-(f)-first class hotel Rated 4 stars.
Located on the upper West side. There are four incredible suites. The first floor Opera Suite has its own terrace. In the center of the room, a Baby Grand piano leads to a couch, side chairs, fireplace and raised platform for dining. The second floor Spa Suite is covered in blues, soft and romantic. Built-in armoires, a lady's desk, a soft easy chair, and fireplace. In another room, an oversized uniquely decorated spa overwhelms: a generous double Jacuzzi, a sauna, bidet, genuine old barberchair, and a wall cabinet artfully filled with Victorian dolls and bric-a-brac complete the scene. Two suites, The Vermont, on the ground floor, with a country house feeling and a private entrance, and The Library Suite, on the third floor, with a fourteen-foot beamed ceiling and sponge- painted guestroom with leaded stained-glass skylight, are captivating.