rail - High-Speed Crossovers - Winlock |  |
| | Lewis | Rail - Industrial Spur Track to Winlock Glass Manufacturing Plant | |
 | | Cowlitz | Rail - Kelso-Martin's Bluff Rail Project |  |
| | King | Rail - King Street Station Renovation | |
|  | King | Rail - King Street Station Track Improvements | |
 | | Clark | Rail - Lewis and Clark Railroad Rehabilitation |  |
|  | Lewis | Rail - Morton Business Development Project | |
 | | Skagit | Rail - Mt. Vernon Siding Upgrade |  |
 | | Lincoln | Rail - New Creston Livestock Feedmill |  |
| | | Rail - New Seattle to Portland Roundtrip | |
| | Grant | Rail - Northern Columbia Basin Railroad Project |  |
 | | Snohomish | Rail - PA Junction Curve Realignments and Delta Yard Storage Tracks |  |
 | | Grant, Lincoln, Spokane, Whitman | Rail - Palouse River and Coulee City Railroad Acquisition |  |
 | | Grant, Lincoln, Spokane, Whitman | Rail - Palouse River and Coulee City Railroad Rehabilitation |  |
 | | Columbia, Walla Walla | Rail - Port of Columbia Railroad Improvements | |
 | | Thurston | Rail - Port of Olympia On-Dock Rail Spur |  |
|  | Franklin | Rail - Port of Pasco Intermodal Facility Improvements |  |
 | | Pend Oreille | Rail - Port of Pend Oreille 286k Upgrades |  |
 | | Statewide | Rail - Produce Railcar Pool | |
 |  | Pierce | Rail - Pt. Defiance Bypass |  |
| | Grant | Rail - Quincy Short Haul Intermodal Pilot Project | |
| | Grant | Rail - Quincy Transload Facility | |
|  | Snohomish | Rail - Snohomish Riverfront Redevelopment |  |
 | | Snohomish | Rail - Stanwood Siding | |
|  | Whatcom | Rail - Swift Customs Facility/Blaine & White Rock Siding |  |
 | | Lewis, Pierce | Rail - Tacoma RMDRR Morton Line Repairs – Phase 2 |  |
| | Pierce | Rail - Train to the Mountain | |
 | | Yakima | Rail - TS&W; Yakama Sawmill Traffic Upgrades |  |
 | | Clark | Rail - Vancouver Rail Project |  |
| | Pacific | SR 103 - Pedestrian Path | |
|  | Kitsap, Jefferson | SR 104 - Hood Canal Bridge East-half Replacement and West-half Retrofit Project | |
 | | Mason | SR 106 - Skobob Creek Fish Passage |  |
| | Clallam | SR 112 - Fish Barrier Removal Project | |
| | Clallam | SR 112 - Jim Creek Culvert Replacement | |
 | | Walla Walla | SR 124 - East Jct. US 12 - Reconstruction |  |
|  | Clark | SR 14 - Camas-Washougal Widening & Interchange | |
|  | Clark | SR 14 - Lieser Road Interchange Ramp Signals | |
| | Skamania | SR 14 - Marble Road Vicinity to Belle Center Road, SR 14 - Cape Horn Bridge Vicinity to Cape Horn Road | |
| | Clark | SR 14 - SE 192nd Avenue Interchange | |
 | | Kitsap | SR 16 - Burley Olalla Interchange |  |
| | Kitsap | SR 16 - Burley Olalla Interim Safety Improvement Project | |
 | | Pierce | SR 16 - HOV Improvements - Olympic Drive to Union Avenue |  |
 | | Pierce | SR 16 - Nalley Valley Viaduct | |
 | | Kitsap | SR 160 - SR 16 to Long Lake Road |  |
 | | Pierce | SR 161 - 36th to Jovita - Additional Lanes |  |
 | | Pierce | SR 161 - Corridor Improvements - 176th to 234th |  |
