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  5. Winston Fishing Rod Workers Quit
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About Golf

Golf Puts Women Execs on the Right Course

More professional women are taking a swing at golfing as a way to network, land jobs and get promotions.

Linda DeWitt was looking for nothing more than a casual round of golf, but the unemployed California businesswoman scored something entirely different: a six-figure job at a teleco ...Read more about Golf Puts Women Execs on the Right Course

Golf Etiquette

Golf, unlike almost any of the trash-talking sports you can watch on TV nowadays, is a game where sportsmanship is paramount. Golf is an easy game to cheat at, so every player is on his honor. But there's more to it than that. Golf has its own code of etiquette, semi-official ¡°rules¡± ...Read more about Golf Etiquette

Golf Fitness

Staying fit is a great way to beef up your stamina on the golf course and will help prevent nagging injuries that can wreak havoc on your summer fun.

Back on Track

Four of every five Canadians will suffer some type of back pain during their lifetime and golfers are extremely ...Read more about Golf Fitness

About Tennis

Tennis plan aces youth sports proposal

This evening Pasco County commissioners can accept a proposal from Saddlebrook owner Tom Dempsey as the best use of its tourism tax dollars or it can hold out for something better, if such a thing exists. The only alternative, so far, is an ill-defined amateur sports/multipurpose facility, the ...Read more about Tennis plan aces youth sports proposal

Tennis among 8 suspended programs at Tulane

Tulane's decision to cut half of its athletic programs won't knock it out of the NCAA's Division I-A. The school has won a five-year waiver of the league's requirement of 16 sports, university president Scott Cowen said Thursday.

The eight programs the school is keeping include footbal ...Read more about Tennis among 8 suspended programs at Tulane

Tennis: Bates' Cunning Plan Backfires

A truly cunning ploy or the sort of plan always fated to go the way of one of Baldrick's finest schemes? Sadly, captain Jeremy Bates' crafty player swaps were left looking more like the latter as Great Britain lost the doubles to Switzerland to say goodbye to their hopes of regaining a place i ...Read more about Tennis: Bates' Cunning Plan Backfires

About Rowing

Rowing Fan Guide

The outlook

While a record 51 countries qualified for Sydney, the United States is the only one to send a full contingent of 14 boats and 48 athletes. Australia and Germany each are sending 10 boats.

U.S. hopes for gold are highest in the men's eight, an event Americans domin ...Read more about Rowing Fan Guide

Rowing for your Health

Two thousand years ago, the Greeks discovered rowing with oars was better and faster than paddling. Rowing was used primarily for transporting warships and cargo boats until racing became popular in England and the United States.

In fact, rowing was the first intercollegiate sporting e ...Read more about Rowing for your Health

Love To Know Article on Rowing

History The earliest historical records describe battles and voyages in which the ships were propelled by oars. There must, have been from time to time friendly trials of speed between these ancient craft, such as that described by Virgil in the fifth book of the Aeneid, but there is no record ...Read more about Love To Know Article on Rowing

About Skiing

Skking Practice Safe Slopes

Downhill skiing is fast, fun and exciting. It's also a great way to get hurt if you aren't prepared. Although at ski areas, medical help is as close as the ski patrol, no one wants to use their services. Here's what you need to know to keep you sliding downhill on your skis rather than in an e ...Read more about Skking Practice Safe Slopes

Fitness Programmes for Skiing and Snowboarding

It's the time of year when people can't wait to strap on their skis or snowboards and hit the slopes. Unfortunately, too many people have an early end to their winter holiday as a result of injury. What's worse is that the injury may be serious enough to prevent sporting activities for some ti ...Read more about Fitness Programmes for Skiing and Snowboarding

Vacation Sports: Skiing

There was a time, not so very long ago, when skiing as a vacation pastime was strictly the pursuit of the well-off: resorts were expensive, and few companies offered package ski tours - the sport simply didn't seem to offer the kind of mass-market appeal that was needed to generate sufficient ...Read more about Vacation Sports: Skiing

About Fishing

Winston Fishing Rod Workers Quit

The four workers who build bamboo fly rods at the R.L. Winston Rod Co. in Twin Bridges have resigned in protest over a dispute with management.

Glenn Brackett, Jerry Kustich, Wayne Maca and Jeff Walker - all workers at Winston's bamboo shop - said they will be done by Feb. 1.

...Read more about Winston Fishing Rod Workers Quit

Tarpon Fishing

The Florida tarpon mini-series covers all aspects of fishing Florida Giant tarpon on the saltwater flats and backcountry of Boca Grande, Tampa Bay, St. Petersburg, Clearwater,Tampa, Orlando, and the Disney area. Learn everything from tarpon biology to the charter secrets of Florida tarpon f ...Read more about Tarpon Fishing

Fly and Bubble Rig for Lake Fishing

Lake fishing is perfect for flies this time of year. But most of the time, the fish are jumping way beyond the range of the amateur angler. Beginning trout fishermen are pretty apprehensive about fly fishing, thinking that they will have to make yet another expensive investment ...Read more about Fly and Bubble Rig for Lake Fishing

About Cycling

Leisure Cycling : Tandeming

Not so long ago tandems almost vanished apart from a few die-hards who wouldn't let the pastime die.

