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Alaska Caribou hunting guides in the Brooks Range since 1971 Arctic North Guides  

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Above-Kim Blake's  Oct 1st, 2005 Trophy Peninsula Brown Bear

Kim Blakes Trophy Moose hunt shot in 2003 on the Alagnak river
      Above-Kim Blakes Trophy  Moose            Below- Lou Hellers 10ft  Bear        

Watch our Hunt Video 56k---256k

Brown Bear hunting in Alaska Lou Heller shot the Boone Crocket Bear on Sept 1st 2002
Alaskan moose shot with Guide Charles Summerville hunter Barry Brevik

  Alaska Brownbear with Tony shot on the Alaska Peninsula 01

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   alaska bear hunting Arctic North GuidesListed below are the most asked questions we get year after year.  Q & A on Alaska Hunting Equipment, Clothes and guns the best hunting information!

Question:            How do I get there?            Scroll Down !


Answer:               Fly directly from your home to Fairbanks Alaska and spend the night in the Best western  hotel. The next morning (as early as possible) have breakfast and catch the hotel shuttle bus to Wrights air by 8am to the airport. Sign up to Anaktuvik Pass village with secretary by wrights air charter and on to the main camp by chartering our designated flying service.  You are responsible for all charter costs to and from Anaktuvik Pass which is about $380.00 per person, roundtrip from Fairbanks. Here we will meet you and transport you to our lodge by super cub plane.  The point of outfitting is when you arrive at our main lodge. 


Once you arrive at the main lodge you will be given a short tour,  meet the crew, assigned a Guide and camp to hunt in, and then you can start to unpack, and repack. You will leave your traveling clothes at the main camp, and wear one of your sets of hunting clothes. You will sight your rifle at our range to make sure the highly trained baggage handlers didn’t drop your rifle case to many times, on your commercial flight. After this is done you will purchase you license and tags, complete the paperwork required by the State of Alaska, and make your final hunt payment. You may be flown out to your spike camp the same day, weather permitting, or you may need to spend the night at main camp. Usually your guide will already be at the spike camp getting everything ready for your arrival.

Upon your arrival at the spike camp, your guide will explain the daily routine, and answer any questions you will have. You will start hunting the following morning. We check on each camp every 2-3 days and bring in additional food and supplies as required. Once you have taken your animal, you will be flown back to the main camp to get a shower and relax. Your skin will be fleshed and salted and prepared for shipping. After you have heard all the hunting stories you can handle, or at the end of your hunt, we will call the airlines and make your reservations for your return home.



Question:            What items are furnished?


Answer:            All camping equipment, food, pads, cots, boats, motors and bush airplanes used during the hunt.  All licenses and tags will be purchased when you arrive in base camp.



Question:            What services are furnished?


Answer:             You will be personally guided by a licensed guide.  All field care of your skins will be handled by your guide.  You will be staying in the main lodge or a comfortable tent camps with cots, stoves and lanterns.



Question:            What can I expect for weather?


Answer:             Mild wind and clear skies most of the time.  Rain and snow 10% of the time.  Temperature is usually 50-80 degrees in early August-mid August during the day . Mid August-end of August 45-65 degrees during day and near freezing at night. Sept 1st--Sept15th  35-50 degrees with nights down to freezing and light snow.. You will be sitting for long periods of time (12-14 hours per day) glassing for bears, 4-6 hours per day glassing for Caribou. Warm layered clothing is required. Like I have said for years, if we had white sandy beaches and warm weather in the Arctic, there would be condos there instead of Grizzly bears and Caribou. Plan for the worst weather you have ever hunted in, then if the weather is nice  you get the prize for good weather.



Question:            When do we start hunting?


Answer:            You will start hunting the day following your arrival in spike camp. It is illegal to shoot any big game animal the same day you are flying. Our hunting area is approximately 3050 square miles in size, including over 50 miles of Park Boundary of Gates of Arctic National Park. 5 major river drainages and 13 small streams with char and grayling. The Siksikpuk River on which our base camp is located.  supports an excellent Grizzly bear population, we plan to take only 2-4 hunters per Hunt and the rest will fly out to a spike camp. We also try to harvest only mature animals, which helps to maintain an excellent Grizzly bear population. Our camps are located near good vantage points, where you will be able to glass valleys, streams and hillsides.


Question:            What kind of sleeping bag do I need?


