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Breaking Coarse Fishing News !!

Coarse Fishing News01.04.06
Anyone over the age of 12 fishing in freshwaters in England or Wales must have a valid Environment Agency rod licence. Money from the sale of licences helps to fund the EA's work on managing fisheries. If you are caught fishing without one, you are cheating other anglers and could be fined up to £2,500..................................................................................[Read More]

Coarse Fishing News23.03.06
Anglers are being asked to help in a survey about patterns of angling activity and spending across England and Wales in 2005. The research team is asking everyone who went freshwater fishing last year to complete a questionnaire on-line..............................................................[Read More]

Coarse Fishing News02.03.06
Healthier fisheries means healthier local communities and economies was the message from the Environment Agency at the launch of 'A better environment, healthier fisheries: better fisheries for our nations' today. Dafydd Evans, Head of Fisheries said "Fisheries is about more than just fishing and our work is a key influence on local economies throughout England and Wales.................................................................[Read More]

Coarse Fishing News20.02.06
Lac Du Pelerin is a stunning carp fishing venue nestling amongst 83 acres of beautiful French countryside. Mature woodland and fields give the carp angler and his family total seclusion. In addition to their popular flight packages - Stansted to Poitiers, now available pick-ups from La Rochelle, with flights from Birmingham, Southampton, Dublin and Glasgow.......[Read More]

Coarse Fishing News16.02.06
The Environment Agency has come up trumps in the search for a "green" solution to an erosion problem on the banks of the River Otter. A fencing and tree planting project has been agreed in an attempt to slow down bank erosion and provide good wildlife habitat on the west bank of the river......................................................................................[Read More]

Coarse Fishing News10.02.06
Dame Kelly Holmes was recently named the first National School Sport Champion in a bid to get more of the nation's children involved in PE and school sport. The double Olympic champion celebrated the launch of her new role by joining Tessa Jowell, Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, Ruth Kelly, Secretary of State for Education and Skills, and pupils at Acland Burghley School in London recently...........................................[Read More]

Coarse Fishing News02.02.06
A 50-year project to restore and repair England’s most damaged wetlands could see the return of otters, bitterns and other rare and threatened species, help to reduce flooding and secure the future of wetlands in an increasingly dry climate....................................................[Read More]

Coarse Fishing News
01.04.06 - BUY YOUR 2006/07 ROD LICENCE ON LINE

2006/2007 online rod licences now available - see prices below.

Buy your rod licence on lineAnyone over the age of 12 fishing in freshwaters in England or Wales must have a valid Environment Agency rod licence. Money from the sale of licences helps to fund the EA's work on managing fisheries. If you are caught fishing without one, you are cheating other anglers and could be fined up to £2,500.

To buy your Environment Agency rod licence on-line, visit their website at
The following licence categories can be purchased online:

full licences
junior licences [12 to 16 year olds]
8-day licences
1-day licences
concessionary licences for eligible disabled people
concessionary licences for people aged 65 or over
Welsh/English bilingual licences

New prices for 2006/07 online rod licences:

Non-Migratory Trout and Coarse
Full Season - £24.00
Junior - £5.00
8 Day - £8.50
1 Day - £3.25

Salmon and Sea Trout
Full Season - £65.00
Junior - £32.50
8 Day - £20.50
1 Day - £6.75

2006/07 online rod licences are valid from 01 April 2006 to 31 March 2007
Post Offices sell all types of rod licence and those in Wales issue bilingual licences.
Children under 12 years of age do not require a rod fishing licence.

Source: The Environment Agency - 2006.

Coarse Fishing News

Coarse Fishing News from The Environment AgencyAnglers are being asked to help in a survey about patterns of angling activity and spending across England and Wales in 2005.

The research team is asking everyone who went freshwater fishing last year to complete a questionnaire on-line at:

The project, which has been commissioned by the Environment Agency and Defra, will help to understand how important freshwater fishing can be for jobs and incomes in different regions of England and Wales. The results are expected to influence the future development of fisheries.

Dr Guy Mawle, Fisheries Policy Officer for the Environment Agency, said:

"This study will show us and government how important freshwater angling can be for jobs and incomes across England and Wales. But we need anglers to provide the basic information. We'd like everyone who went freshwater fishing in England or Wales during 2005 to take part. It doesn't matter where you come from or how keen you are. The questionnaire only takes about 10 minutes to complete so it won’t take up much of your time."

Source: The Environment Agency - March 2006.

Coarse Fishing News

Coarse Fishing News from The Environment AgencyHealthier fisheries means healthier local communities and economies was the message from the Environment Agency at the launch of 'A better environment, healthier fisheries: better fisheries for our nations' today.

Dafydd Evans, Head of Fisheries said
"Fisheries is about more than just fishing and our work is a key influence on local economies throughout England and Wales. Angling creates jobs and prosperity, extends visitor seasons and creates more business for restaurants, pubs, shops and hotels. Our figures show that nearly four million people went angling last year leading to 20,000 jobs and total spending of a huge £3 billion annually on the sport - one project alone in Wales generated almost £30 million through angling tourism"

The Environment Agency’s Fishing in Wales Project resulted in:
* Over 400km of improved rivers as a result of river habitat improvements and building fish passes.
* £2 million investment creating 1000 jobs in angling clubs, tackle shops, hotels and restaurants.
* £27million generated in one year by angling tourists and their families.
* Over 450 people attending sustainable fishery management training courses, helping to deliver 86 partnership projects with angling clubs and fishery owners, improving fishing facilities for all.

