Here’s a list of links and articles we’ve found interesting recently.
In no particular order (or more approximately – in the order we found them in our bookmarks list).
Booting your PC from USB – A neat little tutorial explaining how you can configure your USB flash disk so that you can boot directly from it. Take your OS and system settings with you where ever you go.
Lego USB JumpDrive – We’re just going to have to try this, unfortunately at the moment we can’t find any Lego, or our old Jump-Drive to hack into. Never mind, we’ll get round to it one day soon…
LED Throwies – We love the ‘Instructibles’ website and wish we had more time to make some of the stuff they feature. This article on how to make disposable, throwaway, magnetic lights really caught our imagination.
How Stuff Works – This has been on our bookmarks list for an age now. If you’ve ever wondered how things work, then this is the site for you. Well-written articles that explain complicated stuff in a way we understand.
Remove Hidden Data in Microsoft Word – MS Word holds a huge amount of data that you may not want it too. Perhaps you work in a large company and many people review documents before you send them to the customer. Do you really want the customer to be able to read all the embedded comments or track the changes to the document? This tutorial shows you how to remove all the embedded information you never knew existed.
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