The Wayback Machine -









Achieving Your Dreams!

Are you chasing success but never finding anything but a pot of coal at the end of your rainbow?

Has Success Evaded You?

Do you have the desire to give the ones you love the things they need? Have you given in to the idea that success if for the OTHER GUY?  The Crow can help!

What we think is who we are.  How we act is how we think.  Your mind is like a garden.  The seeds you plant there now will be what you harvest in the future.


See Our List Of Domains

The Crow is currently in the process of building about 1500+ websites.  These websites will be available for lease.  See Our Current List Here!


Included in our packages:

Domain name, Access to the plug-n-win system, Hosting, Search engine submission every 3 days, Plus our Full time marketing staff markets your site for you! And that's not all… To Find out more Click HERE!