The Wayback Machine -
UNC Center for Functional GI and Motility Disorders

Ways to Give

Individuals have several options to help support the Center:
  • Cash Gifts: Gifts of cash are the most popular way of giving and are tax-deductible.
  • Pledges: Pledges to the Center may be payable over a period of years. A pledge enables you to contribute a larger gift than may be possible in any one tax year.
  • Gifts of Stocks & Securities: Donors contributing stock and securities not only avoid capital gains taxes, but may claim the full current market value as a charitable donation.
  • Matching Gifts: Your employer might have a program whereby your charitable donation will be matched.
  • Naming Opportunities: Major gifts in support of speficic programs, fellowships, equipment or other Center services are available. Such gifts may be made in honor or in memory of someone.
Memorial Research Fund
The Alan Wayne Ducoff Memorial Research Fund provides an opportunity for families and friends to remember or honor their loved ones by making a contribution to the Center's research program.

Make a Contribution to the Center

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Download our printable donation form (PDF)
Fill it out and mail it to us at the address on the form.

You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to be able to see and print the form. If you do not already have Adobe Acrobat Reader on your computer you may download it for free by clicking the button below.

UNC School of Medicine