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KIDNAP & RANSOM SERVICESDue to the delicate nature of this service, information is kept to a minimum. Most Kidnaps are carried out in order to obtain a ransom or by activists exerting an influence well beyond their conventional military threat. In the majority of cases a resolution is reached by means of negotiation and recoveries are instigated only as a last resort. Statistics show that less than 2% of Kidnap victims are killed and these tragedies occur either at time of abduction or as a result of gun fire during the recovery. Unfortunately,
kidnapping has become a major security issue in several countries outside of
North America. In the last several years, statistics have shown an escalation of
incidents in Italy, the Philippines, Columbia, Pakistan, and Brazil. Obviously,
no one plans on being victimized by this sort of criminal activity. But when it
does occur, the financial fallout can be overwhelming to the families involved.
Consider the following scenario: An executive in a foreign country leaving his
office is suddenly confronted by three men, each with firearms. He is forced
into a vehicle, which quickly flees from the scene. A ransom for his release is
set at $1,000,000. The ransom is paid in full and he is released within 30 days.
Fortunately for his family, this gentlemen had an insurance policy that
specifically covered such an occurrence. As a result, neither he nor his family
suffered any significant financial loss as a result of this criminal act. Without
diluting the importance of (coverage) factors, the primary consideration for any
"Kidnap and Ransom" policy still lies in the expertise that will be
utilized for hostage retrieval. The negotiating team is probably more important
than the policy. The policy should provide for both an experienced negotiator
and the facilities necessary to ensure that the hostage is returned unharmed. Once again it must be stated that every effort is made by the negotiator and his team to resolve the incident without the use of force... a recovery will be carried out once all other avenues are exhausted. For a more in-depth proposal on K&R:
Contact BSI for an In-depth proposal: Bryan: 07944 265302 k&r@bodyguard.freeserve.co.uk
Send mail to bryan@bodyguard.freeserve.co.uk with
questions or comments about this web site.