 | | King | SR 161 - Jovita Blvd. to S. 360th St.- Widen |  |
 | | Pierce | SR 161 - SR 167 Eastbound Ramp | |
| | King | SR 164 - 158th Avenue SE to High Point Street | |
| | King | SR 164 - Route Development Plan | |
 | | King | SR 167 - 15th Street SW to 15th Street NW - HOV |  |
|  | King | SR 167 - HOT Lanes Pilot Project | |
 | | King | SR 167 - Northbound Ramps to Ellingson Road |  |
| | King | SR 167 - Springbrook Creek Culvert Replacement | |
 | | Pierce | SR 167 - Tacoma to Edgewood New Freeway Construction |  |
 | | King | SR 167 - Valley Freeway Corridor Plan |  |
| | King | SR 169 - Green River Bridge to SR 516 | |
| | King | SR 169 - Route Development Plan | |
|  | King | SR 169 - SE 291st Street Safety Improvements (SE 288th) | |
|  | King | SR 169 - SE 416th Intersection Project | |
|  | Grant | SR 17 - Pioneer Way to Stratford Road |  |
 | | King | SR 18 - Corridor from Auburn to I-90 | |
 | | King | SR 18 - Covington Way to Maple Valley |  |
 | | King | SR 18 - Issaquah Hobart Road to I-90 |  |
 | | King | SR 18 - Maple Valley to Issaquah Hobart Road | |
| | King | SR 18 - Weyerhaeuser Way to SR 167 Truck Climbing Lane |  |
| | Whitman | SR 194 - Guardrail Improvements | |
 | | Skagit, Island | SR 20 - Ducken Road to Rosario Road | |
 | | Skagit | SR 20 - Fredonia to Interstate 5 - Additional Lanes |  |
| | Island | SR 20 - Monkey Hill to Troxell Road | |
| | Island | SR 20 - Oak Harbor North City Limit to Frostad Road Vicinity | |
 | | Skagit | SR 20 - Quiet Cove Road Vicinity to SR 20 Spur |  |
| | Whatcom | SR 20 - Rock Slide Ditch | |
|  | Skagit | SR 20 - Sharpes Corner Vicinity - Interchange | |
|  | Skagit | SR 20 - Thompson Road | |
| | Island | SR 20 - Troxell Road Vicinity to Cornet Bay Vicinity | |
| | Ferry | SR 20 - Walker Hill Road to Graves Mountain Road | |
| | King | SR 202 - 127th Pl. NW Vicinity to NE 124th (between Woodinville and Redmond) | |
 | | King | SR 202 - 244th Avenue NE |  |
 | | King | SR 202 - Jct. 292nd Ave SE |  |
 | | King | SR 202 - Preston Fall City Road and Jct SR 203 |  |
| | King | SR 202 - SR 520 to Sahalee Way Widening | |
 | | King | SR 203 - NE 124th/Novelty Road Vicinity |  |
| | Spokane | SR 206 - Bruce Road Intersection Roundabout | |
| | Spokane | SR 206 - Deadman Creek Bridge Scour Repair | |
 | | Yakima | SR 22 - I-82 to McDonald Road | |
| | Spokane, Stevens | SR 231 - Spokane River Bridge Deck Rehabilitation | |
 | | Yakima | SR 24 - I-82 to Keys Rd. Additional Lanes |  |
|  | Yakima, Benton | SR 24 - SR 241 to Cold Creek Rd - Added Lanes | |
|  | Benton | SR 240 - 14 miles South of SR 24 to Snively Road - Added Lanes | |
 | | Benton | SR 240 - Tri-Cities Additional Lanes |  |
| | Benton | SR 240 - Yakima River Bridge |  |
|  | Yakima | SR 241 - Dry Creek Bridge Replacement | |
| | Yakima | SR 241 - Yakima River Bridge - Replacement | |
| | Whitman | SR 26 - Relief Bridge Scour Repair | |
 | | Whitman | SR 270 - Pullman to Idaho St Line - Additional Lanes |  |
| | Douglas | SR 28 - E. End of the George Sellar Bridge |  |
