- Hillview Lakes -
Location in South West:Cherry Orchard Lane, Twyning, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, GL20 6JH, England, UK
Tel: 01684 296719

Day Tickets:
Day tickets [7.00am - dusk]: £6.00 for one rod or £7.00 for two rods

evening tickets [4.00pm - dusk]: £5.00 for one rod or £6.00 for two rods

match bookings from £100

tickets from bailiff on the bank
Facilities:Holiday accomodation in Scandanavian-style log cabins, toilets, disabled facilities, car parking, some bait available
Best Baits:meat, sweetcorn, pellets, casters, maggots, worm.
Getting There:Leave the M5 at Junction 8 and head along the M50. Exit the M50 at Junction 1 [signed Tewkesbury] onto the A38 heading for Twyning and you will see the entrance to Hillview Lakes and Nursery signed on the left hand side as you come round a bend.

Hillview Lakes offers coarse fishing on a total of five acres of water on an eight acre site. The two coarse fishing lakes and four coarse fishing canals are set in attractive countryside with an abundance of wildlife on and around them. Hillview Lakes is a well-established coarse fishery and it is busy most weekends. It is just as popular with inexperienced coarse anglers and novices as well as families looking for a pleasant day out by the waterside where they can be sure of catching plenty of fish.
Moorhen Lake: is about an 1.5 acres in size and holds 18 well spaced pegs. Moorhen Lake contains mostly carp with commons and mirrors to 20lbs [average 3-4lbs], ghosties to 18lbs [average about 4lbs 8oz]and crucians between 1lb 8oz and 3lbs. The remaining fish inlcude bream, roach and rudd, silver orfe and some quality perch to 4lb. Suitable for pole, waggler or swimfeeder, try fishing the margins in the summer or just out in front of you up in the water, feeding little and often to keep the fish in your swim. Try meat, sweetcorn or soft hooker pellets for the carp and casters and maggots for the silver fish.
Heron Lake: is a similar size to Moorhen although not quite as deep. It is stocked with the same fish as Moorhen and the same tactics will work well. Soft hooker pellets, luncheon meat, maggots, casters and corn are all good baits fished in close to the side or out to the islands. Pole, waggler and swimfeeder are again favourites.
The Canals: Holding a total of 52 pegs [13 on each water], the four canals at Hillview Lakes are separate from each other and can be found at the very top end of the site. All four are 11 metres wide and designed for the pole. In summer it pays to fish eiter close in to the near bank or right up to the reeds on the far side. Best baits for summner tend to be luncheon meat, sweetcorn and chopped worm whilst in winter maggots, casters and worm are all worth a try.
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