North Georgia Cabins for Sale - From a REALTOR HiawasseeCabins for sale in North Georgia has become a very popular search term recently. Our Georgia mountain homes are a good mix of traditional homes and cabins. The main thing that dictates the price of a cabin is the view and the amenities on the property, such as a river, creek or stream. Lake front cabins can command top dollar. It is not difficult to do an MLS search for cabins in North Georgia, however, trying to determine some of the details is impossible. That is why it is always the best idea to use the services of a professional REALTOR®, and in North Georgia, Doug Kelly, REALTOR Hiawassee is one of the best. When you find properties you want to come see, contact Doug and schedule a visit. let him do the rest. Here is a list of cabins in North Georgia that are representative of the cabin style properties North GA Cabins Under $200,000 Click here to view properties
North GA Cabins Under $300,000 Click here to view properties
North GA Cabins $300,000 and up Click here to view properties
When you are viewing the list of properties, write down the MLS numbers of the ones that interest you, then contact Doug and let him go to work for you. **A listing may have been sold or it might be under contract/sale pending when you view it. Always contact Doug for the latest information about any property. Enlist the services of a REALTOR to find your next home. Doug Kelly is a REALTOR in Hiawassee GA.