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Alaska fishing trip : great Alaska fly fishing trip

Alaska fishing trips that went great! Alaska Trophy Adventures fly fishing trip & Salmon fishing trips


Alaska Rainbow trout fly  fishing pictures from the Alagnak river Alaska's premier Rainbow Trout fishing for leopard Ranbow trout

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Satisfied customers from there Alaska fly fishing trip!  2005 Guest's Comments

Guide Kevin B with Sye and a Trophy wild Rainbow trout caught on the Alagnak River August 25

Thanks for a wonderful fly fishing trip in August of 2005 my son and I had a great time, we look forward to our next fly fishing trip with Alaska Trophy Adventures in June 2006 for more great Trout fishing!    

 SYE  -Bethleham,  PA

Charlie---The food, lodging, boats, guides and scenery were all outstanding. Or did it just seem that way because I experienced the hottest rainbow action of my life on the Alagnak? The sockeyes, big grayling, and a couple of lakers added variety, too. I'll  recommend your operation to anyone who loves fish but dislikes crowds.           ED  Jaworowski    PA Ed Jaworowski is a leading fly casting instructor, who Lefty Kreh calls "The best fly casting instructor I have ever seen."

In addition, Jaworowski is a professional photographer and a renowned author and speaker.

His books include the classics "Troubleshooting the Cast," "The Cast," "The Complete Book of Fly Fishing," and the newly released "Pop Fleyes," with Bob Popovics.

His magazine articles and photographs appear in Fly Fisherman, Fly Fishing in Salt Waters, American Angler, Fly Tyer, Salt Water Sportsman, and even in Fly Fisherman Japan.

Jaworowski has been a casting instructor for Sage Rods for 20 years, and has conducted hundreds of casting demonstrations, schools, seminars, and slide shows on all facets of fly fishing.He has taken fly fishing trips all over the world.


27 inch wild Alaska Rainbow Trout caught August 2004 Alagnak River  Charlie- Just wanted to thank you and your great staff for another wonderful Alaska fishing trip in Sept, especially our guide Tyson who went out of his way to show us a great trip. The food, camp and staff were wonderful and love all the new improvements to the lodge.  We look forward to seeing you again in 2006 for our 2nd trip.

   Sincerely Kim Blake - Allentown PA     


Charlie, Thanks again for the wonderful raft trip, we got some marvelous pictures and saw sites that we have never duplicated again in over 20 trips to Alaska, What a magical place you call home. Cathy Beck Professional Photographer, Author and Flyfishing Instructor 

 Cathy Beck lives in the Fishing Creek Valley of Northeastern Pennsylvania. An accomplished author of numerous flyfishing books also members of the Simms and Action Optics Advisory Boards and work for 3M Scientific Anglers. Cathy conduct fly fishing schools, clinics and presentations and also host fly fishing trips for Frontiers, an international travel agency, and travel to fresh and saltwater destinations.


 Charlie, Thanks again for the wonderful fly fishing trip you and your staff gave our family during July, We had great food, guides and world class  fly fishing, all in a pristine setting. Thanks again for another great Alaska fishing trip and can't wait to fish with you again.

     Bill Denton---Charlotte NC


I've fished with charlie many times over the years, and the little sucker keeps getting better! He's got a nose for finding the best fly fishing trips Alaska has to offer and this is his crowning achievement. When your ready for the ultimate big boys vacation make it Alaska Trophy Adventures.                             

                  Bill Battles

            Publisher Fly Fish America Magazine


Wishing you all a wonderful season and happy holidays Tell the guys hello and hope you have a happy holidays-" Had A wonderful time this summer at your lodge and if you ever need a Chef at the camp let me know as I would love to come back and work with such a first class operation as yours,

  Kathleen Murphy- Pittsburg PA


Have a great holiday season and again thanks for our 2nd wonderful Alaska fishing trip to Alaska Trophy Adventures in July on the Alagnak river, The fly fishing trip and Bear viewing was better than we expected and the camp and staff were exceptional as always. As you can see our bear pictures we took this summer have a starring role in our Christmas Cards, Happy Holidays.

   Anne Sigmon & Jack Martin- Sanfrancisco CA


marc & willie with alaska sockeye salmon caught in July, the alaska salmon fishing was great as they averaged 20 fish a day pp Charlie, Thanks for a great  adventure, the fly fishing trip was better than we could of imagined me and Willie  can't thank you enough for the worldclass Alaska fishing trip, and the time we had to spend with such good people at you lodge, and the 20-30 salmon a day we caught didn't hurt either.   Thanks again for everything

Marc & Willie -    Bozeman MT


Charlie, We had another great fly fishing trip in 2005 and the crew can't wait to return in 2007 talk to you soon and keep up the great job the Camp looks great.

Tom Hawthorn

Ozark Angler Fly shop Little Rock Arkansas


Charlie, Just wanted to say thanks for the great Salmon fishing trip, and send you a picture of my Trophy King taken with you in July, hope to fish with you again next year for our 3rd trip.


Carl Leehman, Switzerland

Charlie , I wanted to say thanks again for the great Alaska fishing trip we had this summer and we are really glad we got to fish and enjoy the wildlife Bear viewing in Katmai Park with you on the upper Alagnak River. I have had the opportunity to take   fly fishing trips with guides and travel all over the world and nothing has ever compared to the fishing available at your lodge and the quality of fish and wildlife.  How can I say enough Thanks.

Tom Gilmore-  NJ

Professional Fly fishing Author, lecturer and President of  NJ National Audubon Society
Coffee Table We had a great time with you on our Alaska fishing trip in August  for Trophy Rainbow Trout and I can't tell you how much our group loved the daily fly fishing trips up river. I will never forget the day we landed over 100 fish in our boat alone, good luck and I will be sending you a copy of my new book about the top fly fishing trips & destinations in the US and yes you have a chapter for the Alagnak.

Professional Author- Fly fisherman: Ralph Kyloe


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