| Monthly Career Horoscope for May |
As the month starts, you're making plans. While only you know their exact nature, they likely have something to do with your community. So, as you get to work on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd, keep in mind that in order for your plans (which are very, very good) to succeed (something everybody will benefit from), you're going to need to have faith, work hard and overcome a few obstacles. But you probably knew that already -- this is just a reminder. By the 10th, your plans are in the works, and the momentum could blow you away. Take the 14th off and rest -- you have a lot of work ahead of you, you know! On the 19th, your community is increasingly interested in your projects. By the 23rd, your directness is a real asset in problem solving, especially when it comes to group negotiations. On the 27th, you're an ace. Period. On the 31st, it's more or less smooth sailing.
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