Regional Parks in Normandy, France
The Normandy-Maine Regional Park
The Normandy-Maine Regional Nature Park covers
234 000 hectares divided into two sections; Normandy and the Pays de Loire
Tél: 02-33-81-75-75
The Perche Regional Nature Park
In the heart of the former province of Perche,
the Nature Park was set up in 1998. It covers 182,000 hectares and contains a
broad spectrum of plant and animal farm.
8, rue Marcel Louvel- BP 23
Tél: 02-33-73-73-47
Fax: 02-33-83-75-94
The “Boucles de la Seine Normande”
Regional Nature Park
It is a regional park which covers
35 districts on both sides of the Seine Rouen and Le Havre
Tél: 02-35-37-23-16