Answer:            You do need to bring a good sleeping bag no goose down filled only synthetics good  down to 20 degrees. We furnish, pads and cots for all clients. If you are very tall or heavy and want to bring your favorite Pad, please feel free to do so. We will still have one of ours available.



Question:            What should I pack my gear in?


Answer:            Please bring only small/medium duffel bags. The perfect bag is Cabela’s Super Cub duffel bag. Please, no suitcases or 6 foot long duffel with wheels on them, commuter airlines charge for over 50#, and now your gun case counts as one piece of baggage.  Our super cubs are 1 passenger aircraft, with 50# of baggage, including your gun case. You will only need two sets of hunting clothes, plus your traveling clothes. If your gear requires an extra flight, there will be an additional $300.00 charge.


Question:              How much walking is involved in the hunt?


Answer:            All hunting is done, by walking from spike camps.  This is strictly a fair chase hunt.  Please be capable of walking three miles daily in ankle-fit hip boots.  Your guide will always carry his own rifle while hunting.


Question:            Should I bring binoculars?


Answer:            Yes, you should bring the best binoculars that you have or can afford. Most guides will be carrying 10X40 Zeiss, Leica or Swarovski. Any good 8X30 or 10X40 will be a big advantage to your hunt. Many clients are excellent spotters, and you will be setting for hours looking through your binoculars. Just make sure they are waterproof, because believe me, Alaska weather will test your gear.



Question:            Do I need to bring a spotting scope?


Answer:            No, every guide will be carrying a good spotting scope and tripod. This will save you about 5-7#  in gear weight.


Question:            What is your success rate?


Answer:            Our success rate last season was 100% on Caribou and Grizzly bears and 75% on Brown bear.   Usually someone holds out looking for that  giant. If any guide tells you he is 100% every year, you should be 100% sure, you don’t want to hunt with him.  Since 1971 we have run at 98% success on Grizzly and Caribou and 85% on Brown Bear.


Question:             How much should I tip my guide?


Answer:            This is probably the hardest question I have to answer. I have received tips ranging from $200-$2,000 a hunt for  getting the client a nice trophy, to zero for getting a client a super trophy. One man sent his sons on a bear hunt and they took 2 bears in 2 days. He told them to tip the guide 10% of the hunt price, that came to $2200.00 tip. I paid the guide $2000.00 in wages, so you can see the guide had a good hunt, as well as the clients. I pay my guides very well to keep them coming back year after year, and they are expected to provide you with a very high quality hunting experience. It’s the additional effort the guide puts forth to ensure you have a great hunt, that you should be tipping for. The average is probably about $400 on a bear hunt, and $300.00 on a caribou  hunt. Some clients tip the packers, cook, pilots, as well as your personal guide. The tipping amount is up to you, and I don’t want you to think I am telling you that a big tip is required or expected.



Question:            Do you guarantee the taking of an animal?


Answer:            No, Alaska state law prohibits guaranteeing success, on any given hunt or trip. But We are the only guide in Alaska that I know of that will let you extend your hunt for free for another 5 days or come back  at no charge if you don’t have an opportunity to take a Bull Caribou or Grizzly Bear on our fully guided 1x1 hunts in the Brooks range.


Question:            What are Ankle-fit hip boots and where can I get them?


Answer:            Ankle fit hip boots are hip boots with a tight fitting ankle. This tighter fit keeps the boots from moving up and down when you walk. By not rubbing on your heel, there is less chance for blisters. You can purchase these from Cabela’s, they call them contour ankle fit. They come in both insulated and non insulated, and with regular boot sole or air-bob soles. I recommend non insulated ones with the air-bob soles. I buy mine one size larger than I normally wear and then buy 2 pair of felt insoles. I place an insole in each boot. The insoles give you and extra padding for walking on river gravel, and also absorb moisture. I change the insoles daily.


Question:             What kind of shape do I need to be in?


Answer:            The best shape possible. You do not need to be a marathon runner, but you need to be able to walk up to 3 miles in ankle fit hip boots daily. When bear hunting we often are glassing areas 1-2 miles away. If a bear is spotted, that you want, you need to be able to get close enough for a shot. The only time when this is critical, is right before dark when there may not be enough time to poke along at a snails pace. Usually you will have enough time to work into place at a normal walk, unless a bear is traveling and you are trying to cut him off. Most of our spike camps are within 1 mile of a good lookout or vantage point.

