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Newsletter & Content for Your Site


The Newsletter & Content includes 150 pages, including tips on home-buying, home-selling, mortgages, credit, and a glossary. 


Our program is used by Realtors, Lenders, & Title Companies.  Some of our clients use only the newsletter, some use only the content.


Testimonial:  "I went back today just for a look and absolutely love the header that you guys have put together for us.  Because of your (our) newsletter, we now rank for key words that we didn't before."  - Randy Watson.


Sure, buyers and sellers cruising the web look for listings & photos of property.  Others like to research and learn, too.  Among those visitors, our clients say that the content is fiercely valued, and generates substantial customer loyalty.


Basics:  All pages reside on a special separate off-site server.  Immediately after signup, you receive an email that tells you where your pages are located, so you can create navigation to the different sections.  You choose what you want your clients to see.


Header:  You can create your own unique header using elements from your web site, "surround color" that matches your header, and we will even help with the header at no cost, if you request.


Stickiness, PageRank & Anchor Text The pages were created to make your site "sticky" and more useful to visitors.  In addition, you get 150 graphic links back to your site and at least 150 text links. You can adjust the "anchor text" in the footer links.  We don't guarantee it, but some users say the result is search engine benefits for their main web site.  Since the pages are located off-site, this avoids any Google duplicate content issues.


Prospecting Benefits:  Emailing the newsletter helps you remain in contact.  Email the page directly or use a plain-text version we provide.  You use your own email program.  The "help" buttons may also generate leads.


Cost:  $149 per year (MasterCard or Visa)


Customer Support - (Pacific Time):  8am to 6pm  (866) 852-3769, or call during Pacific Time


  Last modified: December 27, 2005

  copyright 1998 - 2006 RealEstate ABC


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