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Archive for the 'Internet' Category

More Links we Like

Published on April 8, 2006

Here’s an update of what we’ve found interesting recently.

As usual, these are in no particular order…

Last.FM is a social music site that attempts to look at the songs that you listen to and suggest alternative music that you may like. We’ve been using it for a while now and have found some great new bands [...]

Popularity: 1%

The Life of a Digg

Published on March 4, 2006

Yesterday we posted an article to Digg for the first time not expecting the results of what happened next. Here we analyse the life of a Digg article and what people are calling the ‘Digg effect’.

Our story starts yesterday early evening. We’ve had an article on the site about how inexperienced web-masters ruin the appeal [...]

Popularity: 11%

Making Contextual Advertising Work

Published on February 26, 2006

In the current world of the internet, contextual advertising is THE way of bringing revenue to the webmaster. How do you increase the click-through and revenue from your contextual advertising.

Popularity: 2%

12 Ways to Irritate Your Visitors

Published on February 23, 2006

Some rather clever(!) webmasters have come up with many ways of irritating the visitor to their site. Here we sum up our top 12 favourite irritants.

Popularity: 100%