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March 2006

Farabloc is now the Standard of Care for Phantom Limb Pain.

"I first encountered Farabloc during a research study in 1990 ( University of British Columbia, School of Rehabilitation ).

Together with Dr. Tali Conine, we examined the efficacy of using Farabloc to manage phantom limb pain in amputees. The study utilized a randomized, double-blind, cross-over design to find in favour of Farabloc.

The outcome was consequently published in a number of medical Journals:

Canadian Journal of Rehabilitation Volume 6, Number 3, 1993 pp. 155-161 ISSN 0828-0827

British Columbia Medical Journal: 2001 Dec; 43: 10; Pages 573-577

Clinical Journal of Pain, Philadelphia, PA; 2002 Mar-Apr; 18(2): 84-92:

Farabloc is now the Standard of Care for Phantom Limb Pain.

I have been in private practice as a specialist in Physical Medicine since
1990. It is important to note that further studies have been done to examine the effect of Farabloc on the rehabilitation of muscle injury:

Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine ,Philadelphia, PA; 2000 Jan; 10(1): 15-21

as well as its effect on Fibromyalgia, awaiting publication in Clinical Rheumatology, UK, in 2006.

I have personally prescribed Farabloc to a number of patients with Fibromyalgia and Regional Myofascial Pain. Since 1997, I have been using pulsed magnetic fields (Pulsed Signal Therapy) to treat osteoarthritis, chronic musculoskeletal pain secondary to trauma and work injury and chronic sports injury(

Pulsed Signal Therapy(PST) and Farabloc may have something in common.
PST involves the passage of low frequency magnetic pulses through tissue.
This promotes healing and tissue regeneration. Farabloc has been shown to block high frequency radiation from entering tissue. I think PST and Farabloc could be used in a complementary fashion for the treatment of chronic soft tissue pain."

Cecil Hershler, MD, PhD, FRCP(C)
Vancouver, B.C. Canada
Director of the Vancouver PST Clinic
March 2006

January 2006

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Trial

If you would like to participate in a CRPS trial, please contact for more information.

June 2005

Farabloc - A Discussion with Dr. Douglas Clement is released. He comments on the use of Farabloc on Injury Recovery and How Farabloc Works in the two Video Clips available below.

Listen in as Dr Douglas Clement talks about how Farabloc works in these video clips. The video is available in short and long format. Click the links below to open Windows Media Player, wait for the video to download and it will start automatically.

Alternately, you can right click on each link below and save the video to your desktop by selecting "Save Target As".


FARABLOC VIDEO LONG VERSION-CLICK HERE (6 min, 45 seconds long, File Size is 79 Mb) )

” I have been involved in Sports Medicine for many years, and I never came across a product like Farabloc. This electromagnetic shielding fabric not only relieves pain but reduces inflammation. Farabloc is an effective drug free alternative for pain reduction and injury recovery.”

Douglas Bruce Clement CM BSc MD FACSM

Professor Emeritus, Division of Sports Medicine

Farabloc is proud to sponsor The Vancouver Sun Harry Jerome International Track Classic - Swanguard Stadium Burnaby, British Columbia, Tuesday, June 14, 2005

The BC Chiropractic Association endorses Farabloc:

"The BCCA has approved formal endorsement of Farabloc,
a remarkable product that provides pain relief and enhanced healing for many problems that professionals have found difficult to treat. "


Pain Killers, "The Inventor" - From the June 2003 issue

by: Vicki O’Brien
BC Business Magazine

"Frieder Kempe grew up in a house of pain. His father lost a leg in the 1944 battle of Monte Casino and suffered excruciating phantom limb pain. Kempe wanted to help. “Whenever the pain came, my father would predict rain. I realized that his scar had no healthy skin covering, hence no protection from electro-magnetic fields.” 
The answer, he decided, was to create a ‘second skin’ that would shield sensitive tissue, calm damaged nerve ends and stimulate blood circulation." Read the full article here>>>

"Farabloc and the Chiropractic Profession" - Bannerline Communications - February, 2003

"The extraordinary product Farabloc developed by client Frieder Kempe, continues to impress researchers around the world. New studies from Germany, Australia and Canada demonstrably confirm Farabloc's pain-relief and healing properties for a growing list of ailments. Farabloc is a nylon fabric interwoven with microscopic threads of stainless steel. During late 2002, BANNERLINE brought two clients together, encouraging the chiropractic profession to experiment with Farabloc. About a dozen prominent chiropractors have worked with the product for back, arm, leg, ankle and assorted other conditions, reporting, in most cases, remarkable results. Watch for news soon about this marriage of Farabloc and the chiropractic profession.

Farabloc has been an extraordinary 30-year odyssey for Mr. Kempe, who began experimenting in his native Bavaria, with the 19th century concepts of British scientist Michael Faraday. Early research confirmed Farabloc's effectiveness in treating phantom limb pain, suffered by most amputees. After moving to Canada over 20 years ago and forming Farabloc Development Corporation, Mr. Kempe continued to fund landmark research projects in various universities worldwide."

Phantom Pain Relief without Medication - Condensed from the Christian Science Monitor

"Listed below are ways that members of Lower Extremity Amputees providing Support (LEAPS) of Kansas have found helpful in relieving phantom pain. 
These methods don't always work, of course, and what works for one person may not work for another. Remember, check with your doctor if you have any questions before trying these methods.". Read the full article here>>>

"Dealing with Amputee Phantom Pain" - Rehabilitation Engineering - Sept 24, 2004

A personal account of one person's experience with amputee phantom pain.

Read the full article here>>>

American Prosthetic and Orthotic News - "Metal Fibre Cloth Relieves Muscle Pain and Muscle Injuries" - Volume 7, Number 1, Winter 2000

Better Business Bureau OnLine Reliability SealFarabloc is a proud member of the Better Business Bureau and  meets all standards of the Better Business Bureau Online Reliability Program. Farabloc is recognized as a 15 Year Member for many years of outstanding support. 

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