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Marlboro Do you know that
Marlboro is the most popular cigarette brand, created by Philip Morris. Marlboro brand became famous mostly through their billboard and TV advertisements of the Marlboro Man. Nowadays, Marlboro is known as the best selling ciga
more>>01/20/06 Camel Camel is a popular sigarets brand which was introduced by R.J. Reynolds Tobacco (RJR) in 1913. Camel cigarettes contain a blend of Turkish and American tobacco.
Camel cigarettes were blended in a way that made them easier to smoke, in comparison to ot
more>>01/19/06 Kentucky gets $100 million in tobacco payments Kentucky has received an annual payment of about $100 million in tobacco settlement money, as required under the 1998 Master Settlement Agreement.
more>>04/20/06 Reynolds to blast tobacco SOMERVILLE -- Patrick Reynolds, the grandson of tobacco company founder R.J. Reynolds, who is now an anti-smoking advocate, will present "Tobacco Wars! The Battle for a Smoke-free Society" 7 p.m. April 26 in Somerset Medical Center's Fuld Auditorium.
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By placing an order at CIGoutlet, you attest that you are at least 21 years of age and legally able to purchase and possess online cigarettes in your own state and community.
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Salem cigarettes are the most prevalent cause of fatal fires in Oregon and across the nation.
Now a bill that would require tobacco companies to sell only self-extinguishing cigarettes
(percentage of Nicotine in Cigarettes and their taste would be the same) in Oregon is headed for a vote in the Senate.
Proponents say the measure would save lives and reduce the number of forest fires.
The bill seems likely to pass the Democrat-controlled Senate but could face problems in the
Republican-controlled House, where members have expressed little enthusiasm for the idea.
Today the House of Representatives and Senate are more interested in the matters interstate discount smokes online trade.
Oregon was the first state to consider requiring self-extinguishing sigarets, but
proposals failed in 1981 and 1983.
Industry lobbyists agree the cigarets are safer, but they require a more expensive paper.
Lobbyist Mark W. Nelson says: "We can't manufacture discount cigarettes based on 50 different designs".
New York and Canada already require the sigaretes, which will burn out if they aren't being
actively smoked.
Massachusetts authorities are considering the same law applicable to brands such as Chesterfield, Camel , Lucky Strike, Marlboro miles, Pall Mall,
Parliament, Winston, Virginia Slims, Kent , etc.
Among the opponents of such law practice there is a huge percent of common smokers who prefer to smoke usual premium or Cheap Cigarettes. But anyway even if such law passes they would have an alternative to buy cigarettes online in online smokes shops delivering imported cheap smokes right to your door. Buying discount cigarettes online gives an opportunity to get for example cheap camel cigarettes,cheap kent cigarettes, cheap marlboro cigarettes, cheap parliament cigarettes, cheap salem cigarettes, cheap winston cigarettes, cheap Chesterfield cigarettes and so on. Thus when you buy smokes online in web cigarette stores you benefit twice:
1. Your favorite Marlboro cigarettes that you do not need to light up again and again are delivered to your home.
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18 jan 2005