Experience NZ Travel Ltd
Level 8, AMP Chambers
187 Featherston St
Wellington 6001
New Zealand
PO Box 23049
Cable Car Lane
Tel. +64 (4) 473 4470*
Fax. +64 (4) 473 4471
*Office hours are 9:00a.m. to 5:30p.m. NZ time is currently: 3:34AM (Wednesday)
Experience New Zealand Internships |
Experience New Zealand Travel Ltd offers Tourism students internship positions of six months or longer.
The next available internship will not commence until July 2007.
Description of Intern Positions
Our interns will experience a variety of roles including assisting with the preparation of client itineraries (arranging the itineraries, bookings, documentation) and performing a number of other administrative roles such as accounting and payment processes as well as ferry and campervan bookings.
As we are a small team you will get to know all our processes and work with each member of the team.
As we operate only via the Internet few clients visit our office. Most client and supplier liaison is via e-mail and telephone.
Ideally you will:
- be familiar with Internet, Word, Excel
- have very good typing skills
- be multi-lingual and fluent in English (writing and speaking)
- be open-minded and, of course, interested in travel
The Team
Click here to meet the Experience New Zealand team.
The Office
We are located in the heart of Wellington city. Wellington is the capital of New Zealand with a population of approximately 300,000. For more information see wellingtonnz.com.
Unfortunately we are not able to offer you accommodation, but it is easy to find. You can have a look on the Internet or search in the newspapers here. You should expect to pay NZ$80 - NZ$160 per week for a room in an apartment and we will pay a contribution towards this cost.
You will need to apply for an internship visa at the New Zealand Embassy in your country. For more information see http://www.immigration.govt.nz/work/.
If you are interested in becoming an ENZTL intern please complete this online form. We will respond to your enquiry in January 2007, when we assess the applications for the opening in July 2007.
Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are compulsory.