| | Douglas | SR 28 - Wenatchee Eastside Corridor Study | |
|  | Chelan, Douglas | SR 285 - George Sellar Bridge - Additional EB Lane | |
|  | Chelan | SR 285 - W. End of the George Sellar Bridge - Intersection Improvement | |
| | Spokane, Stevens | SR 291 - Route Development Plan | |
|  | Mason | SR 3 - Belfair Bypass - New Alignment | |
|  | Mason | SR 3 - SR 106 South Belfair Signal | |
 | | Kitsap | SR 3 - SR 303 Interchange (Waaga Way) |  |
| | Kitsap | SR 303 - Manette Bridge Bremerton Vicinity - Bridge Replacement | |
| | Kitsap | SR 304 - Bremerton Tunnel | |
| | Kitsap | SR 305 - Poulsbo South City Limit to Bond Road | |
 | | Pend Oreille | SR 31 - Metaline Falls to Canadian Border-Reconstruction |  |
| | Cowlitz | SR 4 - Coal Creek to I-5 | |
 | | Wahkiakum | SR 4 - Svensen’s Curve - Realigns 1 mile of SR 4 |  |
 |  | Pierce | SR 410 - Additional Lanes and Signal |  |
|  | Yakima | SR 410 - Rattlesnake Creek - Flood Plain Work | |
|  | Cowlitz | SR 432 - Roadside Safety Improvements | |
| | Cowlitz | SR 433 - Lewis and Clark Bridge Deck Replacement |  |
| | Cowlitz | SR 433 - Lewis and Clark Bridge Painter | |
 | | Clark | SR 500 - New Interchanges and Additional Lanes |  |
|  | Clark | SR 500 - St. Johns Blvd. - Interchange | |
| | Clark | SR 500 - Thurston Way Interchange | |
 |  | Clark | SR 502 - Widening From I-5 to Battle Ground |  |
| | Thurston | SR 510 - I-5 to Pacific Avenue Widening | |
|  | Thurston | SR 510 - Yelm Loop | |
|  | King | SR 515 - SE 192nd Street to Benson Road: Access and Asphalt | |
 | | King | SR 516 - 208th and 209th Ave SE |  |
|  | King | SR 518 - Corridor Improvement Projects | |
|  | King | SR 518 - SeaTac Airport to I-5 / I-405 Interchange | |
 | | King | SR 519 - S Seattle Intermodal Access - Royal Brougham | |
 |  | King | SR 520 - Bridge Replacement and HOV Project |  |
 | | King | SR 520 - West Lake Sammamish Parkway to State Route 202 |  |
 | | Snohomish | SR 522 - Corridor Improvements | |
| | Snohomish | SR 522 - Fales Road/Echo Lake Road Interchange | |
 |  | Snohomish | SR 522 - I-5 to SR 405 - Multimodal Project |  |
| | King | SR 522 - NE 155th St. to 61st Ave. Paving | |
| | Snohomish | SR 522 - Paradise Lake Road Interchange | |
| | Snohomish | SR 522 - Paradise Lake Road to Snohomish River Widening | |
 | | Snohomish | SR 522 - Snohomish River to US 2, Four Lane Widening |  |
 |  | King | SR 522 - UW Bothell/Cascadia Community College Campus Access |  |
| | Snohomish | SR 522 - Widening SR 9 to Paradise Lake Road | |
| | Snohomish | SR 524 - I-5 to Richmond Road Vicinity - ACP Overlay | |
|  | Island | SR 525 - Island Transit Park and Ride Development | |
| | Snohomish | SR 525 - Widening & Safety Improvements | |
 | | Snohomish | SR 527 - 132nd St. SE to 112th St. SE |  |
| | Snohomish | SR 527 - 164th St. SE to 132nd St. SE Additional Lanes | |
 | | Snohomish | SR 527 - Corridor Improvements | |
| | Snohomish | SR 528 - Paving | |
| | Snohomish | SR 529 - Paving | |
