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Featured Case Study
VentureDirect Worldwide Employs Topica to Help Increase Conversions by 30%

VentureDirect Worldwide, a Direct Marketing firm headquartered in New York, runs numerous online programs designed to deliver targeted content, collect leads, and drive traffic to various publisher sites. They have been recognized twice by Inc. Magazine as one of America’s 500 fastest growing privately held firms.

VentureDirect needed a solution that would convert subscribers into leads by streamlining the registration process for their online programs. To do so VentureDirect integrated Topica’s Online Marketing and Sales Solution with their current leads driving initiatives. Venture Direct was able to work with Topica to increase lead conversion through enhanced personalization and pre-population of subscriber data.

Consulting with Topica’s Customer Success team, Bruce Bortle, Business Development Manager for Venture Direct, was able to increase his ability to personalize and pre-populate registration forms for his programs using information given by subscribers from previous promotions, making the registration process easy. After registration was complete, Bortle was able to utilize Topica’s audience segmentation capabilities and automation technology, to create streamed messages with other offers targeted towards the users interests.

Bortle was able to integrate Topica’s personalization capabilities into his registration process, pre-populating his forms and bringing each subscriber closer to conversion. Using custom autoresponders tailored to each offer and subscriber interest. VentureDirect created a reliable, information machine that would continue to increase the chances of individuals opting in for additional offers.

“From Topica’s sales to our Customer Success Manager, Topica has been very responsive and interested in building a true symbiotic relationship between our two businesses.”

Bruce Bortle
Business Development Manager
VentureDirect Worldwide

By integrating personalization into their direct marketing campaigns VentureDirect has eliminated the burden of forms from many of their subscribers. In the end they were able increase their conversion by 30% with the help of automation tools from Topica.

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