Some people just really make me sick. I mean, literally, my stomach is feeling sick. Some stinkin bitch on this message board saying nasty things about my website. Well, fuck her. If she wants to sit on her ass in front of the computer being queen of the message boards and making little cartoon graphics for free, then I guess that is her own miserable life. I realize there are people in this world who are much more skilled than me, but there are also a lot of people who couldn't turn on the computer, much less build a web site. You're wondering what I'm talking about? Well, she was putting me down because my graphics are simple. Yes, they are simple, but selling graphics is not what I'm trying to do. I'm selling websites and hosting, and I'll be goddamned if I'll let some sorry, depressed sit at home wife make me feel like I'm not good enough. I'd like to see her fucking web site. Where is it, you ask? How could she possibly have time for one when she's being the evil dungeon master of the message boards. I'm sure you know the type. Ass kissers, the whole lot of them. They try to boost each other up it seems by kissing each other's asses, but they are all hopelessly pathetic and seem to have very low self confidence. Well, it helps to talk about it. I certainly won't be going back. I thought it was be nice to talk with some local folks on that board, but I'll never be able to fit in with losers like them. It was a hopeless endeaver. I should have known better after the countless free trials on AOL and using their message boards and chat rooms. This current fiasco is not on AOL, but the people there remind me of the kind of idiots you find on AOL. Not all AOL'ers are idiots. Some are just in it for the free trial because they can't afford internet access. But anyone who continues to pay for AOL after they've been online for over two years is right on the verge of being "none too bright" as my mom would say. Of course, I couldn't offend one of those people by typing this here, unless there is an AOL keyword "Blogspot." Otherwise, I don't think the majority of them realize what the internet is really like. I was lucky back in the day when I had AOL, and I had just begun my online life, one day I clicked that little house icon that is at the top of the AOL browser and it took me to That was my first real experience online. It was crazy porn time from then on out. LOL. Just kidding. But it didn't take me long to realize that the internet was NOT on AOL, it was somewhere beyond that. Nowadays, AOL doesn't have that excite link. I don't think there is any home icon to click on.
Hey you want to know what really pissed me off? I typed a BOOK in here the other night and then I posted it AND GOT A FUCKING ERROR! MY POST WAS GONE! EVERYTHING I TYPED HAD DISAPPEARED. Oh well, no biggie. Screw it. You better believe I will copy my entries from now on before I hit post. There is nothing I hate more than filling out some long ass form and then you hit submit and it screws up and everything you did is GONE. I changed my settings so that my pages would not refresh everytime I went to a page. That way, forms are usually still filled in the way I left them if I hit the back button. But that didn't work here. I guess because they're in frames. Well, blow me.
There's someone that's been stalking me online for the last 4 days or so. That's what most of the last post was about. It was pretty funny. Too bad you missed it. He hasn't written to me, but I can see that he is at all of my websites almost daily. Stalked me down from my Yahoo personals ad. According to the IP, he actually lives near me. I can't place the city, but it's East TN.
Heather's Web Design - Simple websites for simple minds. Come one, come all. Get your websites, get your hosting. Only $15 per month hosting. If you're paying more, we need to talk about it. You don't have to buy one of my simple sites with plain boring graphics to host your site with me. It's a whole separate service. You know... fuck her. Because I know who's going to make it big within a year, and who will still be sitting her fat ass in front of the computer talking on discussion boards with freaks while her 10 children run around naked and starving cause she won't pull herself away from putting other people down long enough to take care of them. I'M GOING TO MAKE IT BIG. And I really don't give a goddamn if people think my work is simple. There are enough people out there that think my work is good that I will be able to make a profitable business out of it. Hell, it's already profitable. Not so much that I can quit my other part time job, but it won't be long now. I have a huge account (well, it's huge to me) that I'll be working on next month. It's really going to help the business get going big time.
