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Statewide Route Description and Camera List

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Links are for specific camera images. Please remember to check your route on the Travel Alerts and Slowdowns page.



Main north-south route through western Washington which runs in its entirety from Canada to Mexico. Major Washington cities include Seattle, Vancouver, Bellingham and Everett.

I-5 Interstate Bridge S
I-5 and SR-14
I-5 @ Marine Drive
I-5 and Mill Plain
I-5 Interstate Bridge N
I-5 and 29th
Main St, Hazel Dell
I-5 and 78th
I-5 and 99th
I-5 and 134th
I-5 Capitol Blvd
I-5 Pacific Avenue (Olympia)
I-5/SR 512 Interchange
S 72nd/74th St
S 38th St
I-5/SR 16 Interchange
Pacific Ave
I-5 and L St
Puyallup River Bridge
Port of Tacoma Rd
S 375th St
Enchanted Parkway
I-5 / SR 18 Interchange
S 320th St
S 288th St
S 260th St
I-5/SR 516 Interchange
S 200th St
S 188th St
S 178th St
I-5/I-405 Interchange(Southcenter)
I-5/SR 599 Interchange
Duwamish River
Boeing Access Rd
Mid Boeing Field
Albro Pl
S Spokane St
S Holgate St
I-5/I-90 Interchange(4th Ave S-EB)
Yesler Way
Pine St
Mercer St
I-5: 44th Ave West
Roanoke St
NE 45th St
Lake City Way
NE 85th St
NE Northgate Way
NE 145th St
NE 175th St
NE 195th St
236th St SW
220th St SW
212th St SW
Alderwood(I-5/405 Interchange)
164th St SW
148th St SW
128th St SW
112th St SW, SB
112th St SW, NB
I-5/SR 526 Interchange
I-5 and Pacific Ave
I-5/Marine View Dr SB
I-5 and Marine View Dr NB
I-5 and Ebey Slough SB
I-5 and Ebey Slough NB
Anderson Rd. North
Anderson Rd. South
I-5 / College Way (North)
I-5 / College Way (South)
I-5 / SR 20 (North)
I-5 / SR 20 (South)
I-5 / SR 20 (West)
I-5 / SR 20 (East)
Lake Samish Park and Ride
I-5 / SR 11
Lakeway Dr.
Iowa Dr.
Sunset Dr.
Meridian St.
Smith Rd (North)
Smith Rd (South)
I-5 / SR 543
I-5 / SR 543
D St. (South)
D St (North)


Offers travel between Ellensburg, Yakima, Sunnyside and the Tri Cities (Richland, Kennewick, and Pasco) into Hermiston in Oregon.

Manastash Ridge Summit on I-82 @ MP 7


I-82 @ I-182


Offers travel between Ellensburg, Yakima, Sunnyside and the Tri Cities (Richland, Kennewick, and Pasco) into Hermiston in Oregon.

Horse Heaven on I-82 @ MP 121.2
Horse Heaven Pos 2 on I-82 @ MP 121.2


Main east-west route across Washington runs from Seattle over Snoqualmie Pass through Ellensburg over the Columbia River at Vantage and beyond Spokane where it continues into Idaho and all the way to Boston, MA.

I-5/I-90 Interchange(4th Ave S-EB)
18th Ave S
I 90 Bridge Midspan
76th Ave SE
Bellevue Way SE
I-90/I-405 Interchange(Factoria)
142nd Ave SE
W Lk Samm Pkwy
I-90/SR 900 Interchange
I-90 @ Sunset Way
Denny Creek
Franklin Falls
Snoqualmie West Summit
Hyak East
Hyak West
Bullfrog-facing east on I-90 @ MP 79.54
Bullfrog-facing west on I-90 @ MP 79.54
Elk Heights on I-90 @ MP 92
Rocky Canyon on I-90 @ MP 96.2
Ryegrass Summit on I-90 @ MP 125
Vantage West
Vantage East
Silica Road on I-90 @ MP 144
Dodson Road on I-90 @ MP 164.5
Potato Hill Bridge
Warden Interchange on I-90 @ MP 189
I-90/US 395 Interchange @ Ritzville
Tyler Interchange on I-90 @ MP 257
I-90/US 2 Interchange
I-90 and US 195
Jefferson and I-90
Division St
Arthur St
Hamilton St
Freya St
Havana St
Fancher Rd
Sprague Ave
Park Rd
Broadway Ave
Argonne Rd
University and I-90
Pines and I-90
Evergreen and I-90
Sullivan and I-90
Liberty Lake on I-90 @ MP 296


Splits off I-5 north of Vancouver and provides a bypass east of Portland.

