The Various Types of Fishing
March 11, 2006 o3 6:20 am | In Fishing Resources |
Family Fun - Fishing
They say that if you go fishing once, you’re hooked (if you don’t mind the pun). With over 50 million people citing fishing as being a major hobby/sport they partake in during their leisure time, there may be something in this. So, how can the whole family have fun fishing?
Types of Fishing
The first thing to note is that fishing is a very broad term, which is not made any narrow by replacing it with the phrase angling. Nevertheless, the two basic forms of fishing are fresh water fishing, on rivers and streams inland, and salt water fishing, out on the open sea. While it is possible to enjoy both forms of fishing, in most cases people who enjoy one type of fishing over another usually stick to it.
Fresh Water Fishing
Of the two principal types of fishing, probably the more favored one with families is fresh water fishing as it provides families with the chance to take lovely holidays when they can not only go fishing but also do other activities. For example, a boat trip along one of the many inland rivers and streams available not only allows you the chance to do some fishing but in the evenings you can go into local towns and cities and do some shopping and see the sites. Also, if the children want to spend some time doing things other than fishing, fresh water fishing is far more likely to be able to let them do this than if you are several miles out to sea doing some sea water fishing.
Deep Sea Fishing
If your family love the water, then one type of fishing that is always enjoyable is deep sea fishing – such as fishing for tuna. Not only can this provide you with all the thrills associated with fishing, but you can also go scuba diving or snorkeling – thus making a memorable holiday for everyone in the family.
Yahoo! Search: fishing Offers regional information, tips, fishing directory, and more. Fishing Works Guide to fishing regulations, tackle, boats, guide services, weather, and more. Fishing - GORP Includes feature articles, a regional fishing guide, how-to information, and tour information. Fishing - Includes feature articles, a web directory, and a guide to popular fishing locations. World of Fishing Includes classifieds, news, and links to guides and outfitters, resorts, and manufacturers. Field & Stream Magazine for those who enjoy hunting, fishing, and the American outdoors. Fishing A professional Outdoor Writer looks at the how and where of fish - dewey decimal 799.1 ... California Delta Country Fishing Part Two Rigging. Righteous Rigging ... Drop back to eight or ten pound test for shad, ... Delta Fishing Part One of Two ... Features articles on sea, game, and coarse fishing; also has chat, and sections on gear, and fishing holidays. North America Fishing and Hunting Directory of outfitters, charters, tackle stores, personal pages, and more. |
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