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About Hazelmere Mantel Company

Hazelmere Fireplace Mantels

Fireplace Mantels
"Country Charm or City Elegance"
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  Fireplace Mantels 

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Mantel Shelves and Surrounds

Fireplace Overmantels




A fireplace mantel is an important investment that requires careful consideration. Your home improvement decisions and remodeling concerns are important to us. We are a family owned business located in Vancouver, Canada, and we take pride in each and every mantel constructed. We offer a fine selection of our own fireplace mantel designs and custom woodwork to ensure an intimate and personal fireplace setting.

With our tooling we can handcraft from a wide selection of woods, such as oak, maple, pine, poplar, cherry and fir, or double primed, prepped and sanded.

Through an in home or online measurement and design consultation, our mantels are especially made for you. Your mantel doesn't come off the shelf. There are lots of substitutes out there, but for an original, call us.

At Hazelmere Mantel, your fireplace mantel is truly custom made for you. The result is high quality, attractive proportions, and the preservation of authentic traditional designs.

Thank you for your interest in our fireplace mantels.

And be sure to make yourself at home.


Bill Mercer, President

Hazelmere Mantel Company

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P: 604-574-7814
F: 604-574-3304
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Member of the Better Business Bureau of Mainland BC.





Fireplace Mantels | Fireplace Overmantels | Mantel Surrounds

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