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IP Messenger - IP Sender - IP Multicast-
Includes Country IP Address Range -
Free list of IP ranges
Better than bulk email

Advance Your Business to the Next Generation of Online Advertising!

Send your advertising messages to more than 100,000 customers per hour! As often as you like, SPAM FREE!

INSTANTLY INCREASE your SALES and MAXIMIXE your PROFITS by placing your compnay or product on the desktop of millions of computer users.

The key to unlocking your sales EXPLOSION is...

Instant Global IP Advertising!

Global IP Advertising or Direct IP (Internet Protocol) Advertising is a new form of advertising that uses a feature built into Windows operating systems. Recent articles have expalined how this new advertising is being used more and more. But not just the same old conventional advertising methods that have become overpriced, overworked, and somewhat ineffective. This is a relatively new, innovative, technologically advanced method of delivering your advertisements quickly to millions of new customers.

A little background...

So how do those huge companies become so successful at gaining the lion's share of the market? After all, there are plenty of other similar companies with products that are just as good, if not better.

They do it by constantly introducing consumer markets with their product, making their company/brand a household word by flooding the market with their presence. Microsoft did it at the birth of the PC boom by shipping all new IBM clones with the Microsoft Windows operating system. AOL did it by mailing millions of copies of their software to every consumer with a postal address. Their efforts to mass market their presence created the most successful businesses to date, all due to a massive advertising/marketing campaign that cost them millions, but gained them billions in revenue.

To succeed you must make your presence known! If you don't your competition will.

The big companies spent millions on their advertising, but now YOU can run an advertising campaign that can reach literally millions of customers INSTANTLY without spending millions of dollars. You will do this by utilizing a new software technology that harnesses the power of 85% of Windows operating systems to deliver your advertising messages. Direct IP Advertising even works when a computer user is not connected online. We have made this software very affordable so that anyone who wants to have their own opportunity to prosper from this new advertising software.

The new software that will deliver your advertising messages directly to potential customers' PC desktops at the rate of millions per day is...

IM Ad Blast Instant Message Software

Now you can take advantage of the greatest advertising method ever created...

Instant Message Ad Blast!

With this new advanced software technology breakthrough combined with the POWER of GLOBAL INSTANT MESSAGING, you can instantly blast your ads to millions of new customers. The best part is that your ads will instantly show up directly on the new customers' desktops. This type of advertising is 100% Legal, Ethical, and Totally Effective! This method of online advertising guarantees that your new customers will actually see your ads.

IM Ad Blast Instant Messenger can deliver you an increased number of sales & maximize your profits!

Traditional methods of online advertising, such as email and banner ads, have become very ineffective. Mass/Bulk email, often known as spamming, is illegal in many countries. In addition to that, statistics show that less than 1% of all Mass/Bulk Emails ever get read, nearly all end up deleted without being opened. Banner ads are equally as ineffective at successful ad delivery to a large number of customers. This is due to the fact that the market has become oversaturated with banner ads and they now have a small click through ratio.

Traditional online advertising methods just don't deliver customers anymore.

The only way for you to accomplish success with your online advertising campaigns is to use a fresh, new, innovative approach utilizing the best software technology created to deliver a flood of paying new customers directly to your website.

And that is exactly what IM Ad Blast does for you! IM Ad Blast can deliver a flood of paying customers directly to your website, increasing your sales and maximizing your profits!

How IM Ad Blast works

IM Ad Blast works by tapping into a program which is installed on all PCs running Windows NT, Windows 2000 or Windows XP, Windows 2003 which includes up to 85% of all computers being used today. This is a HUGE window of opportunity!

IM Ad Blast uses the Windows Messenger Service program to INSTANTLY deliver your advertising messages to your new customers' desktops via their IP addresses.

There are NO RESTRICTIONS to delivering ads using IP addresses.

IM Ad Blast comes with a Huge Global database of IP addresses that covers more than 95% of the internet. You can custom tailor your advertising campaigns by targeting them demographically with this extensive database! With this type of system in place you can deliver your advertising messages to literally millions of new customers' desktops in REAL-TIME as often as you like, and get IMMEDIATE RESULTS unavailable using any other method!

