Roman Colosseum, Flavian
Amphitheater - Colosseo, Anfiteatro Flavio |
Rome, Italy, c. 70 to 82 AD (Roma, Italia,
ca. dal 70 al 82 d.C.)
- Architect: unknown
- Builders: Vespasian, Titus, Domitian (Costruttori:
Vespasiano, Tito, Domiziano)
- Address: Piazza del Colosseo
- Long: 600 feet (Asse maggiore: 187 metri)
- High: 161 feet (Altezza: 50 metri)
- Wide: 500 feet (Asse minore: 155 metri)
- Spectators: 50,000 - 80,000 (Spettatori: 50'000
- 80'000)
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La storia e la descrizione del Colosseo di Roma, noto anche con il nome di Anfiteatro Flavio, e dei giochi dei gladiatori romani.
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Last link update (Ultimo aggiornamento del collegamento) = 01.05.2006 - [ Site info]
Maecenas, Images of Acient Greece and Rome, Photos by Leo C. Curran.
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Last link update (Ultimo aggiornamento del collegamento) = 01.05.2006 - [ Site info]
Brief description:
Founded, according to legend, by Romulus and Remus in 753 B.C., Rome was first the centre of the Roman Republic, then of the Roman...
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The columns of the ground floor are the Doric, the first floor are Ionic, the second floor are Corinthian and the top of floor are Corinthian pilaster...
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Last link update (Ultimo aggiornamento del collegamento) = 01.05.2006 - [ Site info]
Colosseum (Flavian Amphitheater), Rome, 72-80 CE. Digital Imaging Project: Art historical images of European and North American architecture and sculpture from classical Greek to Post-modern. Scanned from slides taken on site by Mary Ann Sullivan, Bluffton College.
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Last link update (Ultimo aggiornamento del collegamento) = 01.05.2006 - [ Site info]
Virtual Walkthrough (Visita virtuale)
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Roman Colosseum by unknown architect, at Rome, Italy, 70 to 82, in the Great Buildings Online.
Clicks Total (Click totali) = 1704/70929 - Click-through rate = 2.4 %
Last link update (Ultimo aggiornamento del collegamento) = 01.05.2006 - [ Site info]
This site of the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs is a collection of images of the art and architectural remains of the ancient civilization...
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Last link update (Ultimo aggiornamento del collegamento) = 01.05.2006 - [ Site info]
The Roman COLOSSEUM , Flavian amphitheater built over the remains of Nero's "Golden House" in Rome, c. 80 AD. The primary function of an amphitheat...
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Last link update (Ultimo aggiornamento del collegamento) = 01.05.2006 - [ Site info]
A comprehensive site on the Colosseum, in English and Italian - Architecture, history, gladiator games and recent events.
Clicks Total (Click totali) = 1855/70929 - Click-through rate = 2.62 %
Last link update (Ultimo aggiornamento del collegamento) = 01.05.2006 - [ Site info]
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