NextStudent Education Finance Solutions for...
College Graduates
Consolidate your college loan debt now and you can save thousands when you lock in at the lowest student loan rates possible.
Graduate Students
Financial aid options, including fellowships and graduate student loans, to help you pay for your post-graduate degree.
College Students
Search for scholarships, learn about financial aid, get a low-interest federal or private student loan and more.
Explore saving plans, look for free money, and apply online for low-cost Parent PLUS and NextStudent Private Student Loans.
High School Students
Find out what you should do now to secure free money and low-cost funding for college.
NextStudent makes college funding simple and quick.
- Free scholarship search engine with over 2.4 million individual awards
- Free one-on-one counseling with a personally assigned Education Finance Advisor
- The best service in the business
- Financial aid top tips - get the most college financing
- Low-cost student loans