IM Ad Blast is extremely user friendly, designed to make delivering your advertising messages a breeze. Just select a few options in the IM Ad Blast software, enter your advertising message, and with a click of the mouse your advertising message is being delivered to millions of new customers.

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Customize your advertising campaign to fit your needs! 

IM Ad Blast gives you many options to choose from to custom tailor the delivery of your advertising messages.

•You can choose delivery af your advertising messages by either IP addresses or domain names!
•Adust the delivery speed of your advertising messages.
•Add any list or combination of lists to your advertising campaign.
•Edit your delivery list directly from the software.
•Save your delivery list(s) to the software's memory for future use.
•Remove a delivery list from the software's memory, or from the main software screen.
•Add or delete a single or multiple item(s) to your delivery list directly from the main software screen.

IM Ad Blast is the obvious replacement for Mass/Bulk email. Here are some reasons why:

• With IM Ad Blast there is no need to pay for expensive Mass/Bulk email lists that are normally outdated and overused. Mass/Bulk email is regulated by various laws in different states and countries. Instant messages are not regulated !
•Mass/Bulk email list deliveries are often sent to email addresses that are mostly invalid, blocked, or just plain non-existent. There is not even valid delivery confirmation from those mass mailings.
•Instant messages delivered by IM Ad Blast end up prominently displayed on your new customers' PC Screens, and you get a stastistical record of exactly how many messages were delivered successfully.
• If you do receive any response from an email campaign it normally comes a few days after the mailing, if the email actually makes it to the eyes of your customer. Responses that come from IM AD Blast software messages are as quick as the messages themselves! You get a rapid response from the customers that will bring them directly to your website or phoneline to purchase your products!
• Response rate to the Instant Message advertising is tremendously higher than email campaigns, which means increased business and maximized profits to you.
• Mass/Bulk email will get you in trouble with your ISP. Instant Message advertising is not regulated and will not get you in trouble.
• With IM Ad Blast you can legally send your advertising messages to more than 100,000 new customers per hour!

How do I get IM Ad Blast?

You can test out the software by downloading a FREE demo here:

Try before you buy, that way your satisfaction is guaranteed!

Once you have tested the demo version for FREE, come back to buy the Full version!

We invite you to check out our competition! There are a few other companies that are selling a similar software program or service, but they are charging as much as $500 to $700. On top of that, other similar services charge you for the number of messages you broadcast. With IM Ad Blast you own the software and database with NO LIMITS to the amount of advertisements you can deliver! So look closely when you compare! Have a look for yourself at the following websites to verify this, but do yourself a favor and come back here to make your purchase after you have compared:

Dont get stuck paying an outrageous amount of money to them when you can own the superior product of IM Ad Blast for the very low cost of ONLY $39.95! ORDER NOW!

So why are we selling this great software for less than a third of the price of my lowest priced competition, and 5 times cheaper than the higher priced competition? Because...

We made this software AFFORDABLE, so everyone can prosper from it. Think about what we discussed earlier, the lion's share of the market. Using IM Ad Blast to broadcast our advertising messages, we will increase our sales which will maximize my profits, and we will gain the lion's share of the market! Also, by offering you a better product at a better price we will again increase my sales which will maximize my profits! So by offering you this software at a price drastically lower than my competition we will sell more in volume and make more profit in the long-run. A win-win situation for the both of us!

Start sending your ads by the millions today!

If you are ready to start blasting your advertising messages to millions of potential paying customers then it is time to...


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In the news:

  • January 11, 2003, IMadblast sets a new dynamic pricing structure and reports records sales!
  • For a limited time you can order your own copy of IMadblast now at a very Low Introductory Price and SAVE!
  • BONUS: with IMadblast you will receive a huge worldwide database of IP ranges for targeted demographic messaging INCLUDED FREE!!
  • Now you can [download a demo] version of the POWERFUL IMadblast software for FREE, before you purchase the full version.


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you buy the software. Please read the 'requirements' written and test the product.
Refunds will not be given for reasons surrounding the users lack of knowledge of the
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your purchase. Because of the digital nature of this product, all sales are final.