Releasing the strategy today the Environment Agency, which is responsible for fisheries in England and Wales, revealed how it will adapt to ensure the survival of our fragile natural fisheries environment. It is success like that shown by the Fishing in Wales project which the Environment Agency hopes to repeat.

Key steps to create a better fisheries environment by 2011 include:
* Increasing the number of fish in our rivers – only 21 rivers met salmon conservation targets in 1999.
* Providing more chances for more people to fish with double the amount of active anglers from black, minority and ethnic backgrounds.
* Sustainable fisheries boosting the local economy, with greater investment in fisheries.

Dafydd Evans added:
The presence of fish and angling demonstrates a healthy environment - our strategy outlines how we will meet new challenges such as climate change and invasive species while increasing tourism, encouraging greater participation in fishing and continuing to create a better quality of life for local communities.

Our work to bring fishing to people through angling participation projects have paid off for local communities. One such scheme in Rowheath Park, Birmingham was the award winning Get Hooked on Fishing project. Working together with the Bournville Village Trust this innovative and unique programme proved successful in tackling youth crime, antisocial behaviour, school truancy and educational underachievement - 98% of participants did not re-offend. Over 250 children took part in 2005 and the three-year-old scheme won the Big Lottery People’s Choice Award.

Better environment, healthier fisheries outlines how we will take our work further. We are determined to create a better, healthier environment for fisheries and for people".

Source: The Environment Agency - March 2006.

Coarse Fishing News

Quality carp fishing at Lac Du Pelerin

Lac Du Pelerin is a stunning carp fishing venue nestling amongst 83 acres of beautiful French countryside. Mature woodland and fields give the carp angler and his family total seclusion.

Anglers have the chance to fish for quality carp in a spectacular location. Seeing the sunrise over the poplar trees and the first carp showing is breath-taking. Lac du Pèlerin has overhanging trees, reeds, irises and lots of wildlife - kingfishers, deer, eagles and waterfowl.

In addition to their popular flight packages - Stansted to Poitiers, now available pick-ups from La Rochelle, with flights from Birmingham, Southampton, Dublin and Glasgow.
Quality tackle is included with these packages.
You can also take advantage of their discount car hire rates.
Lac du Pelerin is renowned for its stunning carp, topping 40lbs and its first class, two bedroomed, lakeside chalet.

Graham Hackett 0033 549648819

Coarse Fishing News

Coarse Fishing News from The Environment AgencyThe Environment Agency has come up trumps in the search for a ‘green’ solution to an erosion problem on the banks of the River Otter. A fencing and tree planting project has been agreed in an attempt to slow down bank erosion and provide good wildlife habitat on the west bank of the river from Fluxton to below the Millenium Green at Ottery St Mary in East Devon.

Working with Devon County Council farm estates, landowners and other partners, the Environment Agency was keen to explore ways to slow down erosion and improve the habitat. If it is successful then other partnerships can be attempted throughout the catchments in East Devon.

In a separate project on the same part of the river, a specially designed fish pass has been built on the weir which help fish gain access to spawning areas upstream. A deeper channel of water is artificially created across the thinner film of water on the weir so the fish have an easier route. "A lot of thought and effort has gone into the tree planting project and we hope that it will at least slow down bank erosion and improve the habitat for the local wildlife," said Derek Carter from the Environment Agency.

"Right from the outset all the partners involved with this scheme were keen to use an environmentally friendly solution rather than a hard engineering option. In addition to stabilising the bank, the tree planting will provide a valuable habitat for birds, fish and other wildlife."

The fencing and planting work is set to begin at the end of February and continue into early March 2006. Once in place the trees will quickly take root giving a natural look to the riverbank and slow down further erosion.

"We are really pleased to be able with the landowners and other partners to adopt a long-term sustainable solution that has knock-on benefits for the fish and wildlife. We would certainly recommend the use of tree planting to other riverbank," added Derek Carter.

Source: The Environment Agency - February 2006.
Contact: Contact:

Coarse Fishing News

Dame Kelly Holmes was recently named the first National School Sport Champion in a bid to get more of the nation's children involved in PE and school sport. The double Olympic champion celebrated the launch of her new role by joining Tessa Jowell, Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, Ruth Kelly, Secretary of State for Education and Skills, and pupils at Acland Burghley School in London recently.

The Government-backed appointment in partnership with the Youth Sport Trust, Sky Living For Sport and Norwich Union will see Kelly visiting schools and sports events across the country to promote the Government's strategy for school sport and help inspire and motivate young people into taking up sport and physical activity.

Kelly said:
"I'm both proud and delighted to have been asked to get more children active and healthy through sport. I believe I can help to encourage young people to get more involved and also make this a greater priority for everyone. I want to see real change and for more children to take part in more activities. We need to be a sporting nation and for that to happen we have to inspire, motivate, encourage and capture the imagination of all our young people so that sport becomes a part of their day-to-day lives".

"Winning the right to stage the Olympic and the Paralympic Games in 2012 has given British sport a tremendous boost and hopefully we can use this new opportunity to discover a few champions."

Tessa Jowell believes Kelly's appointment will further boost the sporting opportunities already available to children both in and outside school. She said:
"I have been talking to Kelly about what she could contribute to future generations since last summer and I'm delighted that the Youth Sport Trust has come up with a really strong package to make use of her skills. Kelly's support for the Government's school sport strategy will provide a real boost for school sport and she will no doubt show today's and tomorrow's young people why sport does matter - and how it can change your life for the better."

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