I-205 @ Columbia Blvd
I-205 @ Government Island
I-205 and SR-14
I-205 and Mill Plain


Runs north and south east of Lake Washington between Lynnwood and Tukwila through Bothell, Bellevue and Renton.

I-5/I-405 Interchange(Southcenter)
West Valley Hwy
I-405/SR 167 Interchange
I-405/SR 169 Interchange
Sunset Blvd
NE Park Dr
N 30th St
NE 44th St
SE 64th St
112th Ave SE
Coal Creek Pkwy
I-90/I-405 Interchange(Factoria)
SE 20th St, SB
SE 8th St
NE 8th St
I-405/SR 520 Interchange NB
NE 53rd St
NE 85th St
NE 116th St
NE 124th St
NE 132nd St
NE 160th St
I-405/SR 522 Interchange SB
NE 195th St
I-405/SR 527 Interchange
204Th St SE NB
204Th St SE SB
I-405/SR 524 Interchange(Filbert Rd)

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Federal Highways

US 2

Travels between Everett and Spokane over Stevens Pass via Monroe, Wenatchee, Coulee City and Davenport.

US2 Trestle
US 2/ SR 204 Interchange
Stevens Pass
Winton on US 2 @ MP 86.6
US97/US2 Junction(Big Y)
Wenatchee on US 2 @ MP 119
Fairchild looking East
Fairchild looking west
I-90/US 2 Interchange
US2/Farwell Rd

US 12

An east-west cross-state route that travels through many rural areas. From the west coast at Aberdeen travel southwest to Chehalis and Mossyrock, over White Pass through Yakima and the Tri Cities east to Clarkston and into Idaho.

White Pass information
White Pass Summit on US12 @ MP 150.9
Delaney on US 12 @ MP 381.3
Alpowa Summit on US-12 @ MP 413

US 97

A north-south route through the center of the state including Chelan, Wenatchee, Leavenworth, Blewett Pass, Ellensburg, Yakima, Toppenish and Goldendale.

Satus Pass
YakimaCountyLine US 97 @ MP 34
Blewett Pass
US97/US2 Junction(Big Y)
Riverside on US-97 @ MP 299

US 97A

Runs the west side of the Columbia River between Chelan and Wenatchee.

Knapps Tunnel on US 97A @ MP 226
Chelan on US 97 @ MP 240.2

US 101

Begins near Olympia and loops around the edge of the Olympic Peninsula in NW Washington and continues south down the coast into Oregon.

Astoria-Megler Bridge on US 101
Cosmopolis Hill on US-101 @ MP 78
State Camp Hill on US-101 @ MP 100.5
Queets on SR 101 @ MP 151.7
Queets on SR 101 @ MP 151.7 21
Heckelville Shed on US 101 @ MP 214
Indian Valley on US 101 @ MP 237.2
Seibert on US 101 @ MP 256
Diamond Point on US 101 @ MP 275
Mt Walker, SR-101@ 301.5
Mt Walker, SR-101@ 301.5 2
Mt Walker, SR-101@ 301.5 3
Oyster Bay Rd. on SR 101 @ MP 359
Oyster Bay Rd. on SR 101 @ MP 359.1

US 195

US-195 @ Uniontown
US-195 @ Uniontown 2
US-195 @ Uniontown 3
US-195 @ Uniontown 4
US-195 @ Uniontown 5
US-195 @ Uniontown 6
US-195 @ Uniontown 7
US-195 @ Uniontown 8
US-195 @ Spangle
US-195 @ Spangle 2
US-195 @ Spangle 3
US-195 @ Spangle 4
US-195 @ Spangle 5
US-195 @ Spangle 6
US-195 @ Spangle 7
US-195 @ Spangle 8

US 395

Travels between the Canadian border via Kettle Falls and Deer Park into Spokane.

Blue Bridge on US 395 @ MP 19
I-90/US 395 Interchange @ Ritzville
Little Spokane River on SR-395 @ MP 168
Loon Lake Summit on US-395 @ MP 188
Laurier on US-395 @ MP 275

SR 24

SR 24 @ SR 241 Pos 2
SR 24 @ SR 241 Pos 3
SR 24 @ SR 241 Pos 4

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State Highways

SR 3

Starts near Shelton, heads northeast into Bremerton and Silverdale before reaching Edmonds.

South of Hood Canal Bridge

SR 4

Travels east-west between Interstate 5 at Kelso and US 101 at Willapa Bay near the Pacific Ocean.

