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Golf TipsGolf Tips from the ExpertsBuilding Your A Game: Daily Fitness TipOpening up the hips is crucial for today's golfer. Kneel on one knee and have the front leg forward at 90 degrees. ( like a lunge) Slowly lean forward for 30 seconds.
Golf for BeginnersGolf for Beginners aims to provide information for golf newbies. Often, beginning golfers have no one to ask about, for example, the handicap system. Multimedia Golf How-To TutorialsMultimedia Tutorials for Grip, Stance, Alignment, Ball Position, Swing and Putting by Easy2 Technologies. Ball PositionOnce we establish our parallel alignment, we must understand the appropriate ball position for the club we are about to use to execute our shot. Utilizing two ball positions allow us to perfect one swing. Setup8 Seconds to a Better Game. Setup is the procedure you follow when preparing to hit the golf ball. Because golf is a target-oriented game, let's begin with the visuals. Pre-Shot RoutineA pre-shot routine is good for eliminating extraneous thoughts prior to hitting a golf shot and ""grounding"" a player, getting them to focus more exclusively on the shot at hand. Golf PostureHow to find your proper golf posture, and why posture is important. Listen to Roger Gunn as he explains it for us. PuttingWanna be a good putter? Here are some basic fundamentals you should be practicing. The rest is about how good your vision is, how much you pay attention to detail and how sharp your feel is. Putting Multimedia TutorialPutting makes up 43% of your total strokes in a round of golf, yet golfers seem to be more interested in practicing their full golf swing. It may sound repetitious, but in order to improve your game, you should spend at least ˝ of your practice time around the green. Principles of PuttingGood putting is part science, part art, part experience, part routine, part touch, part consistent technique, part patience, ...and all confidence, commitment, courage, and concentration. Short GameThe chip and run should be the workhorse of your short game. It is the most reliable shot around the green. Driver & Iron PlayDo you need help with your driver or irons? Here are some full swing golf tips that might help you improve your play with the driver or irons. Hitting Down on the BallIt is critical to note that the golf club has not been designed to get under the ball to lift it. It has been designed to strike the ball as the clubhead is descending - on the downswing. Getting a golf ball to go up requires hitting down on it. Swing Balance & RhythmAll great players have the ability to swing every club at a consistent tempo and with great balance. Rhythm and balance are linked. The key to consistency is to maintain your balance and use a smooth rhythm. Reading GreensIf you can see and balance (keep yourself upright) you can probably read greens. All we're really talking about is being able to see variations from perfectly level (and factoring in a few subtleties). Mental GameThe most important thing you can do mentally to give yourself the best possible chance of success is to focus your attention on what you want to have happen. Course ManagementPlay it safe or go for the pin? Here's how to develop your course management. Golf EtiquetteThe rules of golf etiquette are what they are for several very important reasons: Many of them relate to the safety of golfers, many relate to pace of play, and other rules relate to maintaining the quality of the golf course. Order of PlayWhen pace of play is important in casual play situations don't worry too much about honor, away and whose turn it is to play. Most golfers develop a feel for this from experience. Golf Rules FAQThis Golf Rules FAQ covers golf rules codified by the USGA and the R&A.; Golf HandicapThe purpose of the handicap system has always been to attempt to level the playing field for golfers of differing abilities, so that those golfers can compete equally. |