Hey, you know that guy I said was stalking me around? Well, he found his way here to the blog by looking at the referring links on my public page tracker on my tripod site. That was pretty tricky. I mean, most people aren't smart enough to do that really. Unless they've had one of those trackers. Wonder if he thinks I don't bother to look at my trackers? Well, I do look at them, and not all of them are public trackers that you can see. One thing he's never seen is my picture page. There is no link to it anywhere. Let's see if he can resist this link here. I'll let you know the outcome.
Of course, he'll read this too. But he may not realize that it's him I'm talking about. Haha. It's pretty funny. Could be someone I know, right? Well, he needs to buy a website and some hosting. Then we could meet for lunch and talk business. ;)
Hey, is my blog entry too long? Bite me. I'm getting tired of writing. I'm in love with the new Superman. He is on that show Smallville on WB. I just saw it last night for the first time. I've never seen such a beautiful man. Gosh, and he looks so innocent. I'd love to corrupt him. Lovey love love. He's Sooooooooooooo cute. OK, that's enough. Goodbye for now.
Just so you know... I DID copy this and put it in Notepad, and I DID get that same error and have to start over. But this time I was prepared for the shitty service I was about to get. Hopefully, my post will work this time.
Hey you want to know what really pissed me off? I typed a BOOK in here the other night and then I posted it AND GOT A FUCKING ERROR! MY POST WAS GONE! EVERYTHING I TYPED HAD DISAPPEARED. Oh well, no biggie. Screw it. You better believe I will copy my entries from now on before I hit post. There is nothing I hate more than filling out some long ass form and then you hit submit and it screws up and everything you did is GONE. I changed my settings so that my pages would not refresh everytime I went to a page. That way, forms are usually still filled in the way I left them if I hit the back button. But that didn't work here. I guess because they're in frames. Well, blow me.
There's someone that's been stalking me online for the last 4 days or so. That's what most of the last post was about. It was pretty funny. Too bad you missed it. He hasn't written to me, but I can see that he is at all of my websites almost daily. Stalked me down from my Yahoo personals ad. According to the IP, he actually lives near me. I can't place the city, but it's East TN.
Heather's Web Design - Simple websites for simple minds. Come one, come all. Get your websites, get your hosting. Only $15 per month hosting. If you're paying more, we need to talk about it. You don't have to buy one of my simple sites with plain boring graphics to host your site with me. It's a whole separate service. You know... fuck her. Because I know who's going to make it big within a year, and who will still be sitting her fat ass in front of the computer talking on discussion boards with freaks while her 10 children run around naked and starving cause she won't pull herself away from putting other people down long enough to take care of them. I'M GOING TO MAKE IT BIG. And I really don't give a goddamn if people think my work is simple. There are enough people out there that think my work is good that I will be able to make a profitable business out of it. Hell, it's already profitable. Not so much that I can quit my other part time job, but it won't be long now. I have a huge account (well, it's huge to me) that I'll be working on next month. It's really going to help the business get going big time.
Hey, you know that guy I said was stalking me around? Well, he found his way here to the blog by looking at the referring links on my public page tracker on my tripod site. That was pretty tricky. I mean, most people aren't smart enough to do that really. Unless they've had one of those trackers. Wonder if he thinks I don't bother to look at my trackers? Well, I do look at them, and not all of them are public trackers that you can see. One thing he's never seen is my picture page. There is no link to it anywhere. Let's see if he can resist this link here. I'll let you know the outcome.
Of course, he'll read this too. But he may not realize that it's him I'm talking about. Haha. It's pretty funny. Could be someone I know, right? Well, he needs to buy a website and some hosting. Then we could meet for lunch and talk business. ;)
Hey, is my blog entry too long? Bite me. I'm getting tired of writing. I'm in love with the new Superman. He is on that show Smallville on WB. I just saw it last night for the first time. I've never seen such a beautiful man. Gosh, and he looks so innocent. I'd love to corrupt him. Lovey love love. He's Sooooooooooooo cute. OK, that's enough. Goodbye for now.
Just so you know... I DID copy this and put it in Notepad, and I DID get that same error and have to start over. But this time I was prepared for the shitty service I was about to get. Hopefully, my post will work this time.
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