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Free Popup Blocker Search Toolbar for Internet Explorer
Search Toolbar That Blocks Popups - Courtesy of Search Spot!

Popup blocker software sells for $9.99, $29.99, even $49.99 on the web. The new SeachSpot Search Toolbar
has popup blocker software built-in, and best of all, it's FREE!

You can turn the popup blocking on and off. You can also turn on and off a sound indicator of every time a popup window has been blocked. A count of how many popups that have been blocked is on the very right.

On the left of the toolbar is the SearchSpot search window for quick and easy searching on!

Download it here

The free popup blocker toolbar setup file is only 58K so it will just take a few seconds to download, even if you have a dialup connection. This version works for Internet Explorer v.4 or higher. Sorry, but there is not currently a Netscape compatible version.

After install, you'll need to restart Internet Explorer, then click on View > Toolbars >

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Free Popup Blocker Info:
The free popup blocker software that is built into the SearchSpot toolbar isn't perfect. But it does stop javascript calls for a new window. There are a couple of popup softwares now available that do not use the javascript new window method. These softwares use the layers function of your browser, and if they were blocked by any software such as the SearchSpot free popup blocker, the functionality of your browser would be seriously impaired.

Free popup blocker software for the SearchSpot toolbar comes with a audible warning effect so that you can know exactly when a popup window has been blocked. Why? So that if you are using a site that utilizes the javascript new window function for its navigation, you will be able to disable the popup blocker function while navigating that particular site.

Hopefully this leads to a more browser-friendly popup blocker!

And rest assured - the free popup blocker toobar from SearchSpot has absolutely no other purpose than to serve you. There is no adware, spyware, or scumware built into the free popup blocker toolbar, like so many other free downloadable toolbars you find on the Internet. The SearchSpot free popup blocker toolbar has no purpose other than to help you with blocking popups, and make it easier to search with right from the search window in the toolbar. Guaranteed.


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update 13/2/06
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