 EEO Complaint Process
If you are a U.S. Customs and Border Protection employee or applicant for employment and you believe you have been subjected to employment discrimination because of your:Race, Color, Religion, National Origin, Sex; or- Participation in Protected EEO Activity or Opposition to Unlawful Discrimination (Reprisal); or
- Age (40 or older); or
- Physical or Mental Disability; or
- Parental Status, Sexual Orientation or Genetic Testing
You must contact the local U.S. Customs and Border Protection EEO Officer within 45 calendar days from the date of the alleged discriminatory event.Federal equal employment opportunity (EEO) laws and U.S. Department of Homeland Security policy prohibit employment discrimination against employees or applicants for employment based on race, color, religion, national origin, age (40 or older), physical or mental disability, sex (including pregnancy or childbirth) or in retaliation for opposing discrimination or for participating in the EEO complaint process. If you believe you have been subjected to employment discrimination, you must contact the local U.S. Customs and Border Protection EEO Officer within 45 calendar days of the discriminatory event. The EEO Officer will assist you with your dispute and inform you of your rights and responsibilities (such as anonymity and representation) in the EEO complaint process.You may elect to use mediation, a confidential process, to address your dispute. The goal in mediation is to have the parties reach a mutually acceptable solution.For list of CBP EEO Officers, please see the Local EEO Officer Contact Information.
( Local EEO Officer Contact Information
(doc - 122 KB.) )
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