Today there is a renaissance in tandeming as more and more people find joy in the togetherness that tandeming can bring to friends, partners, family or those who previously were unable ...Read more about Leisure Cycling : Tandeming

Bicycling Advocacy

Bicycle advocacy can have a number of meanings, from encouraging bicycle sales to wanting bicycle memoribilia everywhere. This entire site is actually an advocacy site, advocating the cyclist's lifestyle in one section, cycling for health in another, and so on.

This section is ...Read more about Bicycling Advocacy

Cycling Humor and Tales

Considering what a crazy, illogical, mixed-up world we live in, it's a good trait to have a well-developed sense of humor. For instance, if you're riding your bicycle peacefully along and someone yells, it's much better to laugh it off than to 1) worry about it, 2) attack his car with your air ...Read more about Cycling Humor and Tales

About Hunting

Is rabbit hunting becoming a lost sport?

In an outdoor world geared to individual game species, whereshort seasons seem to make hunting priorities more urgent, rabbit hunters ¡ª once vast in numbers ¡ª are in the minority.

Brush piles, woodlots, railroad tracks, a frozen marsh. Years ago, they were a rabbit hunter's paradis ...Read more about Is rabbit hunting becoming a lost sport?

Hunting for Subsistence, Commercial, and Sport

Subsistence, commercial, and sport hunting involve the pursuit and killing of wild animals.

Subsistence Hunting

Subsistence hunters hunt animals for food, skins and bone, and at some time in the history of all nations it was an essential way of obtaining food. Today, subsiste ...Read more about Hunting for Subsistence, Commercial, and Sport

Sport and Subsistence Hunting

Preserve: Sport and Subsistence Hunting

Denali National Park has two areas designated as National Preserves. Both federal subsistence and State of Alaska hunting and trapping are permitted in the preserves. State harvests are regulated by State game laws passed by the Alaska Bo ...Read more about Sport and Subsistence Hunting

About Swimming

Health Benefits of Swimming

Swimming is a great form of exercise and the benefits to our health are numerous. Exercise is key to weight management, a healthy heart and greater energy levels, and, coupled with a sensible diet, is essential for us all to live a long and healthy life.

It is important for children to ...Read more about Health Benefits of Swimming

USA Swimming

USA Swimming Headquarters provides a variety of services and programs for its membership. Among the many services are publications, educational programs, fund-raising activities, sports medicine programs, resources and general information about swimming related activities. USA Swimming staff a ...Read more about USA Swimming

Tips to Improve your Swimming

You've been trained, you've got the right equipment, you're confident in your abilities-what could possibly go wrong? Most of you will enjoy your swimming but you are confused about how to make the most of your time in the water. Here is a simple guide to help you improve your swimming. ...Read more about Tips to Improve your Swimming

About Ice Hockey

Girls hockey looks likely to hit the ice here soon

They played on boys teams in high school, and although they more than held their own and benefited from the experience, both Lyndsay Wall and Kim Insalaco wished there had been girls-only ice hockey teams at their respective schools back in the day.

"That would have been so coo ...Read more about Girls hockey looks likely to hit the ice here soon

The Origins of Hockey

With some trepidation, Backcheck ventures onto the thin ice of Canada's great debate. It is not a debate about the future of health care; it is about the origins of hockey. Because we value life and limb as much as our gentle readers must surely do, we take no sides. We simply offer an overvie ...Read more about The Origins of Hockey

Ice hockey conquering Europe

As a sport originally played on naturally frozen surfaces, ice hockey has traditionally been strong in the Nordic countries, especially in Finland. It is far and away the country's most popular team discipline and attracts the largest numbers of spectators. It is also the first discipline in F ...Read more about Ice hockey conquering Europe

About Windsurfing

The Birth of Windsurfing

In the summer of 1964, a new sport was borne of a vision that Newman Darby had while vacationing on Wyoming Mountain in Pennsylvania. That sport was windsurfing, and it quickly became a multi-million dollar industry.

As a child, Darby had been an avid boater and had even attemp ...Read more about The Birth of Windsurfing

Outdoor Japan Windsurfing Primer

Any country surrounded by water must have places for windsurfers to catch some wind. Japan is no different. Omaezaki, in Shizuoka is arguably the country's most famous surf spot, with its big wind and enormous waves. However, Japan also features numerous lakes and countless beaches for windsur ...Read more about Outdoor Japan Windsurfing Primer

Cover Story: Waterworld

It was a dark and stormy night. Well, after the number of drinks you'd have had, it was darker and more fuzzy on the way back to your room.

But it was definitely a dark and stormy morning. Estimated to have been hit at about 9.20am, the islands of Maldives, 80 per cent of which lie les ...Read more about Cover Story: Waterworld

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