The HydroGlow Winter Swordfest Tournament originally scheduled for November 5, 2005 was postponed due to Hurricane Wilma to Saturday, December 10, 2005. The winds were howling all week leading up to the tournament but the weather report said the conditions would die down and lucky for us they did! Approximately 230 anglers fished on 49 boats in what would be one of the best nights in our tournament history. Fishing was red hot all night long. Most fishing teams were hooked up to a fish within the first hour of lines in and they reported that swords were biting all night long. The tournament committee boat documented 59 releases and 54 boated fish with 12 of them brought to the scales.
The final results are as follows:
1st Place – 301lbs.
Boat Name: My Three Sons
Captain: Nate Goodwin
Angler: Kenny Josack
Awarded: $5,700
Big Fish Division: $9,300
1st Place/Broadbill Split - $2,220
2nd Place – 258lbs.
Boat Name: Bull Dog
Captain: Jason Simione
Angler: Jason Simione
Awarded: $2,800
3rd Place – 242lbs
Boat Name: Big Ed
Captain: Ed Kiesel
Angler: Ed Kiesel
Awarded: $1,900
2nd Place/Broadbill Split - $1,480
4th Place – 211lbs
Boat Name: Sea Weed
Captain: Silvio Case
Angler: Silvio Case
Awarded: $950
5th Place – 191lbs
Boat Name: Sword Boys
Captain: Jeff Gerum
Angler: Chris Sherman
Awarded: $450
The plans for next year’s tournaments have begun. We are organizing a tournament in June & November 2006. For more details, please check our website @
Tight Lines,
Drew Kettelhut
Tournament Director