|  | | Customs Rulings Online Search System (CROSS) CROSS was last updated 4/20/2006 with 205 rulings, bringing the total number of searchable rulings to 129894. The most recent ruling is dated 4/13/2006. |  |  |  | Intellectual Property Rights Search (IPRS) IPR data, formerly available via the Customs Electronic Bulletin Board (CEBB), has been migrated to the Intellectual Property Rights Search application (IPRS). IPRS is a searchable database containing public versions of U.S. Customs and Border Protection intellectual property rights recordations. |  |  |  | Vol. 40 April 26, 2006 No. 18 Current U.S. Customs and Border Protection Bulletin Issue |  |  |  | Recent Federal Register Notices - GPO Access
|  |  |  | Customs Valuation Encyclopedia (1980 - 2003)
(pdf - 2,604 KB.) 06/04 Available for sale through the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office |  |  |  | Requirements for Electronic Ruling Requests 04/05/2006 The Office of Regulations and Rulings, National Commodity Specialist Division (NCSD), New York, announces an enhancement to the existing eRulings program with the creation of the online web based eRuling Template. The online template permits the filing of an electronic binding ruling request directly to the NCSD in New York. The eRulings Program supplements the existing binding ruling program by providing for electronic requests, receipts and responses to ruling requests under 19 CFR Part 177, filed with U.S. Customs and Border Protection. Please note that if for any reason you cannot meet the requirements for filing an electronic ruling request, you can still file for a binding ruling by mail. |  |  |  | eRulemaking Web Site As part of the President's Management Agenda E-Government Initiative, eRulemaking, www.regulations.gov has been launched. |  |  |  |
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