To get in shape, I recommend climbing stairs or hills. Walking on flat ground doesn’t help you as much as you think. If you have a pack frame, put it on and start climbing. After a couple of days, add a couple of gallon milk jugs full of water. Climb the hills or stairs and when you get to the top, you can dump the water and start back down. Coming down hills or stairs with lots of weight in your pack is very hard on your knees. Work your way up to where you can climb with 5 gallons of water or 40#. That is more than you will need, but you will think the 20# load o your hunt, is really light then.


Question:            Do I need a camera?


Answer:            Yes, every hunter should bring a camera and extra film to take home pictures of their adventure of hunting in Alaska. I recommend a small waterproof digital camera. A built in telephoto lens is nice and at least one extra set of batteries. Also each guide carries a digital camera and we will be glad to download yhere pictures on disk for you to take home.  The one comment I get often is that “I wish I had taken more pictures”. Alaska is a cameraman’s, dream come true.


Question:            Do I need to bring fishing tackle?


Answer:            We have a good selection of spinning rod and reels and a couple of fly rods at the lodge for you to use. We also have a good selection of lures and flies. If you want to fish with a fly rod bring a few extra flies and leaders 8-10lb tippets.

                          RECOMMENDED FLIES: An assortment of bunny leeches, egg-sucking leeches, wooly buggers and flesh flies tied on # 4 and # 2 hooks should be in every angler's fly box. Black, purple, olive and dark red are the preferred colors, but throw a couple of loud color ones (chartreuse or hot pink) in your box also if you can. Egg patterns, lots of them, are also a must, and they should be orange, red and hot pink, tied on # 8 & 10 hooks. Spawn sack flies like the Babine Special, the Alaskan Omelette, and the Polar Shrimp, on white or tan with bright orange, pink or red, and tied on # 4 & 6 hooks are also hot producers. These flies will work on just about everything that swims in Alaska.



Question:            What caliber do you recommend?


Answer:            I recommend at least a 270 or larger for Caribou  and 300mag or 338 for Bears. More Grizzly bears are taken with a 300mag - larger Brown Bears 338  caliber, and more Caribou  are taken with a 30-06. If you are buying a new rifle to hunt Alaska, get a 338 mag. The 338 is a perfect rifle for everything in Alaska.  Good bonded bullets such as Nozlers, Swift or Barnes are the best.

       The guides carry from 270-338 calibers depending on the hunt. Pre 64 model 70's very popular, with a fiberglass stock. My rifle is light weight, has a 20 ½” barrel, and a 1.5–5 power Leupold  VarXIII scope. I shoot only Nozler bullets in Federal factory loads.

        Your scope is actually more important than your rifle. Bring only a good waterproof scope, that will not fog up in the rain. Lens covers are a must. You will not need anything larger than a 2X7 or 3X9 power scope. Please no 6X20 power scopes, we are not shooting prairie dogs

                         The stainless steel actions and fiberglass stocks are the best for Alaska, because your rifle is going to be wet 40% of the time. Trust me.


Question:             What kind of pack should I bring?


Answer:            You should bring at least a very large good day pack with a hip belt, or better yet would be a framed pack with a good hip belt. You will be carrying your camera, extra shells, rain gear, a jacket, your lunch and snacks, plus your water bottle. Then add about 5# of misc. stuff you will probably never use, but like to carry just in case.

                        The best frame pack on the market is sold by Barney’s Sports Chalet in Anchorage. It is a well built, with heavy duty shoulder straps and hip belt. This is what 95% of all the guides use. I buy these frames for my packers who regularly are packing 100# of Caribou meat or more each trip.


Question:            How much ammo should I bring?


Answer:            Bring 2 boxes of the exact same ammo that you have sighted your rifle in with at home. Sight your rifle in 3” high at 100 yards. Then you can hold on the animal out to 300 yards. Very seldom do we ever take a shot over 200yards. Usually the average shot is 150 yards. Please shoot your rifle at least 50 times before you come and get use to it, and know where it shoots. I had one hunter who came on a bear hunt who had never shot his rifle once, only had it bore sighted at the gun shop where he bought it. Another hunter said he had his wife sight in his 338 for him. He had never shot his rifle either until he arrived at camp.

