The Wayback Machine -
Welcome to what could be a new beginning for you.

Discover the web offers internet based training using modern digital media to deliver not only one way content but class based and one on one direct learning. Utilizing the latest in VoIP systems and broadband streaming media we offer low cost high benefit courses in a range of subjects that is growing every year.

Each student gets not only group based internet conferencing but also important one on one tutoring at a pace and time they want to learn - we appreciate that people learn at different rates and people have more time than others to study.

Global tutoring is an important part of what we are. Each course is delivered to the highest standards and offers recognised qualifications and credentials we also go one step further and can supply all important references to potential employers.

Please browse the site and if you require any further information all our details are listed on our contact pages.

Paul Mason
CEO Discover the Web

2005 (C) Discover the Web, All right reserved
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