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They are known as the nation's premier source for self-employment options, franchising information, education and training. The Entrepreneur's Source is the first place to look for guidance, training and straight talk about franchise and business opportunities, with no obligation or risk.

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Join the $10.7 Billion Spa Industry
HealthWest, Inc., innovators in the burgeoning MedSpa industry, now offers to the qualified business professional, limited franchise offerings, available immediately.

  • Franchises available to both non-medical and medical professionals
  • Complete, professional solution for franchise entrepreneurs
  • Rapid growth, high profit MedSpa industry
  • First to market "brand name" opportunity

HealthWest's, Inaara Franchising program far outdistances common place "business development" plans or "licensing programs". Step by step documentation contained in the Inaara MedSpa's Uniform Franchise Offering Circular details the roles of both franchisor and franchisee, a literal "Blueprint" for the successful partnership.

The MedSpa Industry?
"The new Fountain of Youth is at the strip Mall. These anti=aging boutiques are popping up all over the country and you'd be surprised at who's trying to look younger". - CNN

"MedSpas have grown 133% in the last five years = the highest growth rate of any spa type". - International Spa Association

"No other firm in the MedSpa industry has figured out how to pull off a national MedSpa program". - Dr. Martin Luban, CEO MedSpa Alliance

"Cos=Medical" procedures in a Spa Environment
Millions of woman and men annually are spending billions of dollars in the anti-aging industry. Non-invasive, recurring, cosmetic medical procedure sales are growing at an unprecedented rate. HealthWest's Inaara franchise concept takes the most sought after, highly profitable, modern skin care procedures out of the typical medical office setting, and smartly places them in a comfortable and accessible retail store, creating a unique marketing environment for the seasoned entrepreneur.

Inaara MedSpa Services
Laser Hair Removal addresses the problem of unwanted hair, a predicament faced by eighty million men and women in the United States. Traditional methods like plucking, waxing, and shaving have proven insufficient in addressing this problem as hair removed from these methods grow back. A HealthWest MedSpa Franchise uses the latest state-of-the-art laser technology that assures permanent hair reduction. Laser hair removal has become so popular that approximately 50% of hair removal clients are men.

IPL Photorejuvenation is a non-invasive treatment that eliminates skin blemishes without disruptions to the skin surface. Using the highly advanced Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) technology, photorejuvenation treats a wide range of facial concerns safely and effectively, such as broken blood vessels, rosacea, age spots and other skin blemishes.

Botox is a highly effective, non-surgical procedure that works to relax the two major muscles in the forehead by blocking nerve impulses that trigger wrinkle-causing contractions. The treatment reduces the toughest wrinkles within 7 days. A ten minute treatment delivers dramatic results that last up to 4 months.

Microdermabrasion is an exfoliating procedure that revitalizes the skin's appearance. A stream of very fine crystals is directed through a handpiece onto the skin to loosen the layer of dead skin cells. Also known as the "lunchtime peel", one session takes 30 minutes with no recuperation time and minimal side effects.

An Inaara MedSpa is an exceptional retail medicine franchise opportunity. To the experienced and qualified entrepreneur, a professionally operated MedSpa represents both high income and rapid growth potential. Find out how you too can be one of the first, if not the first, to market in your area as an owner of an Inaara MedSpa.

Disclaimers: The communications made through this website should not be construed as an offer to sell an Inaara MedSpa franchise in, nor are the communications directed to, the residents of any jurisdiction requiring registration of the franchise before it is offered and sold in that jurisdiction. Inaara MedSpa franchises will not be sold to any resident of any jurisdiction until the offering has been exempted from the requirements of, or duly registered in and declared effective by, such jurisdiction and the required Uniform Franchise Offering Circular (UFOC) has been delivered to the prospective franchisee in compliance with applicable law. Upon inquiry you will be informed if a franchise opportunity is currently available in your state or other jurisdiction. An offer of a franchise is made only by the means of the HealthWest UFOC. Prospective franchisees are encouraged to obtain and carefully read the HealthWest UFOC and thoroughly evaluate any franchise offering with a qualified franchise attorney before deciding to sign an agreement or spend any money. For further information regarding franchising fill out the application form below and submit it.

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Number of Franchise Units: 35
Net Worth: Not Available
Date Franchise Started: 2002

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There are an estimated 1,500 franchise companies operating in the U.S. doing business through more than 320,000 retail units.

75 industries use franchising to distribute goods and services to consumers.

Average initial investment level for nearly 8 out of 10 franchises, excluding real estate, is less than $250,000.

Most franchise companies have fewer than 100 units. Average length of franchise contract is 10 years.

WSI, headquartered in Toronto, Canada, is ranked the #1 Internet Services Business in the world and the 4th fastest-growing International Franchise. WSI has established itself as the world's leading Internet Services Franchise whose systems are used by over 700 franchisees in 87 countries around the world. WSI delivers thousands of e-business solutions to small and medium sized businesses annually.


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