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Oregon Chinook Salmon Fishing

Spring Chinook Salmon Fishing

Gold Beach

Oregon Chinook Salmon are prized for their great eating qualities and are a top cold water sport fish. Oregon Chinook Salmon enter fresh from the Pacific Ocean in the early season months of late March to June. Our salmon fishing rivers are cool from Cascade Mountain snow pack run off and rains. The Oregon Chinook Salmon is hatched from eggs laid in redds (spawning beds) in the upper reaches of local rivers that extend far inland to the Cascade and Siskiyou Mountains. In the Ocean, the young Spring Chinook Salmon will feed and grow for 3 to 4 years, feeding on the oceans bounty from Monterey, California to the Gulf of Alaska. Spring Chinook Salmon which escape the rigors of ocean life, and the Sea Lion gauntlet at the rivers mouth. Return to their natal streams, after 3 to 4 years at sea at 18 to 40 pound silver bright fat Spring Chinook Salmon adults.

Not all rivers have a Spring Chinook Salmon run. The best rivers to catch these prize fish in are the Umpqua River and  the Rogue River. The Rogue River has the largest run of Oregon Spring Chinook Salmon although the Umpqua River produces good catches. These are very large rivers during run-off and a Oregon Salmon Fishing Guides is recommended.

Lower Rogue River Salmon Fishing

Spring Chinook Salmon Fishing

Gold Beach March to June
Spring Chinook Salmon fishing in the Lower River extends back to the 1870's. The most highly prized eating salmon in the world is a Rogue River Spring Chinook Salmon. A Lower Rogue River Spring Chinook Salmon is literally only a few hours out of salt water. Fresh from the sea with a spirit that causes extreme excitement among those Spring Chinook Salmon fishing. Down here Spring Chinook Salmon fishing is generally from a specialized anchored  Jet boats equipped with a canvas top and heater to ward off the morning chill. When a Spring Chinook Salmon is hooked up all rods will be brought in and stored except the one with the screaming reel! The special anchor used for Oregon Chinook Salmon fishing is on a 100 ft rope with a buoy, the rope is released from the boat and the buoy will float our anchor rope until we return from landing our salmon. Sometimes we will float down river hundreds of yards chasing the hooked Spring Chinook Salmon to find a place to land it in slower current. Then the boat will run back upstream to reclaim the anchor buoy. A limit of two Spring Chinook Salmon per angler is observed, but that means 35 to 60 pounds of Spring Chinook Salmon the best eating salmon you ever had to take home each day! Contact one of our local Oregon Salmon Fishing Guides for more Oregon Chinook Salmon fishing information.

Middle Rogue River Salmon Fishing

Gold Beach, Fish Boss Guide Service / Ron Buntrok

Spring Chinook Salmon Fishing

April to June
Spring Chinook Salmon fishing in the middle section is mainly for moving Spring Chinook Salmon. River flows and salmon movements are very important to a successful Spring Spring Chinook Salmon fishing outing.  One of the hot spots is below Savage Rapids Dam at Grants Pass. Spring Chinook Salmon stack below the dam allowing large numbers of salmon to be accessed by fishermen. Our middle section Oregon Salmon Fishing Guides will be on top of these conditions to get you hooked into a prized Spring Chinook Salmon.

Upper Rogue River Salmon Fishing

Spring Chinook Salmon Fishing

May 1st to July 31

Gold Beach

This is the region where the Rogue River Spring Chinook Salmon is headed when it starts its journey upriver. Here the Spring Spring Chinook Salmon slows its frantic pace and starts to hold in cold deep pools. A few areas are accessible by Jet Boat but the region is mostly Drift Boats with two anglers each. Areas drifted are from Cole Rivers Hatchery to Valley of the Rogue Park. This is about a 45 miles.  Methods used to for Spring Chinook Salmon fishing here are Back Trolling big plugs such as Quick Fish and Flat Fish wrapped with a rapper or back bouncing roe. Our Oregon Salmon Fishing Guides know where and when the Spring Chinook Salmon fishing is best.

River Logs for Rogue River Basin

Umpqua River Salmon Fishing

Spring Chinook Salmon Fishing

March through June

The Umpqua River has a nice run of Spring Chinook Salmon. Umpqua River Spring Chinook Salmon fishing is mostly from the town of  Elkton down to tide water. High quality Spring Chinook Salmon fishing with beautiful Umpqua River scenery. There is also some good success from the forks to Winchester Dam and good bank fishing at Rock Creek on the North Umpqua River. Check with one of our Oregon Salmon Fishing Guides for best local Oregon Salmon fishing information.


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