 Commissioner's Civil Rights Policy Statement
(04/01/2004) As the Commissioner of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), I want to affirm my commitment to equal opportunity and fair treatment for all CBP employees, applicants for employment, and members of the trade and traveling public. It is the policy of CBP that all persons shall be treated with dignity and respect, consistent with all laws governing equal employment opportunities (EEO) and civil rights.I am committed to ensuring that individuals are afforded the opportunity to participate in CBP programs and activities without consideration of impermissible factors such as race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political affiliation, marital status as parent, sexual orientation, and/or protected genetic information. All personnel practices and employment related decisions will be made solely on the basis of merit. In addition, no person shall be subjected to retaliation for participating in the EEO process or for opposing any discriminatory act.Our success as an organization is tied directly to the hard work of our employees - men and women with very diverse backgrounds - stationed throughout the world. Having a workforce that represents the pluralism of our Nation and practices the principles of EEO, fairness, and integrity is critical to the protection of our borders and the mission of CBP.I expect CBP supervisors, managers and executives to foster a respectful workplace and address all acts of unlawful discrimination swiftly and decisively. As this Nation's first defense in the war on terror, we must protect the individual rights and civil liberties of our workforce and the people we serve.  |
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