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Fantasy Sports
Roto Doc will be redesigned and back on the net in 2007.
We hope you will be back to support us.

Why EXtreme Fantasy Sports Leagues is Better

Unlimited FREE Trades, FREE Free Agent Pickups and FREE Transactions. Stop losing to guys who can afford to buy their way to the top. At Extreme Fantasy Sports Leagues, it's one low entry fee with nothing more to buy. May the best fantasy player win, not the one with the deepest pockets.

Real Fantasy League Rules at a Budget Price.
Our competitors allow all owners to choose their favorite superstars at each position and then replace them with a different superstar if the one they chose after their draft is not doing well. Our 180 point/20 player draft makes you choose between the superstars and the non-superstars to fill out your team.

Plaque Leagues Rule!
In addition to the highest payouts given by the fantasy sports leagues, the top 2 teams in each league receive a personalized plaque. Hey, it's hard to finish at the top and you deserve a symbol of that victory. While we at EXFSL realize the money is the primary prize, we also understand it only provides short- term gratification. Years from now, when the prize money is little more than a distant memory, the plaque will continue to make you remember and SMILE. Mission Accomplished!

True Free Agency. Once the season starts, you can only pick up free agent players that are not on any other team in your league. Obviously, most superstars are gone after the draft. While AROD will be on a few teams after the draft (those that choose to use high points to get him), he will not be the shortstop on almost every team in your league. Nor will he be a non-impact player simply because every other team has him. And that leads to this..

We have REAL TRADES between teams. Our competition calls picking up free agents as a "Trade", it's not. At EXFSL once your draft page is submitted and your league is full, all players already on a team in your league are off the free agent list. So do not expect to find the best players on the free agent list. If you did not choose him at the draft, it is likely someone else did. If you want that stud, find the teams that have him, and offer a trade for him.

A Great Website with FREE Real-Time Stats. No 2nd rate site or email notification of the standings here. Our league members get a top of the industry Tqstats website with FREE real-time stats for the entire season. As the real stats are updated every 10 minutes, you can follow the action and know how your team's doing immediately!



Two Great One-Year Fantasy Football Choose From:


  League Type




Entry Fee 1st Team --> $29.99 $100
2nd and Additional Teams --> $24.99 $80

Teams per League -->

28 14

Winning Positions

1st Place = $150* + 1st Place Plaque $600* + 1st Place Plaque
2nd Place = $60* + 2nd Place Plaque $125* + 2nd Place Plaque
3rd - 4th Place = Free Team $100
5th-7th Place = $10 League Credit $25 League Credit
Number of Prizes = 7 Prizes + 2 Plaques 7 Prizes + 2 Plaques
  *Winnings are ½ Cash / ½ Credit. Plaques have $75 Value

In 2005, will only offer Fantasy Football Budget Leagues

Extreme Fantasy Sports Leagues
Where the Big Boys Play!!!



HOW TO START: The EXFSL Baseball Draft Sheet provides a point value to each player. No silly all superstar teams vs. all superstar teams here. You simply compose a team of 20 players. Your 20 (active and reserve) player budget is 180 points. You will have 16 active players each week: 1-catcher; 1-1B; 1-2B; 1-3B; 1-SS; 3-OF; 7-Pitchers; 1-Utility (Offense or Pitching); There will also be a 4 player Inactive Reserve (Offense or Pitching). Once your draft page is submitted, player point values are no longer in use. All players chosen by at least one team in your league will not be available for pickup on the free agent list. Check out the complete Rotisserie Style Fantasy Baseball Rules.

All Extreme Fantasy Sports Leagues are Provided
A Top of the Industry TQstats Website with LIVE FEED.

THE NEXT STEP: Your internet entry must be submitted and paid on the same day. Entries must be submitted by April 5th for player stats to begin on the first day of the season. Entries submitted between April 5th and April 30th, will be put in leagues of 28 and begin the Monday after the league is full. May 1st being the latest entry date. You can pay with a credit card on the Payment Page we share with our sister site, Fantasy Sports R Us. We accept American Express, Mastercard, Visa or Discover credit cards, as well as Paypal.

All EXFSL Trades are Commissioner Reviewed.

WHAT HAPPENS AFTER THAT: In the next few days, you will receive an email telling you what league your team has been put in and your team page password, go to the Leagues Page. Scroll to your Team Name, enter your password and your in. At that point you can have some fun: click ROSTERS to see what players are on all the teams in your league or click FREE AGENTS to see who is still available as free agent pickups (issued last to first as per standings), or click TOYS to see what standings the computer says believes will result at end of year based on the draft (yes, this is a serious website). And when games are on, lets not forget LIVE FEED.

Extreme Fantasy Sports Leagues

Where the Big Boys Play!!!

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