When you are moving, decide what to move and what not to move. You can get rid of your old things by holding a garage sale, which can help save on moving costs. Make a numbered list of your boxed goods (ex: 1-20 for kitchen, 21-26 for living room). Notify the post office of your new address so any mail you receive can be forwarded. Also remember to notify your banks so you can transfer funds, close accounts and give your new mailing address. Make arrangements for any refunds on deposits that you are expecting. Close your service company accounts including water, gas, electricity, fuel, telephone, cable TV, newspapers, etc. Ask doctors and dentists for referrals and arrange to transfer medical records, prescriptions, and birth records. Notify your children?s schools? main offices and arrange a transfer of records. Also any organizations that you may belong to may need a membership transfer. Obtain your pets? medical records from the veterinarian. Find out ahead of time about transferring you licenses and records for a smooth transition. Plan your travel itinerary, make any motel reservations that are necessary and leave a copy with a friend.
Relocation Guide For
- Records
- Hospitals & Health Department
- Utilities & Services
- Post Office Locations
- City Offices
- Library Locations
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