| | Snohomish | SR 529 - Snohomish River Bridges Repair | |
| | | SR 529 - Steamboat Slough Bridge Improvements | |
| | Snohomish | SR 530 - Arlington Heights Road to 139th | |
|  | Snohomish, Skagit | SR 530 - Sauk River CED Bank Erosion | |
| | Snohomish | SR 530 - Skaglund Hill Vicinity Paving, 24th and Fortson Mill Road | |
| | Snohomish | SR 530 - Slide Repairs | |
|  | Snohomish | SR 531 - Lakewood Schools Sidewalks | |
|  | Snohomish | SR 532 - Pilchuck Creek Tributary | |
| | Whatcom | SR 538 - College Way Route Development Plan | |
| | Whatcom | SR 539 - Horton Road to Tenmile Road Widening |  |
 | | Whatcom | SR 539 - I-5 Access | |
 | | Whatcom | SR 539 - I-5 Improved Access |  |
 | | Whatcom | SR 539 - Ten Mile Road to Badger Road Widening |  |
|  | Whatcom | SR 542 - Boulder Creek Bridge - Replace Bridge | |
|  | Whatcom | SR 542 - Everson Goshen Rd. Vicinity to SR 9 Vicinity - Passing Shoulder | |
|  | Whatcom | SR 542 - Nooksack | |
| | Whatcom | SR 542 - Wells Creek Rd to Mt. Baker Vicinity | |
 | | Whatcom | SR 543 - I-5 to Canadian Border - Additional Lanes for Freight |  |
|  | Lewis | SR 7 - Lewis County Roadside Safety Improvements | |
| | Pierce, Lewis | SR 7 - Route Development Plan | |
 | | Pierce | SR 7 - SR 507 to SR 512 |  |
 |  | Pierce | SR 704 - Cross-Base Highway Project |  |
|  | Yakima | SR 823 - Selah Vicinity Improvements | |
 | | Snohomish | SR 9 - 268th Street Intersection | |
 | | Snohomish | SR 9 - 108th Street NE (Lauck Road) |  |
 | | Snohomish | SR 9 - 212th SE to 176th SE (Stage 3) |  |
 | | Snohomish | SR 9 - 212th Street SE Vic to SR 96 |  |
 | | Snohomish | SR 9 - 252nd Street NE Vicinity | |
| | Snohomish | SR 9 - 56th Street SE to 60th Street NE Paving and Safety | |
|  | Snohomish | SR 9 - Corridor Intersection Improvements | |
| | Snohomish | SR 9 - Lake Stevens Weigh Station | |
|  | Snohomish | SR 9 - Marsh Road Intersection Improvements | |
 | | Whatcom | SR 9 - Nooksack Road Vicinity to Cherry Street |  |
 | | Snohomish | SR 9 - Schloman Road to 256th Street NE |  |
 | | Snohomish | SR 9 - SR 522 to 212th St. SE - SR 524 - Stage 1B and 2 |  |
 | | Northwest | SR 9 - SR 528 Intersection |  |
| | Snohomish | SR 9 - US 2 Interchange Modifications | |
 | | King | SR 900 - SE 78th Street to Issaquah Additional Lanes |  |
| | Kittitas | SR 903 - Cle Elum to National Forest Boundary - Paving | |
| | Snohomish | SR 92 - SR 9 to 84th Street NE Safety Improvements | |
| | Snohomish | SR 92 - Stevens Creek Culvert Replacement | |
 |  | King | SR 99 - Alaskan Way Viaduct and Seawall Replacement |  |
| | King | SR 99 - Aurora Avenue at Galer Street Pedestrian Overpass | |
 | | King | SR 99 - Aurora Bridge Rail Retrofit | |
| | King | SR 99 - Aurora Bridge Seismic Retrofit | |
| | King | SR 99 - North Corridor Study | |
|  | Snohomish | SR 99 - North of Lincoln Way Sidewalks | |
 | | King | SR 99 - S 138th Street Vicinity to North of S 130th Street | |
 |  | King | SR 99 - Shoreline Aurora Ave. - N Corridor Transit/HOV Lanes | |
