SR 3 | Starts near Shelton, heads northeast into Bremerton and Silverdale before reaching Edmonds.
South of Hood Canal Bridge
SR 4 | Travels east-west between Interstate 5 at Kelso and US 101 at Willapa Bay near the Pacific Ocean.
KM Mountain on SR-4 @ MP 22
SR 8 | Connects Olympia, Elma and Montesano.
Rock Candy Mountain on SR-8 @ MP 16.1
SR 9 | Parallels I-5 and begins at the Canadian Border at Sumas, heads south to Mount Vernon and ends north of Bothell.
Sumas Abbotsford (Sumas) SR-9
SR 14 | Traverses the north side of the Washington border for two thirds of the state along the Columbia River between Vancouver to south of the Tri Cities.
SR-14 East of I-205 SR-14 West of I-205 CapeHorn Hood River Bridge on SR 14
SR 16 | From I-5 near Tacoma, over the Tacoma Narrows to Gig Harbor ending just south of Port Orchard.
I-5/SR 16 Interchange Center St SR 16/ SR I63 Interchange(Pearl St Tacoma Narrows East SR 16 - 36th Street Tacoma Narrows West SR 16 - Olympic Drive SR 16 - Wollochet SR 16 - Burnham Drive SR 16 / SR 302 SR 16: South 19th St
SR 17 | Runs north-south beginning near north of Bridgeport, running south to Mesa.
Mansfield on SR-17 @ MP 112
SR 18 | Provides a way to travel between Interstate 5 and Interstate 90 while avoiding the Seattle metropolitan area. Connects to Interstate 5 at Federal Way, passes by Auburn and joins Interstate 90 just west of North Bend.
I-5 / SR 18 Interchange SR 18/SR 516 Interchange
SR 20 | From US 101 on the Olympic Peninsula to Port Townsend. By ferry to SR 525 on Whidbey Island, up Whidbey to Anacortes, then crossing I-5 through Sedro Woolley and goes over Washington Pass, through Winthrop and Omak, to the Idaho border at Newport.
Sherman Pass on SR-20 @ MP 320
SR 241 |
SR 24 @ SR 241
SR 24 |
SR 24 @ SR 241
SR 27 | Runs north-south between Spokane and Pullman, along the eastern border of the state.
Pines and I-90 (North Bound) Pines and I-90 (South Bound) Pines and I-90 (East Bound) Pines and I-90 (West Bound)
SR 28 | Begins west of Quincy and runs east through Ephrata to Davenport.
SellarBridge_East GrantRoad_Intersection Quincy Rest Area
SR 31 |
Metaline Falls on SR 31 @ MP 16.69
SR 99 | Parallels I-5 between Everett and Fife.
SR 99/SR 518 Interchange (East) SR 99/SR 518 Interchange (South) SR 99/SR 518 Interchange (West) W Marginal Way Michigan St SR99/SR525 Interchange
SR 104 | Connects US 101 to SR 3 on the Kitsap Peninsula.
West of Hood Canal Bridge Hood Canal SR 522 / SR 104 Interchange
SR 109 |
Pt. Grenville on SR 109 @ MP 36.51
Pt. Grenville on SR 109 @ MP 36.5
SR 163 | Also known as Pearl Street in Tacoma. This highway connects SR 16 to the town of Ruston and crosses Puget Sound to Vashon Island.
SR 16/ SR I63 Interchange(Pearl St)
SR 167 | Connects to I-5 and I-405, passing through Kent and Auburn.
SR 167/SR 410 Interchange 15th St NW S 277th St SR 516/ SR 167 interchange(Willis St) 84th Ave S S 222nd St S 180th St I-405/SR 167 Interchange
SR 169 | Runs between Renton and Enumclaw, passing over Highway 18.
I-405/SR 169 Interchange
SR 172 |
Mansfield on SR-17 @ MP 112
SR 204 | Connects Lake Stevens at SR 9 to US 2 near Everett.
US 2/ SR 204 Interchange
SR 221 |
Sellards Road-SB facing on SR 221 @ MP13.5 Sellards Road-NB facing on SR 221 @ MP13.5
SR 240 |
SR 240/ Richland Wye @ MP 38
SR 285 |
SR 302 |
SR 16 / SR 302
SR 410 | This route travels between Sumner and US 12 northwest of Yakima and traverses the north side of Mount Rainier.
SR 167/SR 410 Interchange Whistlin Jacks on SR 410
SR 433 | Originally built in 1929, this bridge spans the Columbia River from Longview, WA to Rainier, OR
Lewis and Clark Bridge on SR-433
SR 500 | Connects to Interstate 5 at Vancouver, crosses over Interstate 205, and leads to Camas at SR 14.
SR 500 @ Thurston Way SR 500 @ 112th & Gher Rd.
SR 512 | Connects to I-5 at south Tacoma, runs to Puyallup.
I-5/SR 512 Interchange
SR 516 | Runs east-west between Des Moines, through Covington and Highway 18, intersecting with SR 169.
I-5/SR 516 Interchange SR 516/ SR 167 Interchange(Willis St) SR 18/SR 516 Interchange
SR 518 |
SR 99/SR 518 Interchange (West) SR 99/SR 518 Interchange (South) SR 99/SR 518 Interchange (East)
SR 520 | Runs between Seattle at I-5 and Redmond, across Lake Washington.
Montlake Blvd NE SR 520 Bridge Midspan East Highrise 92nd Ave NE Bellevue Way NE I-405/SR 520 Interchange NB 124th Ave NE 148th Ave NE SR 520 and 51st Street W Lk Samm Pkwy Redmond Way
SR 522 | From Monroe, through Bothell skirting the north end of Lake Washington along Bothell Way, which becomes Lake City Way and connects with I-5.
SR 522 / SR 104 Interchange SR 522 and 68th Ave Interchange I-405/SR 522 Interchange SR 522 @ Paradise Lake Rd (North) SR 522 @ Paradise Lake Rd (South)
SR 524 | Runs from Edmonds, east through Lynwood, across I-5 to Maltby.
I-405/SR 524 Interchange(Filbert Rd)
SR 525 | Covers the south half of Whidbey Island to the ferry between Clinton and Mukilteo and continues south to Lynnwood.
SR 525 @ Beverly Park Rd SR 525 @ Paine Field Blvd SR 525 @ 76th St SW SR 525@ Mukilteo Ferry Terminal SR99/SR525 Interchange
SR 526 | Runs south of Everett and connects to I-5.
I-5/SR 526 Interchange
SR 527 | Connects Everett, Mill Creek and Bothell, paralleling I-5.
I-405/SR 527 Interchange
SR 539 | Runs from the Canadian border south to I-5 near Bellingham.
Aldergrove (Lynden) SR-539
SR 543 | Connects to Canada 15 at the border from 1-5, east of Blaine.
SR543, I-5 Interchange Truck Crossing South Truck Crossing North Pacific Highway(Blaine) D St Interchange
SR 548 | Just south of the Canadian border, runs near Blaine and connects to I-5 in two places.
D St Interchange (South)
SR 599 | Connects I-5 to SR 99, just south of SeaTac.
I-5/SR 599 Interchange
SR 900 | North of Tukwila, connects I-5 and I-405.
I-90/SR 900 Interchange
SR 902 |
T.J. Meenach Bridge
SR 904 | Connects Cheney to Interstate 90 near Spokane.
Tyler Interchange on I-90 @ MP 257