KM Mountain on SR-4 @ MP 22

SR 8

Connects Olympia, Elma and Montesano.

Rock Candy Mountain on SR-8 @ MP 16.1

SR 9

Parallels I-5 and begins at the Canadian Border at Sumas, heads south to Mount Vernon and ends north of Bothell.

Abbotsford (Sumas) SR-9

SR 14

Traverses the north side of the Washington border for two thirds of the state along the Columbia River between Vancouver to south of the Tri Cities.

SR-14 East of I-205
SR-14 West of I-205
Hood River Bridge on SR 14

SR 16

From I-5 near Tacoma, over the Tacoma Narrows to Gig Harbor ending just south of Port Orchard.

I-5/SR 16 Interchange
Center St
SR 16/ SR I63 Interchange(Pearl St
Tacoma Narrows East
SR 16 - 36th Street
Tacoma Narrows West
SR 16 - Olympic Drive
SR 16 - Wollochet
SR 16 - Burnham Drive
SR 16 / SR 302
SR 16: South 19th St

SR 17

Runs north-south beginning near north of Bridgeport, running south to Mesa.

Mansfield on SR-17 @ MP 112

SR 18

Provides a way to travel between Interstate 5 and Interstate 90 while avoiding the Seattle metropolitan area. Connects to Interstate 5 at Federal Way, passes by Auburn and joins Interstate 90 just west of North Bend.

I-5 / SR 18 Interchange
SR 18/SR 516 Interchange

SR 20

From US 101 on the Olympic Peninsula to Port Townsend. By ferry to SR 525 on Whidbey Island, up Whidbey to Anacortes, then crossing I-5 through Sedro Woolley and goes over Washington Pass, through Winthrop and Omak, to the Idaho border at Newport.

Sherman Pass on SR-20 @ MP 320

SR 241

SR 24 @ SR 241

SR 24

SR 24 @ SR 241

SR 27

Runs north-south between Spokane and Pullman, along the eastern border of the state.

Pines and I-90 (North Bound)
Pines and I-90 (South Bound)
Pines and I-90 (East Bound)
Pines and I-90 (West Bound)

SR 28

Begins west of Quincy and runs east through Ephrata to Davenport.

Quincy Rest Area

SR 31

Metaline Falls on SR 31 @ MP 16.69

SR 99

Parallels I-5 between Everett and Fife.

SR 99/SR 518 Interchange (East)
SR 99/SR 518 Interchange (South)
SR 99/SR 518 Interchange (West)
W Marginal Way
Michigan St
SR99/SR525 Interchange

SR 104

Connects US 101 to SR 3 on the Kitsap Peninsula.

West of Hood Canal Bridge
Hood Canal
SR 522 / SR 104 Interchange

SR 109

Pt. Grenville on SR 109 @ MP 36.51
Pt. Grenville on SR 109 @ MP 36.5

SR 163

Also known as Pearl Street in Tacoma. This highway connects SR 16 to the town of Ruston and crosses Puget Sound to Vashon Island.

SR 16/ SR I63 Interchange(Pearl St)

SR 167

Connects to I-5 and I-405, passing through Kent and Auburn.

SR 167/SR 410 Interchange
15th St NW
S 277th St
SR 516/ SR 167 interchange(Willis St)
84th Ave S
S 222nd St
S 180th St
I-405/SR 167 Interchange

SR 169

Runs between Renton and Enumclaw, passing over Highway 18.

I-405/SR 169 Interchange

SR 172

Mansfield on SR-17 @ MP 112

SR 204

Connects Lake Stevens at SR 9 to US 2 near Everett.

US 2/ SR 204 Interchange

SR 221

Sellards Road-SB facing on SR 221 @ MP13.5
Sellards Road-NB facing on SR 221 @ MP13.5

SR 240

SR 240/ Richland Wye @ MP 38

SR 285


SR 302

SR 16 / SR 302

SR 410

This route travels between Sumner and US 12 northwest of Yakima and traverses the north side of Mount Rainier.

SR 167/SR 410 Interchange
Whistlin Jacks on SR 410

SR 433

Originally built in 1929, this bridge spans the Columbia River from Longview, WA to Rainier, OR

Lewis and Clark Bridge on SR-433

SR 500

Connects to Interstate 5 at Vancouver, crosses over Interstate 205, and leads to Camas at SR 14.

SR 500 @ Thurston Way
SR 500 @ 112th & Gher Rd.

SR 512

Connects to I-5 at south Tacoma, runs to Puyallup.

