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Bird Care

Info about parrot birds, care of birds.

Bird Care

In many ways, birds behave like humans

It may not have occurred to you that we see and hear most of our native Australian birds early in the morning or towards the end of the day. This is the time that birds are most active, searching for and eating food, then talking to each other. Their daily activity is very similar to that of urban man and this explains in part why birds make such good pets.

Living in towns and cities, we have lost the physical contact that our forebears enjoyed with animals. We are no longer perfectly in tune with nature. However, as urban dwellers we still have a strong, somewhat inexplicable, emotional bond to the land and it's animals. It is this fascination with animals that makes pets such an integral part of our urban way of life and for "modern man" there is no more appropriate companion than the pet bird.

Hand reared parrot birds make the best pets

bird careParrots have always made excellent pets because of their affectionate and loving nature. As well, their ability to imitate speech and noises has endeared these birds to man since ancient times. However, the capacity of the parrot bird to become totally domesticated when hand reared is perhaps the most important feature of the modern day pet bird. The current knowledge and techniques for hand rearing birds has revolutionised the pet bird industry, for now the pet shop is able to provide the discerning public with a quality pet bird. The important challenge for pet shops is to transfer their knowledge of pet bird care to their customers.

The care of birds is markedly different from that of other pets

As a bird veterinarian, my mission is to share my knowledge and understanding of birds to pet shops and bird owners.

As you get in the habit of thinking about kinds of things that poison birds, you will automatically avoid the dangers. Remember, things that smell strong to us can often kill birds. Felt tip pens are aromatic and poisonous to birds. Nail polish and remover, paint fumes, cigarette smoke, colored ink and aerosol sprays of all kinds should be avoided. Other pets, such as cats, must be kept safely away.

There are many items to remember and dangers to avoid in keeping your pet birds safe around the house. Prevention, however, is always preferable to emergency medical intervention! Keep the name and number of your trusted avian vet handy just in case.

More info about bird care, please visit Bird Health.

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