                        You should practice shooting kneeling, sitting, and a little offhand.


All Gear should fit in one Cabela’s Super-cub duffel bag (SE-51-1903-273) or waterproof Dry bag No hard suitcases, plus your gun case & carryon!  No exceptions


 These are the exact items most of our guides use and we highly reccomend them as very good equipment

  • Ankle fit unisulated hip boots (1 size larger than you normally wear)  (Cabela"s SE-83-0343 or SE-83-0341 or SE-83-0345)
  • 2 pr. felt insoles for inside your hip boot
  • Good qality waterproof hunting boot  Danner, Rocky or similar boots.                          
  • Warm Outfitter's Fleece camo jacket (Cabela's SE-93-0473 or SE-93-1897)                       Wool  (Cabella's SE-95-0574) and Goretex gloves (Cabela's SE-92-0003)                   
  • Rifle, Sling, Scope covers and 40 rounds of ammo. (Same as you sighted in with)
  • Small hard gun case                                     
  • Shaving kit and medicine                                  
  • Impertec rain pants  & ¾ length guide coat  (Dark Olive)Back Country Inc., 1-800-381-5437 or 425-788-1956           
  • Digital Camera andextra batteries.                                    
  • 2 Camo Microtex Shirts (Cabela's #SE-93-0391 or SE-93-0392)                
  • 2 pr. Long MTP Medium-weight underwear (Cabela's SE-91-1259 & 1263) 
  • 4 pr. Poly-pro socks   (Cabela's SE-81-2207)                       
  • 1 pr. polarflees Jeans or Carhart pants 
  • 1 pr. of Microtex camo pants (Cabela's SE-93-0393)
  • Sun screen cream 
  • Water filter bottle/canteen
  • 4 pr. Wool boot socks (Cabela's SE-81-2209)                                                                             6 changes of MTP underwear (Cabela's SE-90-1467, 1468, 1469, 1784)
  • Warm insulated hat and stocking cap                   
  • Binoculars
  • Flashlight and extra batteries  (Mini-Mag AA)                             
  • Extra GI duffel bag for skins
  • Insect repellant & sunglasses (100% Deet)              
  • Moleskin for blister control
  • Skinning Knife (optional)                  

    Hybrid Hunter 2-in1 pack (Cabela's SE-51-6505)       or

  • Small frame 2200 Day pack (Cabela's SE-51-6570)
  • (These packs can be used for your carry-on airline bag)





Alaska Trophy Guided Moose from Alagnak River Camp Big Moose what an understatement we hunted 5 days and saw 6 Bulls over 60" on day 5  I was lucky enough to have this 71" inch Trophy Moose come to Charlie's Outstanding Cow Calling.  Hunting Moose on the Peninsula is exhilarating !! Cant say enough about the first class camps-great food and superb planning on our guides part. All 4 hunters filled out on Trophy Moose the week I there in September and the camp average was 64".   KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK .      Thanks for the great times  George K!


I can't thank you enough for the great hunt and what Brown Bear hunting in Alaska Lou Heller shot the Boone Crocket Bear on Sept 1st 2002a bonus after Killing my Giant Peninsula Brown Bear on Day 1 of a 10 day hunt, I accompanied  friend Barry Brevik as camera man on his Moose hunt. We hunted a total of 3 hours between the two hunts and every one went home with Trophy Animals. This shows the true knowledge and experience of a professional guide that knows there areas and does not over hunt them.                      Lou Heller


Alaska Moose hunts with Guides Outfitters Alaska Trophy HuntsThank you for my Trophy Moose if it wasn't for your determination and superior knowledge of your area I would of went home with something smaller. Thanks for the continued positive attitude and putting me in the right place at the right time. We had slow start but a strong finish with this Massive Trophy Moose. The only bad thing was it was the smaller of the two Moose we were stalking. The Trophy Moose Quality was 2nd to none.    Dale P

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 2001,2002,2003,2004.2005 ALASKA -ADVENTURES MARKETING & Charles Summerville III .  All Rights Reserved This website contains alaska hunting lodge material (photographs, graphics and text) that has been copyrighted, the rights to which are owned or have been licensed to Alaska Trophy Peninsula Hunts  and any unauthorized use of any of the alaska hunting Guides lodges material, without the prior written consent of Alaska Trophy Peninsula Hunts lodges is prohibited and will be prosecuted. 

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