 | | King | SR 99 - South 284th Street to South 272nd Street - HOV Lanes |  |
 | | Statewide | Statewide Bridge Rail Retrofit | |
 | | Statewide | Statewide Guardrail Retrofit | |
| | Pierce | Tacoma Lane Closures | |
| | Pierce | Tacoma's 38th Street Bridge and I-5 Interchange Project | |
 | | Jefferson, Clallam | US 101 - Blyn/Gardiner Truck Passing Lanes | |
 | | Clallam | US 101 - Corriea Road to Zaccardo Road Safety Project | |
 | | Clallam | US 101 - Northbound Truck Climbing Lane | |
| | Mason | US 101 - Purdy Creek Bridge | |
 | | Yakima | US 12 - Old Naches Highway Interchange | |
 | | Walla Walla | US 12 - Attalia Vicinity |  |
| | Walla Walla | US 12 - Coppei Creek Bridge | |
 |  | Walla Walla | US 12 - McDonald Road to Walla Walla |  |
| | Walla Walla | US 12 - McNary Pool to Attalia |  |
|  | Yakima | US 12 - Naches River - Flood Plain Work | |
 | | Walla Walla | US 12 - Phase 5: Attalia Vicinity to US 730 (Walla Walla River) | |
| | Asotin | US 12 - Snake River Bridge at Clarkston - Deck Repair | |
|  | Walla Walla, Franklin | US 12 - SR 124 - Burbank Interchange Improvements | |
 | | Walla Walla | US 12 - SR 124 to McNary Pool |  |
|  | Yakima | US 12 - Tieton River East and West Bridges - Replacement | |
|  | Grays Harbor | US 12 - Vicinity Montesano to Elma Median Cross Over | |
 | | Walla Walla | US 12 - Wallula to Walla Walla Planning Study |  |
 | | Walla Walla | US 12 - Widening From SR 124 to the Walla Walla River | |
|  | Yakima | US 12 - Yakima - 40th Avenue Interchange Improvements | |
| | Whitman | US 195 - SR 271 Junction to Plaza | |
| | Snohomish | US 2 - 179th Avenue to Woods Creek Bridge | |
 | | Chelan | US 2 - 97 Peshastin East Interchange |  |
 | | Chelan | US 2 - Dryden |  |
| | Snohomish | US 2 - Ebey Island Viaduct and Ebey Slough Bridge Rehabilitation | |
|  | Snohomish | US 2 - Fern Bluff Road Vicinity to Sultan Startup Road Vicinity | |
| | Chelan | US 2 - Leavenworth to Cashmere - Paving | |
| | Spokane | US 2 - North Foothills to Houston Ave. | |
 | | Snohomish | US 2 - Pickle Farm Road/Gunn Road |  |
| | Snohomish | US 2 - Rumble Strips | |
 | | Snohomish | US 2 - Stevens Pass-West, Slope Stabilization | |
| | Snohomish | US 2 - Westbound Hewitt Avenue Trestle Project | |
| | Snohomish, King | US 2 Route Development Plan - Snohomish to Skykomish | |
|  | Benton | US 395 - Columbia Drive to SR 240 Interchange Improvements | |
| | Franklin | US 395 - Hillsboro Street Interchange | |
 | | Benton | US 395 - Kennewick Variable Message Sign |  |
 |  | Spokane | US 395 - North Spokane Corridor | |
 | | Spokane | US 395 - NSC - Francis Avenue to Farwell Road |  |
 | | Spokane | US 395 - NSC - US 2 to Wandermere & US 2 Lowering |  |
| | Klickitat | US 97 - Biggs Rapids - Sam Hill Bridge Deck Replacement | |
|  | Kittitas, Chelan, Okanogan | US 97 - NCR Roadside Safety | |
| | Klickitat | US 97 - Satus Creek Bridge at MP 46 | |
 | | Chelan | US 97A - Entiat Park Entrance - Turn Lanes |  |