I-5/SR 512 Interchange

SR 516

Runs east-west between Des Moines, through Covington and Highway 18, intersecting with SR 169.

I-5/SR 516 Interchange
SR 516/ SR 167 Interchange(Willis St)
SR 18/SR 516 Interchange

SR 518

SR 99/SR 518 Interchange (West)
SR 99/SR 518 Interchange (South)
SR 99/SR 518 Interchange (East)

SR 520

Runs between Seattle at I-5 and Redmond, across Lake Washington.

Montlake Blvd NE
SR 520 Bridge Midspan
East Highrise
92nd Ave NE
Bellevue Way NE
I-405/SR 520 Interchange NB
124th Ave NE
148th Ave NE
SR 520 and 51st Street
W Lk Samm Pkwy
Redmond Way

SR 522

From Monroe, through Bothell skirting the north end of Lake Washington along Bothell Way, which becomes Lake City Way and connects with I-5.

SR 522 / SR 104 Interchange
SR 522 and 68th Ave Interchange
I-405/SR 522 Interchange
SR 522 @ Paradise Lake Rd (North)
SR 522 @ Paradise Lake Rd (South)

SR 524

Runs from Edmonds, east through Lynwood, across I-5 to Maltby.

I-405/SR 524 Interchange(Filbert Rd)

SR 525

Covers the south half of Whidbey Island to the ferry between Clinton and Mukilteo and continues south to Lynnwood.

SR 525 @ Beverly Park Rd
SR 525 @ Paine Field Blvd
SR 525 @ 76th St SW
SR 525@ Mukilteo Ferry Terminal
SR99/SR525 Interchange

SR 526

Runs south of Everett and connects to I-5.

I-5/SR 526 Interchange

SR 527

Connects Everett, Mill Creek and Bothell, paralleling I-5.

I-405/SR 527 Interchange

SR 539

Runs from the Canadian border south to I-5 near Bellingham.

Aldergrove (Lynden) SR-539

SR 543

Connects to Canada 15 at the border from 1-5, east of Blaine.

SR543, I-5 Interchange
Truck Crossing South
Truck Crossing North
Pacific Highway(Blaine)
D St Interchange

SR 548

Just south of the Canadian border, runs near Blaine and connects to I-5 in two places.

D St Interchange (South)

SR 599

Connects I-5 to SR 99, just south of SeaTac.

I-5/SR 599 Interchange

SR 900

North of Tukwila, connects I-5 and I-405.

I-90/SR 900 Interchange

SR 902

T.J. Meenach Bridge

SR 904

Connects Cheney to Interstate 90 near Spokane.

Tyler Interchange on I-90 @ MP 257

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Other Cameras

US - Canadian Border

Abbotsford (Sumas) SR-9
Aldergrove (Lynden) SR-539
Laurier on US-395 @ MP 275
Pacific Highway(Blaine)
SR543, I-5 Interchange
D St Interchange
Truck Crossing North
Truck Crossing South


Anacortes Ferry
Friday Harbor Ferry


Arlington Airport
Blaine Airport
Harvey Airfield(Snohomish)
Olympia Airport
Skykomish Airport

City & County Cams

18th & Ray Spokane
Port Townsend Airport
Downtown Vancouver
La Push
Long Beach
Mount St. Helens
Olympia - 4th Ave Bridge
Port of Ilwaco
Sun Mountain
Stevenson Waterfront
W.White Swan
W.White Swan Pos 4
W.White Swan Pos 2
W.White Swan Pos 3
Walla Walla-Whitman College
Walla Walla-Ankeny Field
Glade Rd
Glade Rd Northbound
Glade Rd Southbound
Glade Rd Valley
Glade Rd Westbound
Glade Rd Westbound 2
Naches Tieton Rd
Naches Tieton Rd Northbound
Naches Tieton Rd Southbound
North Wenas Rd
North Wenas Rd Eastbound
North Wenas Rd Eastbound 2
North Wenas Rd Gibsons
North Wenas Rd Gibsons Stop
North Wenas Rd Westbound 2
North Wenas Rd Westbound
Old River Rd North Bound
Old River Rd
Old River Rd Bridge
Old River Rd River Downstream
Old River Rd River Upstream
Old River Rd Southbound
Tieton Dr Eastbound 2
Tieton Dr Eastbound
Tieton Dr Northbound 2
Tieton Dr Northbound
Tieton Dr Southbound 2
Tieton Dr Southbound
Tieton Dr Westbound 2
Tieton Dr Westbound
Walla Walla City Camera

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