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Hawaii Marine Templates
Economical and free Excel, MathCAD & Word processing templates that save time & money.  Those involved with the Nautical, Engineering & Professional Sectors will benefit from these products.  Products here are suitable for use by Naval Architects, Marine, Ocean, Nautical, Structural, Civil & Mechanical Engineers, Ship, Yacht & Boat Designers, Sailors, Vessel Owners & Operators, Boat Builders, Construction Contractors, Attorneys & other Professionals.

Excel spreadsheets MathCAD Word boilerplate trim stability area centroid moment of inertia section modulus metacenter tank capacity characteristics waterplane hydrostatics tow tug sail CFR 49 waterline

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45-302 Makalani St., Kaneohe, Hawaii, USA   96744-2819
Phone/Fax (808) 247-6443

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Terms and Conditions 

License Terms – Simple general usage terms are as follows:

bulletWhen a template or software is purchased only one person may use it.  If more people will be using the same template or software, purchase multiple copies of the template or software equal to the amount of people using it.  For example: If five people will be using the template or software indicate five in the quantity box when making payment.
bulletA non-exclusive conditional license to use templates or software is what is being purchased on this site.  Copies of these templates and software are not to be sold, given away or distributed by anyone other than Hawaii Marine Company.  Templates and software always remain the property of Hawaii Marine Company.
bulletThese products are non-transferable.  You may not purport to give anyone else rights in the templates or software.  You many not allow anyone else to have your licensed copies of templates or software.
bulletThese templates are designed for preparing reports to clients, regulatory agencies, and courts.  But they may alternatively be used as a great learning aid or for private or confidential informational purposes.
bulletYou enter the license agreement when you install or use these templates and software.  That is you are indicating your agreement to license terms on this entire web page.  If you do not agree with these terms, you may not install or use the products.
bulletTemplate and software users assume all liability for their usage.  It is up to the template or software user to verify that all the data they incorporate, all spreadsheet or software changes they incorporate and all initial spreadsheet and software algorithms are correct. 

Paying Process – When purchasing spreadsheets, you will routed temporally to Paypal.  You may pay through a charge card (VISA, MC, AMEX or Discover), your Paypal account or eCheck.  You do not need to become a Paypal member to buy product!  After paying, Paypal will automatically reroute you back to this site and you will be directed on how to instantly obtain your purchase online.  If you did not properly complete this automated process, but did make a payment, please notify us immediately.  Email us at hmt@hawaii-marine&#46com.  We will verify that your payment was made and will email your order as an attachment or send you a link so that you can obtain it through your browser.  We will try to resolve this matter as soon as possible.  But in some rare circumstances you may need allow one to two weeks for a response.

Liability Statement – Hawaii Marine Company has meticulous strove to assure the accuracy and quality of these templates and software.  They are designed to significantly reduce the template user’s spreadsheet setup time or software users working time.  However, there are numerous scenarios, which could affect the results obtained from these templates and software.  For instance: the input data could be corrupt, the spreadsheet or software could be improperly modified, or some other unforeseeable conditions may occur. Therefore, the template or software user is required to independently verify that the all aspects of the spreadsheets or software are working properly.  Hawaii Marine Company assumes no liability for template or software usage including the results obtained.

Notify us, at hmt@hawaii-marine&#46com, if you find a bug or any other inaccuracies or inconsistency in the templates, software, documentation or in this website.  Please contact us us so that we may be able to correct the problem.  Thank you.

Legal Disclaimer Statement – All templates, software, notes, documentation, pages and other information are provided "as is," without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including without limitation, fitness for a particular purpose or performance.  

By using the templates, software or acting on any information included within this web site, YOU AGREE TO ASSUME THE ENTIRE RISK, for any result, performance, or lack of performance, including damage to data and/or damage to property.

Neither the webmaster, site owner, agents, nor any third parties shall be liable to you, for -ANY- use of these templates, software or content (including ANY INABILITY to use), for its performance, for any incidental or consequential damages, and/or ANY claim by ANY other party.

Home | Background | References | Stability Article | Trim Article | Usage Terms | Privacy Policy | Tech Support | F. A. Q. | User Remarks | Resource Links | Related Links | Sail Boat Books | Nautical Books

Copyright © 1997- 2006 Hawaii Marine Company, 45-302 Makalani St., Kaneohe, Hawaii   96744-2819  USA     Phone/Fax Lines: (808) 247-6443  
Emergencies (808) 235-0870.  This site last modified on: 03/26/06 12:09 AM.

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This web site created by Advanced Technology Associates Hawaii.  For questions or comments about this web site send e-mail to Brian Trenhaile at

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