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Coker Creek Village Adventure & Retreat Center is about...

Team Work

Building Confidence

ˇ Work Together
ˇ Develop Trust
ˇ Learn Leadership
Build Friendships

Participate in a variety of activities designed to help groups work together, bond as a team, ultimately developing faith and trust as well as improving communication and support skills.

ˇ Rock Wall
ˇ Zip Line
ˇ Low Ropes
ˇ Horseback Riding

These are just a few of the popular activities that are available to help increase confidence levels, overcome fears, and improve self esteem.


Action & Adventure

ˇ Whitewater Rafting
ˇ Rapelling
ˇ Cave Exploring
ˇ Mountain Biking
Waterfall Hikes
ˇ Field Trips to Scenic and Historic Locations



3 Day & 5 Day
Packages Available

Learn More!

3 Day (2 Nights & 3 Days)

ˇ Arrive Mon. or Wed. or Fri.
ˇ Leave Wed. or Fri. or Sun.

Choose from:

ˇ High Adventure Retreat
- $155.00 per person
ˇ Relaxed Mountain Retreat
 - $95.00 per person
View Details

5 Day (4 Nights & 5 Days)

ˇ Arrive Monday
Leave Friday

Choose from:

ˇ High Adventure Retreat
- $265.00 - $275.00 per person
ˇ Relaxed Mountain Retreat
 - $175.00 per person
View Details

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